10- doppio hates tiziano. so does y/n.

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im going to kill everyone here if one more person touches me.

 im being passed around like some sort of toy, my body lazily handed from stranger to stranger as if i had no value. i had found that the man that picked me up was named cioccolata, someone i was sure i could get along with when it came down to 'hobbies'. he handed me off to another man, one with dark skin and long, white hair. his eyes were kind, showing off a beautiful color that i envy. the man seemed to also have partner equally as attractive, one with short orange hair and fair skin. he looked rather unhappy at the white haired man for carrying me, though i could do nothing but smile happily at him, when in reality i want to shred them open.

"tiziano, could you please carry (y/n) to my office? they have an injured foot." doppio requested, hauling my two duffel bags over his shoulder as if they were nothing.

"oh? how did that happen?" tiziano, the man with white hair, asked me.

god- what was my excuse again? what did i tell doppio? i swore i said i slipped on some oil or something.... no, that doesnt sound right. come on, (y/n), think! "u-uhm.."

"it doesnt matter." 

i turned to doppio, surprised he had defended me so quickly and without waiting for my answer. he earned, like, one brownie point for that. tiziano nodded, looking back down to me. "wait- do you happen to work in a bakery?"

doppio made clear signs of distress, hurrying over to me and tiziano while making a 'cut it out' motion along his neck. i ignored him. "yes, why?"

"oh! then you must be the cute baker we hear about from doppio all the time!"

im sorry, what? "uh-uhm, pardon?"

doppio glared at tiziano, stomping over to him and making a zipper motion along his lips, throwing away an invisible key. tiziano clearly didnt get the message, continuing to walk into the large manor with me in his arms. "yeah, you're all doppio ever talks about! some days, im sure he just goes to your bakery just to see you."

heat crawled up my cheeks, inching all the way up to my forehead and coating my face and a thin tone of red. i turned to doppio, too drugged with shock to even come up with an internal snarky comment. "is that true, doppio?"

he didnt look in my direction, staring down at the ground beneath him with a heavy blush while speeding forward into the house. i had to say i was honestly struck with surprise, frozen in confusion while tiziano only laughed loudly, "doppio, dont run away! answer the poor thing!"

"screw you, tiziano! that was a low blow!" doppio shouted, his voice barely reaching behind him and to our ears.

"he knows its true." tiziano sighed, stepping into the manor after him. "he gets so excited in the mornings knowing he's gonna go see you, smiling like an idiot as he organizes his suitcase and giggling like a schoolgirl when he leaves the house. hey- dont tell him im telling you any of this, 'kay?"

i could barely speak, shock clogging my throat and leaving me to only nod. "cool, glad you understand that he would kill me if he found out. but yeah, visiting your bakery is the highlight of his day. speaking of which, ive never been there. can you make us something sweet to eat later? i wanna see what all the hype is about."

if im making you something, it'll be full of rat poison. "sure thing! what do you have in mind?"

"hm, whatever you normally make doppio, i guess."

i normally make him something that'll kill him, but  if thats what you want... "he never gets the same thing, so im not sure what you'll like.."

tiziano turned the corner on the edge of a hallway, walking happily to the edge of the corridor with my body clung to his own. he reeked of expensive cologne, suffocating me as my head was forced to lay against his chest. "well then, just make me whatever you think doppio would like the most. im sure it would be easier to cook when you imagine youre cooking for your lover, eh~?"

How to Hide a Body (doppio x killer!gn!reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon