11- cioccolata finds that y/n is morte. not good.

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ok campers, i heard someone told cioccolata that y/n was morte.

not cool, dudes.


"so, what would you like for dinner?"

"im fine with whatever, but since tiziano would like me to make him something, i may have to go out and get some stuff for him." i smiled, almost sighing with relief as he backed away.

it was strange, you know. doppio was so infuriatingly close that i was sure i would punch him any moment, yet, at the same time, my chest tightened at the thought. maybe my body is trying to tell me it would be better to kick him instead.

"ah, what would you need? i can go out and get you your ingredients so you can rest your foot."

bold of you to assume i wont break the other one, too. "oh! youre too nice, doppio! i just need the basics for..."

i need him to get ingredients for food that will take forever to find on his own, that way i can buy myself time and look for my disguise. "squid ink pasta! oh, and shrimp scampi! do you like those? would you like something different?"

"no, those sound delicious! ill eat anything you make, anyway.."

what kind of obsessive, submissive- "great! it might take you a while to find the ingredients, though. i wish you luck, my friend!"

doppio laughed, grabbing his iconic yet absolutely ugly suitcase and walking to the door as if i wouldnt stare at his nice ass- i mean, clown-ass. he opened the door, turning around to flash me a quick smile before leaving the room, leaving me by myself to panic. 'do you at least have any idea where your mask might be at, master?'

"shut your parasite lookin' ass up." i snapped, feeling my stand curl into a ball along the nape of my neck and cause me to squeak. "i may not be recognized as morte if im not in full costume, so bucciarati and his gang may try to attack me if i make myself known."


"i may have to improvise with a different mask, or buy a new one for now. i cant be slacking when redemption is just around the corner!"

'master, please lower your voice-!'

"im so, so close to just killing him! im closer than i have ever been to ending his insufferable life!"

'master, stop! someone is outside the door, listening to you!'

oh no. oh no. oh no, no, no! I cant begin to panic, not now! no, ive never been found out, and it was only because of my own boldness that i would be discovered now! i can only hope i can play this off.. though, this begs the question, how was [Mr.Fear] able to sense someone at the door? 

"knock, knock~! (y/n), are you in there?" cioccolata asked, his voice muffled by the thickness of the door.  

i cant say that im not in here, since its obvious he already heard my dumbass admit im a serial killer. "yes, i am! you can come in!"

the door, the one i wish i could bolt shut right at this moment, swung open to reveal a rather smug and excited cioccolata, a twisted smile on his face. "(y/n), my friend! how are you!"

oh yeah, he definitely heard me. "ah, im just fine. how are you, cioccolata?"

he closed the door behind him, skipping over to where i sat and bending down by the hips so he was level with me. "why, im splendid, my dear! today is just such an exciting day for me, dont you know~!"

im sure it is, you rat. "may i assume why that is?"

"go ahead!" he laughed. "the floor is yours!"

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