6- a simple misunderstanding

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what? a severed hand? i thought i got rid of my evidence before anyone came in! "u-uhm.." 

i have to think fast, because not only will he find me suspicious, he may connect me to morte noscosta! i could say.. its a decoration for a cake? no-! cake decorations wouldnt be on the ground, and in the shape of a dismembered hand! maybe.. a Halloween prop? but Halloween isnt even near here, and on top of that, the rest of my store isnt decorated! i only have one option that could work, and right now, i thinks its the only option. "morte!" i randomly blurted, my anxiety preventing me from speaking any further.

doppio tilted his head. "morte?" he repeated, almost mockingly.

i began sweating bullets as i fabricated a lie from thin air, my stuttering occasionally making my explanation harder to understand"y-yeah! uhm... morte needed a place to hide their bodies, and my bakery was closest to them, but when i came in to check up on everything, i found them-"

 i pushed myself to cry, thanking the acting classes i took in high school for teaching me how to cry on command. "i found them throwing the corpses of innocent men and women into my kitchen! i tried to tell them to leave, bu-but they just threatened me!"

doppio seemed to have dropped his guard, giving me a sorry look as he leaned forward to lay a hand on my shoulder over the counter. "calm down, (y/n). tell me what happened.."

i nodded, fighting back a grin of satisfaction from him falling for my act. "well, wh-when i asked morte to leave, they jus-just pulled a knife on me and said that if i t-t-tell anyone, then i'd die too!"

i abruptly leaned over the counter, hugging doppio close. "i dont want to die, doppio! i just want to live peacefully!" i sobbed, pushing my face into the crook of his neck.

he seemed taken aback by my actions, his hand fumbling to return the hug. now, one would assume i did this to make sure he believed me, which is partly true, though i actually did this so i could hide the sadistic smile that crawled up my face. "i.. i had no idea. im sorry this is happening to you, (y/n)." i heard him murmur, holding me against him.

 i tightened my grip, whimpering slightly. "im-im quite alright, doppio.. im just so scared, what if they end up killing me anyway! what if morte breaks their promise! i do-dont want to die! i dont want to die alone!"

"you'll be ok, i promise.." he reassured me, pulling away from my body to look at my red face. it was a lucky thing i was able to wipe away my smile so soon, because im not sure how i would've lied out of that one. "you know, im actually in contact with morte. ill try to find a way to make sure they dont lay a hand on you, ok (y/n)?"

i nodded, sniffling as i wiped my nose with my sleeve. "th-thank you doppio.. i truly am grateful.."

"its no problem," he sighed, smiling warmly at me. "after all, where would i get my tasty treats if my favorite little baker was dead?"

i chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "i dont know how badly you'd want a sweet from here when a killer is hiding corpses in my kitchen... i still keep it fresh and clean, but i just think-"

"(y/n), its all ok. lets just go and clean up your kitchen. ill help you, alright?"

his words made my heart stop.

"th-thats not necessary! though, im thankful for the offer.." i quickly stammered, fearful that he may find the outfit ive hidden. 

he shook his head, walking behind the counter uninvited. "no, i insist. morte shouldnt have threatened a sweet, innocent baker like yourself."

How to Hide a Body (doppio x killer!gn!reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara