Chapter Thirteen

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Alice POV

A few days later.

"Right lets see how your face and eye is healing up!" the doctor said, my nose stung from the way she smelt, she smelt of disinfectant but also a hint of death. Someone must have died near her at some point which made me sad. Had my sense of smell heightened that much that I could now smell death? I was laid on Alistair's bed where I hadn't really moved since the incident with Rosie, the only time I had moved was to basically go into the woods to do my business. Wasn't like I could use the bathroom... 

As the doctor unwrapped the bandages I could feel her hands were shaking, she was still afraid of me, just like most of the pack was. This saddened me and I wasn't sure what I could do to help encourage her that I wouldn't hurt her. I was afraid of myself as it was, I didn't want others to be afraid of me too. 

"She won't hurt you as long as you're not hostile," Alistair muttered clearly irritated by the doctors actions. My ears twitched slightly at his words but they comforted me. I was glad one person wasn't afraid of me. 

The doctor let out a small sigh before responding, "Sorry Alpha." As the doctor got to the last bit of bandage she had to pull it off the wound which caused me to let out a sharp whine and I flinched away from her causing the bandage to tear off my face. I could feel the scabbing where the wound would have been healing rip and warm liquid started to soak my fur and drip down into my neck. Light pierced through into my right eye which burned and I shut it tightly closed, my left eye was still left in darkness. Did this mean I was definitely going to be blind in that eye? Alistair jolted to my side and I felt his hand run up my side through my fur, the tingles running up into my spine soothed me and took some of the pain away from me which helped me to relax. I laid back down on the bed panting heavily whilst letting out small whines. 

"What the hell did you do!" Alistair snapped.

"Nothing, I was just taking off the bandage," The doctor protested, "She was healing, but part of her wound has just ripped open, I can help her." She quickly told the Alpha. I felt a draft where my wound was, which meant my teeth were exposed. She was going to have to restitch my mouth and I was going to have to wear my bandage on my face for even longer. I let out a small whimper and Alistair rubbed his hand up through into my ears trying to soothe me. Thea purred in my head in approval of his touch. 

I held Thea bear and Ali bear tightly between my legs as the needle and thread was tugged between my flesh and I felt my skin slowly pulled back together. At each whine and whimper I heard Alistair let out a low growl which made the doctor flinch, I could sense she was anxious and wanted to just leave. Why was Alistair being so mean to her? She was helping me wasn't she Using? Using my one good eye i caught a peek at Alistair, he held a scowl on his face but he held concern in his eyes. His hair had grown and he now also had facial hair which made it look like he hadn't showered in days. Had he become a caveman like I had? 

"I'm sorry Luna, I need to put the bandage on your face again," the doctor told me. I let out a long whine in protest and hung my head. 

"It's alright Alice, the bandage will protect it and you'll heal quicker," Alistair assured me. I let out another whine before lifting my head to let the doctor wrap a bandage around my head. I let out a sigh as the light was once again blocked from existence and I lived in darkness. The same darkness I was made from. 


Alistair had to go do some Alpha business straight after the doctor left so I was left on my own in his room. I was to howl if I needed anything, not that I ever did. I sulked on the soft bed sheets on the bed with my head hanging off the edge and just thought about the days in the woods. About how they were simpler. I had no responsibilities and it was just me and Thea. Plus there was no darkness.

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