Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Alice POV

Drastic measures? What drastic measures would the other werewolves go too?

I couldn't sleep that night, my thoughts kept me awake. Thea wouldn't shut up grumbling about being tired and how we should rest but something didn't feel right. I flicked my eyes across to see Candide fast asleep in his king sized bed, his sheets tightly secured around his body and his body looking as still as a dead body. It was disturbing to be honest. A shudder swept through my body and I quickly averted my eyes away towards the bedroom door. Would it be easy enough to escape right now? Could I rescue my uncle? I was never chained down or locked up, but I could smell the two Vampires standing guard outside of the room. 

Do it Thea's growls echoed through my mind. Kill him!  

My eyes flicked Candide laying there motionless on the bed before I looked to the window and the door again. If anything I needed to be quiet. Silent as shadows. Killing Candide could cause him to cry out and bring attention to my escape making it harder for me. Going through the door, the guards would spot me. I guess my only option is the window.

I took one more glance at Candide before I stealthily crept along the floor towards the large arched window. I could feel my heart beating insanely fast from the adrenaline rising in my body. Was I really doing this?

Gently resting my paw on the handle I pulled it down and it gave off a small click as it opened. I froze at the small noise and glared at Candide seeing if he awoke. No movement. Thea stayed silent but I could feel her watching through my eyes in the anticipation of escape. The window made no noise as I pushed it open which gave me some relief but I had now another obstacle. Getting down to the ground.

We were on the third floor and it was fairly high being in a castle and all.

Just jump Thea hissed.

Wait what!?


Before I could stop her, Thea took slight control and pushed me off the window ledge before giving me back control. Panic arose through my body as I fell down to the ground, I kept my eyes shut knowing I was falling to my death.

Open your eyes you pussy Thea laughed at me.

Opening my eyes I realised I was actually perfectly landed on the ground.  Claws were slightly dug into the soil, and legs slightly bent but yes, I was on the ground! And I wasn't dead! How?

"So you got out then?" A familiar voice interrupted my thoughts. His voice sounded weaker and when I looked at him, he had a bruise decorating the right side of his face. It was Alaric. "I told him fear made people do crazy things." He shrugged. I just stood there frozen. Was he going to turn me in? He hadn't raised the alarm yet?

He would be an easy kill Thea shrugged. She wasn't wrong. I narrowed my eyes at him and tensed my body ready to pounce.

"Wait!" He whisper shouted and held his hands out. "I'm here to help you! I've already got Luke out, he's meeting us in the woods at the bottom of the mountain!" He began to cower down when he realised I edged forward and ran my tongue along my canines. I didn't believe him about Luke. Why would he help us? He's a vampire after all.

"You have to believe me! I've brought you clothes to shift into, no Vampires know what you look like except Candide! It'll be easy to get you out," he continued as he threw a set of clothes at my feet. I stopped in my tracks and looked to the clothes, was he really telling the truth? Had he broke Uncle Luke out?

"I assure you, your Uncle is meeting us, we've been planning this for a while," he went on. I met his eyes, and there was so much sorrow and pain in his eyes. What had he endured to gain Lukes trust?

What do you think Thea? I asked her, unsure on what to do.

Think we should trust him, he's weak so it would be easy to tear out his throat if he's lying She shrugged.

I looked to the clothes before looking back at him. I didnt need the clothes, I recalled what Uncle Luke said as I should still have the shorts and vest on my body from my last shift. I could see a hoodie in the pile though and I wouldn't mind that, so I grabbed it and pulled it towards me.

I could see he felt a little relieved with the fact that I had changed my mind. I tried to remember what Luke had said about how to shift, it had been so long since shifting, a year ago to be precise and even then I had only done it like two or three times. It was going to take alot of concentration to get this right.

Clenching my eyes shut, I focused on my body, I imagined my long blonde hair that I had seen in the creek in that dream. My piercing blue eyes, and my slim frame. I imagined the clothes I was wearing the day Candide threw them at me and my dirty bare feet.

It was working! After a few hardy minutes, pain erupted through my body, burning like nothing I had felt before stretched through every nerve through my body and I wanted howl out but I bit down on my tongue. No one could hear me!

Bones began to crack, and muscles began to stretch and wind themselves in different ways around my joints until I laid there on the ground shivering in my human form.

"Well hello there Alice," Alaric smiled at me.

"Hel... Hello," I stuttered back.

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