Chapter Five

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Alice POV

I awoke to find the sun shining through the branch that hid the entrance to my den. Alistair was no longer laid against me, but his scent surrounded my den. I breathed in a deep breath letting it fill my senses. It was so intoxicating. I gave teddy Thea a nuzzle before exiting the den, the bright sun hit my eyes causing me to squint. The dew that normally laid on the ground in the morning had already dried up off the grass and leaves. I never normally slept in this much in the morning. To be honest I couldn't believe how well I had slept, I felt happy and refreshed but I couldn't help but wonder where Alistair had gone too. I had such mixed feelings about if I wanted him around but after last night's sleep with having no nightmares. I want to sleep next to him every night. 

I miss mate.

Did I miss him too? Is that what this feeling was? I stretched out my legs and shook out my fur trying to smell what direction he had gone. That's when I saw a pile of flowers neatly laid out in the small clearing on the way to the creek. From the way his scent changed he had shifted into his wolf and it was starting to fade. He was gone. Had he gone back to his pack?

Mate will come back for us.

Will he though? I am a freak after all he might be ashamed to bring me back. I pinned my ears back and just stared at the flowers he had left. Another memory swarmed my mind of my dad coming through the door with a big bunch of flowers for my mum. She would look so happy and run into his arms giving him a big sloppy kiss that always made me giggle and pretend to gag because I thought it was gross. Is this something that mates do for each other? I don't know what it means to be a mate to someone.

You will learn.

Will I though? I need to shift to be a true mate, to make Alistair truly happy like my mum and dad was. My thoughts must have hurt my wolf because she disappeared into the back of my mind. I headed down to the creek like I did every morning and laid down next to the water. It was times like this that I wished I could talk to my mum or dad.

Alistair's POV

My back ached as I awoke to find my self on the cold hard floor of my mates' cave. She had rolled over and was now facing me; her nose was nudged up into my shoulder and was breathing in my scent. I wonder what I smelt like to her, was I just as intoxicating. I let out a deep sigh and sat up, I needed to get back to my pack, they would be wondering what had become of me. I was to far away to connect to them through the mind link and it wouldn't normally take this long to deal with a rogue. I didn't want to wake her though, she looked peaceful and cute cuddling her bear. I wonder why she was so protective of it; it was very tatty. It basically had no stuffing left and was very dirty. I decided I would bring her a new one and would even offer to fix that one if she trusted me enough, she had growled at me to not go near it last night so that might be difficult. I looked around the cave again looking at the markings remembering that she had been a wolf for ten whole years, it made me wonder how old she was. She had said no to being twenty-six. So how old was she? It had been known for people to shift late so she could be older I guess. I decided against taking her back to the pack. There was a lot of superstitious members that would be very sceptical since being a black wolf. She didn't seem dangerous so far though.

I took in a deep breath of her scent that lingered in the air, the raspberry and pomegranate filled my senses and made me feel warm and fuzzy. It smelled truly amazing, I would never be able to get enough of it. Heading out of the cave I decided I would do something nice for her, I found a patch of flowers nearby, I think they were lilies I wasn't sure, I carefully plucked them anyway and laid them neatly in the clearing near the cave. I wasn't the romantic type, but I wanted to try for her. After I was satisfied with how they looked I shifted into my wolf, tied my shorts to my ankle and headed home.

The Black WolfTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon