Chapter Four

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Alice POV

He was there. About five tail lengths away from me. Was he here to kill me? He was just staring at me, does that mean he was here to kill me? His scent had woken me from my nightmare, the same nightmare I had every night. Although this time, the vampire had a different face, it took on the face of Mason. I wonder what that meant? It was probably because he was the one to chase me through the trees.

The scent of honey and chocolate surrounded me and evaded my senses, I could no longer smell anything else. The smell was that intoxicating it made me dizzy. Thea was basically drooling over him in my mind, he was just sat there in his wolf form. His fur was a light brown colour and he had white paws that looked like they had been formed by snow. His wolf was beautiful. I pulled my bear to me so that it sat in between my paws, of all things I needed to protect it wasn't myself. It was teddy Thea. I didn't know if he would attack me, he wasn't showing any hostility, but he could be tricking me. His deep amber eyes burned into me and I couldn't bring myself to look away or make a run for it. I wanted to stay.

Go to him. Thea said.

I couldn't bring myself too. I laid back down and cuddled my head into my bear to hide my face. I wanted to try and show him that I was no threat. I did peak up to see what he was doing, and he just look confused. His head was tilted which made his ears flop. He looked kind of cute, like a little lost puppy. He crouched down and edged towards me which made me tense. What was he doing? He moved about a half a tail length before stopping and flattening himself to the ground. I hid my face into my bear but perked my ears to listen out for anymore movements. The only thing I could hear was the wind, and the rustle of his fur as it swept through the trees. Each time the wind blew his scent got stronger which filled me with warmth and comfort, Thea inside me purred and wanted to take control once again. She had never tried to take control since the day of the vampire attack. My ears twitched as the sound of leaves crunched but I believed it was just a mouse in the undergrowth of the trees in the distance it was hard to tell since my senses were overwhelmed from my mates' scent. Without any warning he let out a small whine which made me perk my head back up. He stood back up and shook out his shaggy fur and padded behind some trees. After a few seconds he emerged as his human self who I saw only a few hours ago. He was only wearing a pair of simple black shorts, if I could giggle and blush, I would have done because to me he was basically naked. The best I could do was hide behind my bear and use my paws to cover my eyes too. I think he realised what I was doing because he chuckled at me.

"Here, here's a shirt, shift," he said bluntly at me. I looked at the shirt that he threw down at the floor. It was a large shirt that looked rather big. I don't remember the last time I wore clothes. I sat up pulling teddy Thea underneath me.

We can't shift Alice.

Thea couldn't tell me why we couldn't shift. Just that something was there stopping us from doing it. I shook my head at him hiding my face in my bear.

"What do you mean no? I said shift!" The power coming from his voice, and the way he spoke. There was no question, he had just tried to use his Alpha tone. No wolf can disobey an alpha command. I had Alpha blood coursing through my blood though, this had no effect on me. I sat up pulling Thea bear beneath me and shook my head more profusely trying to get the message across to him.

He won't understand with us just shaking his head.

Alistair looked confused as I just sat up to look at him. I pulled Thea bear beneath me and narrowed my eyes. I was angry and annoyed; I know I had no pack and a lone wolf but I was still an Alpha wolf. My uncle Luke had told me so.

"You're an Alpha?" he gasped. "Will you just please shift?" He continue to plead. I just turned my head away from him. How can I tell him I can't shift?

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