Chapter Seven

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Alice POV

*A girl stared at me through what I thought to be a window, she was smiling and looked so happy. She had beautiful long white hair that reached down to her waist. Her piercing purple eyes were full of happiness. She was wearing a simple white dress that reached down to her knees but wore no shoes. Her feet were dirty, but she didn't seem to notice. The girl looked somewhat familiar, but I couldn't work out where I had seen her before. The image shimmered and a reflection of my black wolf appeared at her feet. The girl crouched down reaching towards the reflection of my wolf and as the girl touched it, they morphed into one. The girl completely disappeared.  What did that mean? *

That's when I woke up. My eyelids blinked heavily as I lifted my head off the rocky floor. I shook my head making my ears flop to the sides. What was that dream about? Who was the girl? When I thought about it the girl looked similar to how my hair and eyes looked when I was younger, especially my eyes. It's not like everyone walks around with purple eyes, my uncle always told me I was special. The white hair was just something that ran in the family, my mum had white hair. It made her look beautiful. 

Mate is still here. Thea piped up.

I looked down to where he had been laid next to me, and sure enough he was still there. I laid back down and took in a deep breath letting my nose fill of the honey and chocolate. My bears were still under me which made me feel content, it made me happy that he had bought me a gift. I needed to get him one, but what could I give him? It was weird watching him sleep, I could see the rise and fall of his chest, in the ten years I had lived in this den, I never shared it with anyone. 

"You know its rude to stare?" I heard him mutter, but he laughed as he pushed himself off the ground. I jumped up startled not expecting him to be awake. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you." He twisted his body stretching it out and his back made a cracking sound that made me cringe, was that normal? I nuzzled back into my bears which made Alistair chuckle and we sat in silence for a few minutes before Alistair started speaking again.

"So, I know obviously meeting the pack would be out of the question right now, but how about just one member?" he asked softly, the idea of meeting more werewolves was a very scary concept. I wasn't sure, and it scared me who he would bring too. "It would be Alex that I would bring; he was there that day in the woods when Mason chased you." This meant  he was was serious and really did want me to join the pack. I hid my face behind my tail while I thought about it. I did feel quite eager to meet Alex, after that nightmare I was curious why my mind thought he would protect me when I didn't know him. Then again, it was just a nightmare. It thought Alistair would just stand there and watch while I got attacked.

Alistair didn't say anything else while he just started rummaged through his bag and it sounded like he pulled something out. Curiosity got the better of me and I had to see what it was. I couldn't believe it. It was chocolate! It had been ten years since I had any chocolate. I moved my tail and slowly lifted my head showing interest. I don't think he noticed me because as he bit a piece off, I shuffled over and was the closest I had ever been and started nudging his hand. The sparks zapped through my nose which made my whole-body shudder.

"You want a piece?" he chuckled at me. "Isn't it erm poisonous though to dogs." I let out a growl at being a called a dog, how dare he. "Sorry I know you're not a dog, but you're still part of the canine family! Especially in your wolf form!" He held up his hands, the chocolate bar in one of them and I reached up for it my paws landing down on his chest in the process which pushed him over. The electricity was coursing through my entire body, the sensations I felt made sparks fly, it felt truly amazing. I wanted him to stay forever. Going back to the chocolate though surely a little bit of chocolate wouldn't hurt. "Fine you can have one square! Just as long as you get off, sorry to say but you're heavy for a wolf!"

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