Chapter Thirty Three

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Alice POV

I just stood there awkwardly rubbing my arm feeling everyone's gaze on me. 

"Mate?" Luke asked me. "You have another mate?"

"Thats what my wolf is telling me," I mumbled as I picked at my fingernails. 

"Second chance mates, how rare, you really are a one of the kind," Luke chuckles. 

"What do you mean?" Alex questioned as he stepped back towards me. I took a step back away, unsure on this whole situation. Thea whined through my head while Alex looked hurt from my actions.

"She's a female black wolf, vampires haven't got a single record of a female black wolf, black wolves don't have mates either, Endymions curse I guess," I shuffled awkwardly as he told everyone. I had explained everything to him last night as we made our way here. It made me feel closer to him. "Thea is one lucky wolf."

"Thea and Theos, how poetic," Mason sniggered. Theos? Whose Theos? Is Theos, Alex's wolf?

"Theos and Thea means God and Goddess," Alaric spoke up. 

"Thea means Goddess?" I was quite stunned at that, how had I never known that? Everyone just stared at Alarics comments about our wolves names. I mean what do you do with that kind of information?

We should be worhsipped! Have shrines made in our names! Thea puffed out. 

Shut up.

"Are the vampires following you?" Alex asked Luke. 

"Probably, but I'm now starting to think there is something to this. There must be a reason for your wolves being connected this way, and for their names to be what they are?" Luke pondered. "Alice you must stay here, me and Alaric need to go and research some lore and History on black wolves. I'll be back I promise."

"Please don't make promises you can't keep. Mum and dad made promises that I would be safe," I whined. "They lie...lied." 

"I got you out remember," he sighed as he pulled me into a hug. I felt like a nine year old again. Before my birthday. Before the vampire attacks. All them days me and my uncle used to spend together when he didn't have Alpha duties. They used to be so fun, we would spend hours together playing on my trampoline or have him throwing me up through the air. He even spent hours with me building lego models. 

"Please come back this time," I choked out holding back tears. I finally had family, and now he was leaving me again/ 

"You make me proud, you'd have made a strong Alpha ya know," he grinned at me. A look of confusion was spread across Alex's and Mason's face at my uncles statement of me being an Alpha. It was unusual for a female to be Alpha after all. 

"She will make an incredible Luna," Alex spoke up. I felt Thea fill up with pride at that thought.

"We need to get back," Mason whispered to Alex, no point in whispering when werewolf hearing existed. 

"Right I'm off, I'll be sure to be back as soon as I can," Luke promised. 

"Please do," I told him. 

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Luke grinned before the cracking of bones filled the clearing. I could see the fear in the warriors and I couldn't help but snigger. I grinned at Luke's black wolf as Alaric climbed onto his back. Alaric nodded his head before they dashed off into the forest.

I turned round to face the familiar pack that betrayed me to the vampires. Well Alistair did. Mason attacked me and the rest of the pack feared me. Alex was the only one who was sort of friendly. 

And now he's our mate! Maybe it was destiny. Thea purred. 

"Right were going to shift, we would prefer if you didn't. You're going to ride on my back," I could see Alex breath heavily at his words which confused me. Thea got excited though. Was it the riding part? 


"We can only hope that the rest of the pack won't remember who you are, they only saw you in wolf form so we should be okay and these two pack members are sworn to secrecy. They can't disobey a direct order," Mason continued. "Especially when the Luna is involved." He grinned at me. "I guess you really was meant to be our Luna. Anyway lets get back! Its lunchtime, I'm starving!"

"More like, you wanna get back to Suzie," Alex scoffed as he nodded his head to his warriors. They dashed off into the thick of the woods, I looked to Alex to see if he would tell me where they had gone but he stayed silent.

"Suzie?" I questioned. I don't remember their being a Suzie the last time I was here. I knew I shouldn't get to comfortable thought after what happened with my last mate. 

"My mate," Mason purred before his bones began to crack. Mason had a mate now?  He shifted into his simple grey wolf and he shook out his fur. Flash backs of his wolf chasing me through the woods raced through my mind and let out a small growl at him. He showed me a wolfy grin, knowing what I was seeing. 

"He's changed, Suzie has softened him, he's like a soft puppy now," Alex laughed, Mason snapped warningly but Alex just grinned un-phased as he bent down shifting into his own wolf. I don't remember actually ever seeing Alex's wolf. So after a few seconds of seeing his bones cracking and body shifting I looked in awe of his over sized brown wolf towering over me. He was much larger than a normal sized werewolf. One that you would have usually assumed was an Alpha. His fur wasn't just plain brown though, there was speckled white flecks that ran down his spine and spread through into his tail but that wasn't what caught me attention the most. 

On his chest, perfectly in the centre was a star with 5 perfect points. The same star that was on my chest, the star that I thought was only on my family wolves. Thea stayed quiet for the first time since seeing Alex and we both looked in awe, how was this even possible? His amber eyes met mine and I could see that Theos was now in control. He took a step towards me and pushed his snout into the side of my face, sparks erupted through my body which sent shivers down my spine. Goosebumps rose through my skin as my nerves and hairs stood on end, I felt sparks with Alistair but I don't remember it feeling so intense. 

I reached across towards the star and traced my finger around the points, the sensations I felt had me breathing heavy and I could hear Alex's or Theos's breathing becoming erratic too, almost like he was about to go into an asthmatic attack. 

"Do you feel it too?" I whispered out. 

A soft growl made me jump when I remember Mason was stood behind me. I felt blood rush to my cheeks from embarrassment and Mason gave off another wolfy grin. Alex crouched down for me to climb up and we headed towards the pack. 

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