Chapter Twenty-Six

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Alice POV

I'm not sure how long I slept but it felt like an age. Although the stone floor was hard and cold, I was still able to sleep like a rock. Maybe its because I used to sleep in a cave, I don't know. It was the slam of my cell door opening that jolted me awake.

I didn't see who grabbed me but rough hands had a hold of my arms and dragged me out of my cell and down towards the door of the cells. This time we went through a different door which lead to a wide open courtyard in front of a large stone castle. It was night time as usual and the only light we had was the moon shining down on us and the torches that was hung every few metres along the large stone wall that protected the castle. Did I go back in time to the stone age?

The castle towards the back of the courtyard was built up high, there was two towers at either side with banners hung at either side of the huge heavy wooden door. There were huge arched windows on each floor that had had stained glass pictures that i couldnt work out, it made me so confused at what era we were in. When I turned 10 it was 2010, pretty sure it should be 2020 right now.

I was dragged out of my thoughts as I was thrown down into the center of the courtyard along with my uncle at the side of me. I furrowed my brow in confusion and looked to who had grabbed hold of me. It was a vampire who I hadn't seen before. He looked different to the others. His lips were painted black and he looked tense. his hood was thrown back and he had a shaven head.

"Candide will be here shortly," he hissed at us both. "For now, Shift." He commanded as he pulled out two collars. I heard the cracking of bones next to me and I saw Luke was shifting without any hesitation. I gritted my teeth and began to imagine my own wolf.

A few moments later and with the cracking of bones, I stood there as my newly formed wolf. It didn't hurt as bad this time and I didn't fall to the ground. My eyes averted to the vampire with the collars which he quickly wrapped around our necks. I sneered at him and bared my teeth but he didn't seem phased. He just laughed at me and tugged on my collar as he tightened it which made me wince.

Thea growled out angrily which made him fall backwards, I saw Luke flinch too and I could feel a powerful aura release from my body. I clenched my jaw and moved to brush my fur against my Uncle. Suddenly I was yanked backwards as a lead was clicked on to the collar and pulled down to the ground.

"Clearly you didn't teach her any manners," Candide growled as he walked up from behind us. Luke cowered down to the ground which angered both me and Thea. I huffed out as I stood back up and shook out my fur. "Are you going to behave today little wolf? It would be a shame to ruin such a fine specimen." I looked to Luke in confusion before looking back to Candide. Luke avoided looking at me and Thea growled out in annoyance.

"Sir, she shifted straight away today," the bald vampire spoke up as he walked around from the side of me. He held the lead that was attached to my collar out towards Candide which made him smile. I narrowed my eyes at the bald vampire before turning to look at Candide.

"Ahh good, you are learning then my little wolf, perhaps you will fair better than your uncle here," he grinned at me. I knew if I showed any disobedience I would be punished. If i wanted them to think I was on their side I was going to have to start listening. I flicked my gaze to Luke and then back to Candide. "Perhaps if you begin to show some manners you can share my chambers." Candide chuckled. Luke suddenly shot up growling at Candide but fell to the floor whimpering. A spiked whip came down onto his back tearing down through into his flesh. Blood sprayed out and splattered the ground as he howled out in pain. I let out a small whine and laid down on the floor. Thea whined too as we saw our uncle whimpering on the floor.

Seth was stood behind us holding the spiked whip with a huge grin on his face. He showed off his fangs that were tainted with red which meant he had recently fed. I turned my gaze back to Candide and flicked my ears back against my head. He began to walk over to me and his hand ran over my head and down through in my neck.

Thea growled in disgust but I swallowed it down and just glared at Candide. His touch made my skin crawl and it made me feel sick.

"Youve done well these past two days my little wolf," he purred at me, he had admiration in his eyes which made me cringe, "I don't like to hurt you. Your next test is to use your darkness. My mutt will again teach you." His hand then ran down to under my chin and he lifted my head and he pulled me up so it was even with his own which made me stand up. " Remember.. Obey." He dropped his hand and twirled on his feet before walking away.

I wanna rip out his throat if he touches us again. Thea growled quickly while his back was turned.

I agreed and looked down to Luke looking for his reaction. He looked angry. His eyes were narrowed and I could see that his wolf was fighting for control. Candide had told us not to talk to our wolves anymore so if Candide had broke him five years ago, did this mean he hadnt spoke to storm since then?

"Mutt, you know what to do," Candide spoke out. His voice was full of authority as he spoke and I couldnt help but wonder how it felt similar to an Alpha aura.

I had never been in control of the darkness, but clearly Uncle Luke had. I wondered if he didnt have control of it at first just like me. I tilted my head watching Luke get off the ground fascinated to watch the darkness on someone else.

His eyes met mine and he gave me a reassuring nod before I saw the clouds of smoke begin to seep out from off his fur. His wolf began to grow larger much larger than any that I had ever seen, canines protruded more from his mouth, to the point they hung to his chin and his bottom canines reached to his nose. Razor sharp claws protruded from his paws that dug in the ground, he closed his eyes and let out a deep breath that rumbled out a growl before flicking them back open. Deep pools of red looked directly into mine. Id of been terrified if I hadn't of been this monster myself. Each breath he took it sounded like a growl but he just stood there calmly looking as though he was waiting for orders.

When I was this monster I was out of control. I attacked. I killed. I never stood still. Thea let out a whine in my mind. We didn't want to be this monster. I looked over to Candide who was grinning at my uncle, he was proud of his prize possessions. They clearly made him feel powerful. Why was it the darkness didnt come out to protect me like before when around the vampires if we weren't here to serve them. Regina didn't answer me.

"Your turn," Candide told me.

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