Chapter One

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Alice POV

Deep dark beautiful amber eyes stared deeply into my soul from the reflection of the wolf in the clear water of the lake. I could see the dark black fur brushed perfectly along its face and down its neck with a perfect star on its chest. Was this a dream? Black wolves didn't exist, did they? They were just something my mum and dad would scare me with to make me behave. I slammed my eyes shut in hopes that when I reopened them the wolf would be gone. It wasn't. Wait was this a reflection of me? I tilted my head to see what happened and It copied me. I dipped my head and the wolf copied again. This wasn't possible. I wasn't old enough to be a wolf yet; I was only ten years old. Was I dreaming? I continued to stare at the wolf and the deep amber eyes stared back at me. Clouds of dark smoke began to swim around the wolfs body and the wolf gave me a menacing smirk. My dream quickly turned into a nightmare. A glow shone from off her fur and her eyes began to glow a deep blood red. Long sharp fangs grew from her jaw, her claws grew longer and dug into the ground, she grew bigger and taller than a normal wolf, much bigger than what her fathers wolf was and he had Alpha blood since her Uncle was Alpha. The wolf looked monstrous, was this what I was to become? I tried to scream but no noise came out. My throat felt tight, my body stiff and still. I couldn't even cry, what was wrong with me?

"Alice dear," a voice echoed through my head, "Alice wake up, its just a dream. I shot straight up in my bed, my eyes flying open to see my mum sat next to me. I threw my arms around her sobbing, the image of the demon wolf embedded in my mind. Was I that monster? I grabbed hold of my teddy bear Thea, and snuggled her in between me and my mum. She came everywhere with me, I got her on my fifth birthday and now never left my side apart from when i went to school. I continued to cling to my mum like my life depended on it. 

"Shh it was just a dream, you're safe now sweetie, lets go downstairs and get some chocolate birthday pancakes and you can tell us what happened," she said softly with a smile, she ran her hand through my hair and it instantly soothed me. At the mention of chocolate pancakes, i couldn't help but give a small smile, chocolate pancakes were my absolute favourite. But I couldn't get the black wolf out of my mind, should I tell her about my dream? Surely it wasn't a good sign seeing yourself as one.

My mum scooped me up giving me a kiss on my forehead and I snuggled in close to her chest, we were a very close family, we never fought or bickered like the other families in the pack and I always preferred to spend my time with my mum. She was my best friend. I clung to her chest as she carried me down the stairs into the kitchen where my dad was stood over the stove flipping pancakes in a frying pan. He was wearing mum's pink frilly apron which made me and mum giggle. I quickly forgot about my dream when I saw the pile of pancakes that my dad had made. It was huge!

"Dad you look silly!" I laughed at him. My mum sat me down on one of the stools at the island that was in the middle of the kitchen. It was where I had my breakfast every morning. I wasn't sure I was ready to lose the warmth she gave me, but I didn't want to seem like I was being a child. I turned ten today after all!

"Not as silly as you look!" He grinned at me sticking his tongue out. I frowned at him and stuck my tongue out back at him. "So, whose birthday is it today I wonder?"

"Its mine!" I squealed putting my hand up, I held Thea in my other. Like I said, she went everywhere with me.

"And how old are you?" My mum asked, she went over to my dad and gave him a quick kiss. I loved how they were so in love with each other. They tried to explain the whole mates thing to me, but I didn't quite understand yet, they told me I would understand more when I am older, and that I would find my soul mate when I am over sixteen. Whatever that means. We was meant to learn more about it in a couple of years when I turn twelve.

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