Chapter Twenty-Five

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Alice POV

I just stared round the room. It was odd that I could fully see again. How did I heal? Thea didn't know either. That or she just refused to tell me about it. I tensed as I could feel my Uncle staring at me. What could I say to him. He had lied to me. 

He would have done it for a reason. Thea spoke softly to me. 

Nothing made sense to me anymore. One thing I was sure about though, I no longer felt pain or longing for my mate. Did that mean the bond was broken? Tears welled up in my eyes and i rubbed my face into my arms.

"Why did you lie to me?" I finally managed to mumble out. I looked up to see he was at the edge of his cell, I couldn't see his face due to how dark it was but I could tell he was looking towards me.

"I'm sorry, I had hoped you wouldn't remember me, and that they wouldn't tell you who I was, I dont want you to remember me like this," I sighed, "I have food for you, you need to keep your strength up."

"You got food? They didn't give me any," I growled out, hesitantly I shuffled to the front of my cell. My stomach growled in anticipation of getting some food. I had tried to attack Candide, so it would have been a punishment that I didn't get any food. I didn't obey. "I still wish you had told me, you're my uncle. You're My Alpha." I mumbled. The pieces of chicken landed just outside my cell and I reached out to grab them. I savored each piece, picking at them slowly. "I'm going to save us." 

I hadn't expected to say that. It just came out. I could feel Thea pouring out power and strength. Strength I didn't even know I had. Power I didn't even want. 

"I'm not an Alpha anymore," Luke muttered quietly. I could hear the sadness in his voice and I remembered how broken he looked in the room where we shifted. I refused to let him feel anymore broken than he already was. I needed to build up his strength. I wasnt even sure where my strength was coming from.

"Shut up, you'll always be an Alpha," I barked at him, I know I shouldn't be annoyed with him but I didn't like that he refused to acknowledge that he was an Alpha. I narrowed my eyes trying to see the plate that the food came from. "Have you eaten?"

"Yes, I ate before you woke up" he replied a bit to quickly. I listened to his heartbeat which had started beating frantically. 

Someones lying. Thea sung. 

"Please don't lie to me, I can hear your heart beat, memories flash backed when I realised who you were, that's how you knew I was lying when I was younger," I can't believe he would lie to me again after lying about his name. I threw back some of the chicken to his cell before he could refuse it. "Don't you dare throw it back."

"You haven't changed," he chuckled at me. He chuckled? I couldn't help but grin at him, that sounded like my old uncle and it warmed my heart. 

"What do you mean?" I asked him tilting my head, i was confused by his statement. 

"As a child, you used to be so feisty. You would have made an amazing Alpha," he stated. I chewed on my lip trying to remember my childhood with my parents and when I hung around with my uncle. 

"Maybe one day when we get out of here we can rebuild our pack," I smiled at the thought of it. Uncle Luke was always admired, and the way elder John spoke about Luke it was clear that he was admired from other packs too. 

"That's a nice dream, but I've tried to get out of here before, for the first three years here I tried to escape, it took them a full five years to fully break me," he explained to me. I looked down to the ground and fumbled with my hands. I began to play around with my messy long brown hair before looking back towards Luke.

"If I had known you were alive I would have come for you," I choked out, "I had been stuck as a wolf for the past ten years," I heard some movement around his cell before I could see he was looking back at me. Thea was whining in my head in sadness.

"Impossible, that's never happened before, no ones ever shifted before their 16th birthday" Luke whispered, he sounded like he was talking to himself.

"Well I did?" I mumbled.

"What's your wolf's name?" Uncle Luke asked. His voice was full of curiosity. 

"Thea, just like my old teddy bear," I chuckled as I turn to gaze up to the window into the night sky. I lean up against the cell bars and let out a deep sigh. Memories of Alistair tearing her up flashed through my mind. 

"Did you know Thea means goddess? Kinda strange that you named your bear the same as your wolf, maybe you're psychic" Luke chuckled as I heard him lean back up against the cell bars. "Do you remember what my wolf is called?" I chewed on my lip and thought about this for a moment.

"Isn't it storm? You once told me he controlled the weather and brought in the storms to keep the monsters away from kidnapping me," I realised the metaphor when I said it.

"I guess I didn't bring in a storm big enough that night did I," I heard him sigh. 

"You mean the darkness," I closed my eyes and leaned my head back.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect everyone that night, especially you and your parents," I wanted to curl up in his lap like when I was child right now. Instead of him comforting me. I wanted to comfort him. 

"They knew I was a black wolf Uncle Luke, Thea protected me and forced me into an early shift, how did they know i was going to be a black wolf?" I furrowed my brow and looked down to the cobbled floor and began to trace along the lines like before.


"Whose Endymion?" I questioned as I pulled my legs under my chin, there was a slight chill in the air and it was beginning to make me shiver. 

Not a good person.

"Do you know the story of who the moon goddess fell in love with and how soul mates came about?" he told me. I frowned and thought back to all my childhood story books. "Probably not, alot of it is myths and legends, stories that have slowly become bended from the from the truth. Get some sleep anyway you need your strength for tomorrow."

"Why whats happening tomorrow?"

"Anything and everything. But you'll always need to be prepared."

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