Chapter Twenty-Four

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Luke POV

I looked at Alice in awe, we shared the same white star that was passed  down in our family. Her eye was now fully healed, a trait of being a black wolf, shifting speeds up the healing process and can often even heal scars and any severe damage. I saw her legs shake as she stood up and she struggled to stay on her paws. She was exhausted from shifting which was odd, it was like this was her first shift all over again. My stomach dropped suddenly as she took a step forward and I realised what she was going to do. Her body tensed and she lunged towards Candide before I could stop her.

Nooo!!!! Storm screamed through my mind.

My eyes opened wide at the sudden shock of hearing my wolf for the first time in eight years. A collar was thrown around Alice's neck and she slumped to the floor withering around in pain as she was dragged to the back of the room. The silver in the collar made her howl out in pain which made me wince and submit down on the ground. I turned my head in shame and gritted my teeth. I was meant to be an Alpha. What was wrong with me.

Candide walked over to her and flicked his cloak back revealing a syringe full of vampire blood which filled me full of rage.

"Perhaps next time you'll think about your actions," he hissed at her. I saw Alice slump to the floor and I turned my head away not able to look at her. He injected a dose of silver into her bloodstream which, a dose strong enough to knock her out straight away. 

"Maybe you can teach your niece some manners when she wakes up," Candide growled at me as he walked over and grabbed hold of my scruff, pain erupted through my nose as his fist connected with my face, I felt my jaw crack from the pain and Storm growled out in anger but I controlled it inwardly so Candide didn't hear it. "Get back to your cell." He spat at me.

Before I headed to my cell I looked across to Alice to see she had shifted back after being injected. Seth had thrown her over his shoulder and was heading towards the door to bring her back to the cells. Gritting my teeth I got back up onto my paws and headed out the door that Candide had now opened. He was sneering at me and looking at me in disgust. To say that they think we belong to them you would have thought we would have been treat slightly better.

As soon as I got back to my cell I noticed a small plate of cooked chicken and a glass of water, at least they fed us. This was A reward for being obedient. My bones cracked as I shifted back to my human form and I sat down next to my plate of chicken. Alice was thrown into her cell and just laid there unconscious. Seth laughed as he walked away from the cells locking the room and leaving us in the dark. Last time she was injected she was out for a few days but I didnt know it had been ten years since she shifted. Hopefully this time it wouldn't take as long.


I was right, It didn't take long at all this time. Half hour at most. I couldnt help but smile at her when she sat up. At first when I saw her come back into the cell with the robe I thought she was just being an obedient wolf... like me. Broken. No, she's just as fiesty as I remembered. It made me proud but also scared for her.

"Are you okay?" I whispered across to her. I moved to the front of my cell trying to see her. The darkness of the room made it difficult even with my werewolf eyesight. I tried to see if there was any food for her, I hadn't touched mine just in case. She had tried to attack the vampire king after all.

She didn't reply to me. She just sat there with her legs pulled up to under her chin. I could smell the saltiness of tears again and I just wanted to pull her close to me.

"Why did you lie to me?" She finally said. Her head looked up but she made no attempt to move. A pang of guilt hit me and I wasn't sure what to say. I had hoped that they continued to call me mutt as that's all they called me. They had told me that was my name now. It was the first thing they tried to break me with. Storm whined and all he wanted to do was comfort his niece. It was weird to have this much interaction with him.

"I'm sorry, I had hoped you wouldn't remember me, and that they wouldn't tell you who I was, I dont want you to remember me like this," I sighed, "I have food for you, you need to keep your strength up."

"You got food? They didn't give me any," she growled out, she shuffled out to the edge of her cell and I threw her a few pieces of the chicken. "I still wish you had told me, you're my uncle. My Alpha." She sniffed as she nibbled on the chicken. "I'm going to save us."

My eyes opened wide at that statement, I was definitely not an Alpha anymore. She had just been crying and now she was saying she was saying she was going to save us?

"I'm not an Alpha anymore," I told her miserably as I slumped up against the cell bars.

"Shut up, you'll always be an Alpha. Have you eaten?" She barked at me. Storm sniggered at Alice's words. To say she had lost her mate, she didn't seem phased by it.

"Yes, I ate before you woke up" I quickly replied.

"Please don't lie to me, I'm listening to your heartbeat this time, memories flashbacked when I realised who you were, thats how you knew I was lying when I was younger," there was irritation laced through her words and she threw back some of the chicken at me. "Dont you dare throw it back."

"You haven't changed," I chuckled at her. Storm purred in my mind at my sudden change in attitude.

Shes our reason for living. Storm spoke. He spoke with so much strength to say he had been quiet for so long. But he was right. I thought my family was dead. I had to protect her. Just like she wants to protect me.

Storm agreed.


Alex POV

"Mason... he had no Aura," I whispered to him as we walked down into the woods. Alistair had locked himself into his office after our confrontation and he hadn't come out since, it had been days. He wouldn't even let Rosie in. Mason looked at me and then lowered his gaze. We were walking through the woods so we were out of ear shot.

"I know, do you think this is because of Alice?" Mason asked, he was looking out into the woods and I could see he was tense. I knew he was uncomfortable talking about his Alpha. He was the Beta after all.

"Has to be, she was his mate, an Alpha without his true mate, its unheard of," I muttered we reached a clearing and decided to stop here. With it being autumn most leaves had fallen now from the trees which made the floor look like a glowing amber eye. Just like Alices. I tilted my head and furrowed my brow confused why I would think that. Regis felt confused too and stayed quiet. I ran my hand through my hair and leaned up against a tree.

"So did you help Hayley?" Mason asked me, only me and Hayley actually knew the truth about that. Hayley had been in the cells since that day as she admitted to it, but she told Alistair that she acted alone.

"Yes," I told him bluntly. I let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of my nose. It was a waste of time letting her go anyway. The vampires still caught her.

"Alistair will kill you if he ever finds that out," Mason muttered as he slid down one of the trees next to me. I'm not sure what happened to Mason, he didn't seem to be the same guy that captured Alice a month ago. It was strange. I wondered if he regretted it now.

"I know, but he needs to leave his office to do that," I sighed as i looked up to the sky as I spoke. The sun was beginning to set as we spoke and my mind wandered to what Alice would be doing. What were the vampires doing to her?

"We need to help the pack, their in disarray," I spoke up again. I looked across to Mason trying to shake the thoughts of Alice.

"I know, John's funeral didn't go well. His family left, I think they joined another pack, the Blue crescent pack just north of here," Mason mumbled, "a few other pack members are talking about going to other packs after what happened to John, he was a well respected elder."

"I know," I sighed, "I don't want to suggest it but what if you challenge him for Alpha?" I turned to look at Mason wondering about how he would respond. Mason frowned at my words and shook his head with a clenched jaw.

"I wouldn't be a good Alpha, I make poor decisions," his eyes met mine and I suddenly felt sick, "but you would."'

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