Chapter Ten

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Alice POV

I couldn't see! I woke to just darkness, I clawed at my face to find something wrapped around my face blocking my sight. What did they do to me! Why would they block my sight! Were they torturing me? First they attacked me? and now this? I knew I shouldn't have trust anyone!

"No!" Alistair shouted at me, I flinched and cowered down, why was he shouting at me? "You need to keep that on to help heal your face." I heard him run over to me, his hand rested on the top of my head, he moved whatever was on my face to back to where it was. It made me wince where the cuts were, where was I? Was I still in the cells? I felt the ground beneath me, and it was soft, not hard like the concrete I originally had been laid on. I sniffed it and it smelt of honey and chocolate. In fact, this whole area smelt of honey and chocolate. Was this his den? I pricked my ears trying to listen to any familiar sounds, there was no rustle of leaves, or running water. Instead I could hear people talking in the distance, where was I? Something in the air smelt familiar, what was that, I pushed my nose to the soft service and took a step forward. Was that Teddy Thea? She felt different, she was fluffier, thicker, like how she used to be. I nuzzled into her taking a deep breath letting the scent of her fill my senses. There was a mix of something else but deep inside that was definitely teddy Thea.

"My mum fixed her up, I made sure she kept what stuffing there was so that she still smelt the same," he explained. I nuzzled into Thea; I had missed her so much. How long had I been asleep for? I still didn't know where I was either. "I've called for the pack doctor to come; she won't hurt you. She knows were mates. So does Alex. She actually bandaged up your face." His voice sounded full of relief and somewhat happiness. The soft surface I laid upon dipped and I could smell Alistair come closer to me. I kept my nose nuzzled into Thea but my thoughts drifted to Alibear, he was just abandoned in my den. 

A knock sounded at the door that startled me. It made me jump and I fell off the soft surface, because I couldn't see, I bumped into what I assume was a wall and tried to hide. What if its Mason? Had he come back for me with the other wolves? What if I turned into my demon wolf again? I cowered down into a ball trying to hide. Pain shot down my face as i scraped it against my paws whilst trying to hide. A whimper escaped my lips and I heard Alistair let out a sympathetic sigh.

"Come in Hayley," Alistair shouted over before he quickly came over to me and heaved me onto the cushy soft surface that I was originally laid upon. Was this a bed like what I had when I lived with my parents? I tried to fight him off, being a largish wolf I was strong but I felt quite weak still, so he managed to keep a tight grip of me. The sparks that coursed through my body sent shockwaves down my body and it helped to calm me down and I eventually collapsed down on the bed exhausted. A strange scent entered the room followed by a click that I could only assume was the door. 

"Definitely a fighter," I heard a woman laugh, "Hello Alice, I'm Hayley." She introduced herself. To be honest I wasn't sure how to act in this situation. Alistair was stood at the edge of the bed, I think he was afraid I would try and hide again but to be honest I didn't want him to go. So I relaxed my muscles, but I don't think trusted me entirely. Did he think I would run?

"You can go sit down, Alistair," Hayley scolded him, she might have told him off, but her voice was soft, and it reminded me of my mum. I heard his teeth grind before he sat himself down on the other side of soft bed. I grabbed hold of Thea bear and curled up. I didn't like that I couldn't see Hayley. I wanted to know what she looked like. It had been a long time since I saw another girl. My mother was the last girl I saw. I wanted to see Alistair again too, I didn't like that all I could see is darkness, it reminded me that there was a darkness somewhere deep within me. Thea let out a small whine at that thought. She had been quiet since the incident.

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