Chapter Thirty Six

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Alice POV

Bright white walls surrounded me, while I sat on the cleanest bed I had ever seen. Crisp white sheets lay neatly underneath me while I hugged my knees. A loud beeping machine that had wires attached that were stuck to my chest monitoring my heart bleeped away that was beginning to annoy me and bag that they claimed was hydrating me was  dug into my hand that made me flinch if I moved. 

I was currently sat on my own because Alex had to leave to attend to some rogues that were apparently testing the northern border. I let out a deep sigh thinking about my uncle, I finally had one of my family members back and yet he wasn't even here with me. I really hoped he was okay. He was with a vampire after all. He better not be betrayed. 

My thoughts were interrupted by a creak at the door, feeling my hopes rise that it might be Alex they were soon dragged down when I saw Auburn hair that Hayley always wore back in a ponytail.

I let out a sigh and pulled my legs in closer to my chest.

"Your obs are looking good," she smiled as she walked into the room holding a clipboard. I had no idea what she meant by obs, so I just stayed quiet. She took a quick look at the bag that was attached to my hand and smiled at me again. 

"Alice do you mind me asking how much food you was eating with them? If it wasn't much, a diet plan is needed, to much food can make you ill and cause problems, it will needed to be given gradually due to the size of your stomach," Hayley explained to me. I flicked my eyes towards her before lowering my gaze again. I hadn't really ate anything in my human form. It was all in my wolf form after I was taken out of the cells. 

"I don't really know sorry," I mumbled out, "It was all in my wolf form." I turned my head away from her. Luke had hated me when he thought that they broke me so quickly. Would Alex and everyone think the same thing? Would they hate me if they knew I slept in the same chambers of him? that rat Candide. Just thinking of his name made me nauseous.  I ran my fingers along my neck remembering the collar that was locked around my neck. How long had I actually been with the vampires?

"Don't worry, probably actually helps to be honest. Means you will have a stomach of a ten year more than anything. And a ten year old doesn't stop eating from what I've seen," Hayley grinned. That meant. Hayley knew my past. She knew when my pack was killed. The year my first shift ever happened. I just gave her a small smile and continued to stare and the plain white walls. Where was Alex? Was he betraying me like Alistair? 

Before anymore negative thoughts could enter my mind, Alex burst through the door. A pair of shorts hung loosely on his waist. He wore no shirt which caused us to be able to see his muscles to ripple on his chest whenever he moved. I tilted my head as my eyes wandered downwards seeing a V shaped muscle that lead down into his shorts. Was this how all men looked? His arms also looked rather muscular along with legs. His hair was rather messy which made me question if he had ran here. 

Mate looks hot. Thea purred. 


Yes hot. As in attractive. 

A flustered feeling resided in my stomach, a feeling I hadn't felt before  which caused me to frown. I was so confused. I could hear Thea sniggering in the back of my head. I wanted to touch him. Why?

I thought back to the times I spent with Alistair. Sure he smelt nice, but I never had this kind of feeling. I furrowed my brow and looked into Alex's eyes, he had a mischievous looking grin as he wandered over to my bed.

"How you feeling?" He asked me, there was a twinkle in his eye which I couldn't quite read. I wish I could read people better. I suppose this had something to do with growing up solitude for ten years. 

"I'm o..okay," I stuttered out with a smile. Now that he was closer, it took quite a lot of strength to not reach out and touch his chest. What was wrong with me?

Do it! Thea howled.

"She's doing much better now, she can actually probably leave in about ten minutes once this bag has drained, she just needs a good few meals down her in the next few days," Hayley explained. She began to undo the wires from me and turned off the bleeping which was such a relief. 

"Awesome! Anything particular you would like to eat for you first meal?" Alex asked with such enthusiasm. 

You. Thea purred. 

The hell is wrong with you!

"You can chose," I smiled. 

"Pancakes it is!" He grinned at me as he clapped his hands together with an extremely goofy grin on his face. This warmed my heart but saddened it all at the same time. That was the last thing my parents made me. Oh how I missed them. 


Hayley let me go only a few minutes after that. It didn't take her long to get the needle out my hand. It made me wince though as she gently tried to pull it out. Since I had now tapped into the powers of black wolf, my healing abilities healed it almost instantly. I don't think they noticed though. 

"Come, lets head back to the kitchen and I'll whip up them pancakes," Alex hummed, as he took my hand and helped me hop off the bed. Sparks electrified up my arm. Which caused tingles all through my body. I wonder if he felt them too? His face gave no sign that he felt them? He was probably disappointed that I was his mate like Alistair was. 

The grounds were empty as we made our way over to the pack house, considering he said that his pack had grown, I would have thought there would have been plenty of people around. So where was everyone? I glanced  feeling rather confused. Did everyone know who I was and were avoiding me? 

"I can sense your confusion, little dove, everyone is either at the training ground, school or on patrol. I have quite a strict regime set out now. Everyone has a job. No slackers," He grinned at me.

"Dove? Their white, I'm full of darkness," I mumbled looking to the ground. He halted and looked down to me with a frown on his face. His bright green eyes that looked like pools of crystal clear emeralds stared down at me.

"You might be a black wolf Alice, but you are far from being full of darkness, I believe you to be pure. Besides, you're not a full black wolf. You have a white star. I believe the Moon Goddess has touched your heart," he smiled down at me. Pure? Moon goddess? The vampires had always told me the moon goddess had turned he back on me. What if Alex is right? "Come on lets go get them pancakes! I'm starving." My belly growled in agreement. 

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