Chapter Twenty-One

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Present Day

Alice POV

My wrists were clamped down to some wooden fixings in the center of the room that looked to be a cross. My ankles too were fixed at the bottom so that my body was sprawled out and I was completely on show. Goosebumps rose up from my skin and my spine shivered from anticipation of what was going to happen. This room was lighter than the cells, the moonlight could be seen shining through the windows at the top of the walls, and there was a few dim lights hanging over head on the ceiling.

I looked across at the vampire who was banging around at some table on the other side of the room. He was muttering to himself but he made no attempt to approach me.

"W..what are going do with" I stuttered out, small shivers that crawled up my spine caused me shudder. It was a huge mistake opening my mouth. As soon as I finished speaking my cheek was stinging from a hand smacking me across the face. I heard a growl erupt from somewhere in my mind, but I Thea still ignored my pleas. Please don't leave me alone through this Thea!

Thea please!! I cried out to her.

The vampire went back over to his table playing with whatever was laid on there. A few moments later the door flung open and another vampire entered. This one irradiated power, his aura was strong. His piercing red eyes bore into mine and I couldn't help but feel myself flinch. He strode into the room with a toothy smile, his fangs on full show.

"Wow she is a beauty, ain't she Seth," he hummed out. He stood there staring at me. I would of done anything to cover myself up right now. I didn't even know how to shift back into my wolf. The vampire who dragged me, Seth, just grunted and carried on with what he was doing.

"So very rare to see a female black wolf," he purred at me, "tell me little wolf, what is your name?" he got closer to me as he spoke. His face was almost touching mine and I could smell blood on his breath. His black slick hair was gelled so it was perfectly flat on his head. I stayed quiet in fear of being hit again.

"Don't let them break you," Zanders words echoed through my mind and I clenched my jaw. I needed to be strong. His words were full of pain when he spoke to me, full of desperation. Had they broken him?

"Al...Alice," I stuttered out without thinking, perhaps I should have lied i wasnt sure but it was too late now. My voice was dry due to being dehydrated but I tried to not sound weak.

"mmm," he licked his lips as he spoke my name. A pain then shook my body which made me cry out. My whole body began to burn up, it felt like fire was burning from my toes all the way up through into my hair. It was worse around my neck, I let out another high pitched scream and struggled against the cuffs around my wrists and feet. What was happening to me?

"Candide what did you do?" Seth gasped suddenly running from the table.

"Must be the mate bond," Candide shrugged taking a step away from me like its nothing. I clenched my jaw and tears streamed down my face. I flung my head back and started bashing it against the cross i was attached too. The pain was getting unbearable, I wanted to claw at my skin, i wanted the burning to stop.

"What you mean the mate bond?" Seth questioned, he was staring right at me, fascinated by the pain that was pulsing through my body. Was he getting a kick out of this the sick freak.

Another jolt of pain waves through my body then made me scream out once again, I struggled against the restraints that began to cut into my wrists, blood welled up and I could feel the warm thick liquid oozing down my arms. Burning pain continued to soar through my body and I gritted my teeth as I tried to bare it, what is he doing to our bond?

"I think he just mated another wolf?" Candide shrugged.


Alistair POV

I licked the droplets of blood that had oozed out Rosie's neck before kissing down her chest and sucking down on her nipple. I couldn't help but smirk at the happiness I now felt that my pack was about to officially have a Luna strong enough to help me lead them.

Leo growled in the back of my mind at what I just did, but I shrugged it off and blocked him out. Climbing off the bed I smiled down to the beautiful blonde that had fallen asleep on my bed and couldn't help but feel how lucky I was right now.

Its true I found her annoying, but something had drawn me too her. She was the best fit for my pack, she knew us. She was strong, she had been here her whole life. When Alice had her pinned to the floor something snapped inside me. Alice was supposed to be half blind and yet in one swift move it made me realise just how dangerous she really was. I couldn't trust her. I had someone dart her so she collapsed from an extremely high dose of wolf's bane mixed with silver. Mason had told me silver worked but it seemed she built up a tolerance to it since she woke up in the hospital and escaped.

You don't deserve to be Alpha Leo hissed in my mind.

I growled as I pulled up some shorts and threw on a plain shirt blocking him out again. Throwing blanket over Rosie I headed towards my office where Alex and Mason was currently whispering to each other outside the door.

"The fuck you two muttering about," I growled at them. I narrowed my eyes and both of them showed their necks submitting to me.

"John died this morning in the cells," Mason whispered quietly but just loud enough to hear. He averted his eyes to look towards Alex before looking back at me. Alex avoided looking at me all together which irritated me.

"Contact his family and send my condolences," I muttered as I went to walk into my office.

"Alpha, his family wants to leave the pack. Their unhappy with the conditions he died in," Alex explained. His voice sounded almost challenging. I span round and stared at him. I wouldn't blame their family, I would be pissed too but right now I was concerned with the way Alex spoke to me.

"You challenging the way I dealt with him in front of the vampires?" I growled at him before slamming Alex up against the wall, I pinned him there but I didn't have Leo to back me up. My Alpha aura wasn't there. This was making me look weak. Stupid wolf.

"No Alpha," he muttered looking down to the ground. I dropped him down to the floor with a thud before heading to the office and slamming the door behind me.

No pack of mine is dare going to challenge me.

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