Chapter Nine

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Alistairs POV

I couldn't believe my eyes. She laid curled up in the corner of the cell, she was terrified. How did my little wolf do that much damage to three of my strongest warriors it just didn't make any sense?

"So that's your mate?" Alex mind linked to me.


"My prize!" Mason said proudly, bit to proudly for my liking. I so wanted to punch him in the face right now. What did he do to my mate she looks terrified?

"She looks tiny, how the hell did she cause all that damage?" Alex spoke up, he was admiring her which made me uncomfortable. I got she was a black wolf which was unusual but still.

"Stop looking at her like that," I growled at him. I saw his wolf surface briefly which made my blood boil.

"Chill man, I have my own mate somewhere remember. Its just so weird seeing a black wolf," he said, he sounded amazed.

"You saw the video; she grew twice as big. Her eyes turned red and she was just completely out of control," Mason explained, he leaned up against the bars looking at my mate. I looked him up and down and noticed that he only had a couple of scrapes.

"Why didn't she go after you?" I questioned him. Something wasn't adding up here. I knew black wolves weren't normal, but there had to be reason why they were feared and why they were the way they were. She didn't seem dangerous when I was with her.

"I'm not sure," he shrugged. He then banged on the bars. "Oi get up!" This made me furious. What the hell does he think he's doing; he's going to scare her! She didn't move though, her ears twitched but that was it.

"I'm going in," I said, I needed to go to her. I had to comfort her; she must be so scared right now. Leo began whining in the back of my mind, he hated the sight of his mate. He was angry with Mason and kept telling me that we should kill him. He was my Beta though, why had he gone and done this without any orders?

"Are you stupid?" Mason muttered.

"I think he knows what he's doing," Alex snapped back at him. "Unlike you, what was you thinking going off by yourself?"

"I don't like being made a fool of," Mason muttered. I knew Mason had a problem with having his pride hurt but I didn't think he would do this.

I headed into the cell, I walked slowly so that I didn't spook her. I could see that her body was shaking. and it saddened me that she was this afraid.

"Shh, I won't hurt you," I said softly holding my hand out towards her. She didn't move. I took a deep breath taking in her scent, just a few hours away from it had made my heart ache. I sat down next to her; I waited a few minutes before I rested my hand on her head. She flinched but she didn't push me away, the electricity I felt from our bond calmed me. I saw Alex give me a pained smile.

"You're kidding right? She has nearly killed 3 of our warriors!" Mason shouted; he slammed his fist against the bars angrily. This caused her to jump up and that's when I saw the deep claw marks along the side of her face. You could see some of her sharp canines showing from how deep the cuts were. Her eye was scratched too, and it was bleeding badly. There were blood stains on the floor from where she had been laid. She needed the pack doctor right now.

"Her face needs attending too," I growled staring back at Mason. I didn't know what else to say I was in shock from the site of it, it must be so painful. My poor little mate. Using my Alpha tone, I snapped back at Mason. "Go get Hayley, Now!" He didn't question me. He fled the room straight away grumbling to himself. My mate then collapsed down to the floor next to me, her head resting between her paws. I rested my hand between her ears being careful not to hurt her. I rubbed her ears and she soon fell asleep.

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