Chapter 6: Interrogation

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“I hope you’re alright, those accusations are not true! I trust you sister” Jennette said as she puffed her chest.

“I’m glad to know you don’t believe them” Anthanasia said with a smile before sipping her tea.

Anthanasia was having tea with Princess Jennette, in the beautiful rose garden of the emerald palace. Anthanasia wore a blue laced gown which had a simple neckline.

A white fedora with blue roses on it, a white coat with blue ribbons. Dressing up and designing was a new hobby she started.

“Of course! You’re my sister! Nobody would kill their sibling all because they would want to have the throne!”

Your protective, caring and loving father did. He killed his brother. Sigh, I have the feeling you don’t read history books Jennette.

'Hmm, but if you knew how many people he killed, example the former people inhabiting the ruby palace, I wonder if you would be afraid of him. Eh, I doubt that'

“Anyways, how is your health?” Anthanasia asked.

“I’m fine” Jennette said with a cheery smile.

Anthanasia came closer to her and said in a low tone “Have you noticed any suspicious movements, behaviors around you or is anything that doesn’t usually happen happening”

“Hmm, my fiancée is coming back from the academy, my aunt is currently staying in the emerald palace with me and requested a lesser amount of maids”

'Sigh, I didn’t expect anything useful to come out of this interrogation anyways'

“Ah, you haven’t met my aunt yet. She’s really nice, I bet you would love her!” Jennette said drifting off topic. “She’s in her room now. Don’t you want to meet her?” She said in a puppy like tone.

“It would be an honor”

“Rina, please could you get a parasol for me” Jennette said.

A maid with orange hair and brown eyes took a bow and obeyed Jennette’s request of getting a parasol. She brought a green parasol which matched her green feathery gown.

The two princesses and their entourages, led by that of Princess Jennette, made their way to a much kept and finely decorated wing of the emerald palace.

'Just as I thought, even the guest wing is on a whole new level'

The doors swung open and in front of a mirror was a lady with brown hair that resembled Jennette’s.

“Aunty!” Jennette said running towards the woman at full speed.

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