Chapter 38: Never Loved Him

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"No one's heart is sincere" -Rosalina

The day for the Margareta family to go to the Imperial palace finally came.

Rosalina had put on her best dress and wore her hair into a bun. Just the same way as the most elegant ladies in high society did.

Greeting the imperial family was rehearsed over and over again though it was something that wasn't really looked at upon the Emperor but was still judged by some nobles.

"The Margareta family!" The herald announced.

Several noble families gathered in the throne room.

Rosalina had been so distracted with make herself look pretty that she had forgotten to find out what exactly this event was.

She couldn't ask her father or Penelope as they would immediately sneer at her for being foolish.

So she kept quiet and watched in order to know what would happen.

The Emperor stood and began to recite one part of the Obelian law. Then he began to speak about the problem with other Empires.

It turned out to be a normal political meeting. But usually not all of the princes and children of nobles would be in the meeting hall.

"And to the final matter. I am looking for eloquent young ladies who the prince's can get engaged to"

The meeting hall erupted into murmurs fron different sides of the hall.

"Now let's leave the children to go into the garden and mingle while we continue the meeting"

Count Margareta looked intently at his two daughters.

'Don't do anything wrong' His eyes seemed to say.

Servants ushered all the noble children outside and the princes followed.

People mostly paid attention to the first Prince Anastacius.

He had a strong presence and bright jeweled blue eyes. And most importantly he was the crown prince.

He was popular among the young ladies as he was eighteen years old.

Young ladies approached him to catch his eye and young lords approached him to gain a connection.

Penelope quietly approached Prince Claude who would be engaged to one of the Margareta daughters.

"You look very lovely as always, Lady Margareta" Prince Claude said politely then kissed the back of Penelope's hand.

"Thank you for your kind words"

News about the future engagement between Prince Claude and the Margareta family had not been announced so the other noble children were surprised by the intimacy between the two.

Lady Penelope was always away from male nobles unless the event needed her to be close to them.

And Prince Claude was very reserved and never outgoing.

A gentle conversation ensued between the two then ended as Penelope wanted to speak with other people.

After some time, when Prince Claude was alone, Rosalina approached Prince Claude.

"Greetings, star of the Empire" Rosalina greeted and Prince Claude simply nodded in reply.

"I see you spoke with my sister, your Highness" Rosalina pathetically tried to start a conversation.

"Oh yes. Lady Margareta, right?"

"Yes Your Highness"

"She is pleasant"


After that Rosalina couldn't think of how to continue the conversation so she gave up getting Prince Claude's attention.

Well, just for today.

The relationship between Penelope and Claude developed at a desired manner.

Prince Claude spoke with lady Penelope with the kindness he had not shown in a long time.

However Rosalina understood one thing very well — Prince Claude did not love Penelope.

At most he felt a closeness to her. That was it. No love.

But it was rare before a marriage between nobles took place because of love. So it was expected that Penelope would become a Princess after getting married to Claude.

But things didn't go as planned.

Rosalina wasn't surprised when she found out that Penelope wasn't satisfied with just being a princess.

She wanted more.
Two months past after that first visit to the palace. The second time Rosalina came across something shocking.

Rosalina watched as Penelope and Prince Anastacius spoke in a quiet part of the palace. Giggling, smiling and all.

"I love you Anastacius"

Penelope had the two prince's in her palm.

But she wanted the best.

She wanted Anastacius the Crown Prince.

Above all, she wanted to be Empress.

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