Chapter 7: Rosalina Margareta

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The doors swung open and in front of a mirror was a lady with brown hair that resembled Jennette’s.

“Aunty!” Jennette said running towards the woman at full speed.

Rosalina Margareta. An active participant in the high society. The blood sister of Jennette’s birth mother. A woman known to be as cunning as Duke Alpheus.

“I’ve told you, a princess shouldn’t run like that” Rosalina Margareta said with a smile.

'And the person who I just heard talking in the Ruby Palace. What would Jennette’s aunt be doing in the ruby palace? It can’t be for scenery, the emerald palace is superior to the Ruby Palace in scenery, truthfully, in everything else'


“Greetings Countess Margareta” Anthanasia said with a slight curtsy before sitting on a chair.

“I see you’ve brought Princess Anthanasia” I said while sizing Anthanasia up.
I already don’t like her. She looks just like that seductress who stole the emperor from my sister.

A vulgar child like her shouldn’t even be given the same title as the daughter of my sister.

“Countess, it’s rude to look at someone like that” Anthanasia said putting her fan, under her nose, which gave her a snobbish aura.

This little brat!

“Ah, I see you’re wearing the gown his majesty gifted to you” I said turning towards my niece.

“Yes aunty!” Jennette said before stuffing her mouth with the biscuits that were served.

Then the countess glanced to Anthanasia, but to only see her drinking her tea nonchalantly.

No response?

“That brooch his majesty gifted you for your fifteenth birthday would go splendidly with your outfit. I’m sure the brooch would still be as beautiful as it was last year”

“Really? You think so?” Jennette chirped.
Once again, the countess glanced to the Anthanasia who was admiring the silverware.

Why are you so unresponsive?

“This should just be a secret between the three of us” I said in a lower tone. “I heard from his majesty that he is considering personally escorting you on your sixteenth birthday, and you will wear the crown of an empress” I said directing my words to Jennette.

Once more, the countess peeked at Anthanasia but, Anthanasia just sat quietly sipping her tea, with an indifferent expression.

“Countess, I’ve put up with your weird glances, but when you do it a third time, it’s really disrespectful. Peeping is not a good behavior for a countess” Anthanasia said once again with her fan under her nose.
You little brat!

The maid was pouring another cup of tea for Jennette and next thing that was saw was the teapot ‘accidentally’ slipping from the maids hand.
Unknown to the others, the countess, gave the teacup a little nudge, which sent it flying towards Anthanasia’s direction. However, gravity prevailed.

“Ahh!” The Countess screamed over the hot tea which was poured all over her face.
It’s all your fault!

The countess’ vision was a bit blurry, but she could clearly make out Anthanasia’s face, and planned to drag her hair, and claiming it was an accident. But once again, gravity prevailed.

Somehow, the table cloth came into the air, shielding Anthanasia from the countess’ hands. Which resulted the countess slipping and falling on her bum.
“It looked so painful, hic. I, I hope she’ll be al, hic, alright”

“Its okay” Anthanasia said patting Jennette’s back.

Anthanasia and Jennette were in the emerald palace. Currently Jennette was crying due to the fear of the pain her aunt would be going through, while Anthanasia consoled the innocent creature.

Countess Rosalina was visited by a doctor because of her current condition.

'I feel a bit bad for what I did'

“Countess, I’ve put up with your weird glances, but when you do it a third time, it’s really disrespectful. Peeping is not a good behavior for a countess” I said.

The countess is obviously talking about all of Jennette’s gifts from his majesty, trying to ignite jealousy.

Then I spotted the Countess slowly giving the teapot which the maid was holding a nudge.

I felt an adrenaline in my veins, the next thing I saw was the teapot falling towards my legs, but a glow came out of my hand and the teapot changed its direction.

This wasn’t the first time I had done something like this. So I knew it was magic.

Next the countess’ fingers were obviously coming towards my hair, but the table cloth glowed for a split second and shielded me from her clutches. The table cloth shook the table, which resulted to her fall.

I don’t feel that guilty.
A maid came in, took a bow and spoke. “Your highness, you have a visitor”

“Who is it?” Jennette said wiping away her tears.

“Mr. Ijekiel Alpheus”

At those words, Jennette’s face became bright in an instant.

“Please take him to the drawing room” Jennette said happily before grabbing Anthanasia’s hand.

“You’ve met my aunt, now it’s time for you to meet my fiancée”

Jennette took Anthanasia to the drawing room, and they sat on the chairs. Anthanasia declined the offer of having tea because she had, had enough for one day, and since Jennette’s fiancée was going to take a while, given that he had other matters to attend to first, she began braiding her hair due to boredom. 

“Ah, I forgot something in my room, I’ll be right back” Jennette said declining the maids offers of getting it for her.

Creak. The doors opened almost immediately after Jennette left, and a young man with white hair and golden eyes entered the room.

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