Chapter 51: Childhood

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After talking to Claude and delivering his lunch, Anthanasia went to the Emerald Palace.

She had met Anastacius' first demand, of keeping his revival and presence as a secret to Claude.

His second was to pronounce him as dead to society and allow him to leave Obelia peacefully. Anthanasia agreed to meet this demand in the following days in the week.

Now she had to meet his third demand; talking to Jennette about accepting him or at least warming up to him.

Anastacius didn't look like a threat anymore. With Lucas' power, Anastacius had signed a magic contract which made him unable to hurt Anthanasia or anybody close to her.

Plus, he even helped in awakening Claude. Anastacius was good.

He was also Jennette's birth father. Reuniting then, didn't seem bad.

She then got to the Emerald Palace.

Jennette was packing a little luggage to go to the Alpheus manor, in order to see Duke Alpheus and get him back to normal.

"How long will you be there?"

"Maybe a week. I feel like I shouldn't go but..."

"It's okay. The Emperor is awake"

Anthanasia smiled reassuringly, trying to make Jennette not to worry. She remained silent after that and watched Jennette put in some things into a small bag which she was packing for herself.

The maids had already packed her main luggage.

"Jennette, there's something I want to ask you"


"Do you want to get closer to Anastacius?"

Jennette paused her packing motion for a second, then continued packing her little bag, while turning her attention to Anthanasia.

"What do you mean?"

"......It might be forward for me to suddenly bring up the topic. But I'm really concerned about you.

When we found out Anastacius was your real father, we had decided to bury that fact, but now that he's alive and in the palace, I think you should talk to him.

He's proven to be good. He even saved the Emperor. He is really eager to speak to you"

"Thanks for the advice. After I come back from the Alpheus manor, I'll deal with that"
Riding in the carriage to the Alpheus manor, Jennette felt a feeling of mixed emotions.

Ever since her debut, four years ago, she had never visited the place.

She had grown up in the Alpheus manor and had made most of her memories so far, in the place.

The carriage wheeled into the Alpheus manor parking grounds. The door was opened by the coachman, then she got out.

Staring at the grand mansion that was painted in white gave her a nostalgic feeling.

The servants all greeted her formally, quite different from the little greetings they would give her in the past. Back when she was just a child taken care by the Alpheus family.

She was able to recognize some old faces, but most of them were new. Jennette smiled, after she was told that Ijekiel was in his study while the Duke was in his room.

Before going to meet any of them, Jennette first went to her old room.

Expecting to see the place emptied and cleared, she was surprised to see the room in the same state that she had left it.

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