Chapter 35: Good Days

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"Everyday has been so peaceful but...when life seems so much like a fairytale it always has a bad ending" -Anthanasia


Four months had passed since the Emperor was asleep. One night Anthanasia had a strange dream.

In the dream she saw the old woman who she had seem the day she first went out of the palace with Lily.

The woman repeated the same words she had told her that day.

"You have always long to be loved by your father. But, that is impossible. He will never love you. You will even be killed at the hands of your father. You can never have the happy family you desire. Your future is unchangeable. It is set in stone!" 

This time Anthanasia stared blankly at the woman without changing her expression.

"Is that all you have to say?" For the first time when going through this nightmare, she spoke back to the old woman confidently.

In fact, now it didn't feel like a nightmare anymore. It was simply the truth.

The old woman gripped her worn out blanket then stared at Anthanasia for some time before laughing hysterically.

"Hahahaha. I like your confidence now child." For the first time the woman said something different. didn't feel like a dream anymore. "However, I'd like to see how confident you are when these good days are over.

Remember what I keep on telling you. 'You can never have the happy family you desire'

Though you may think you have it now, how long do you think this happiness will last, my dear Anthanasia?"

Anthanasia's eyes widened as the woman said her name. She felt a chill go down her back at the call of her name.

"Your future is set in stone" The woman disappeared from in front of her and a portrait of a man in imperial clothing appeared in front of her.

The man's image was blurry but it looked a bit like Claude. At that moment she woke up from the dream and sat upright in her bed.

She broke into a cold sweat and stared out of the window.

'It's just a dream. Yes. A silly dream'

The days had been peaceful. Up until Jennette came into the Emperor's room urgently and took Anthanasia to her room to deliver news.

"One of the servants we planted to inform us about anything that happens just told me that my aunt has been coming in and out of the palace secretly though you banned her" Jennette said, urgency written all over her face.

"Okay I see. But it still looks like you have more urgent news"

"You put a ban on her. For her to still get into the palace that means security isn't tight enough. Or the guards aren't completely under Sir Felix's control"

"Good thinking. You're right"

"That still isn't all. There's been news about a stolen ship from Arlanta sailing into the Obelian borders. The ship has been recollected by the Arlantan authorities just an hour ago.

But they found no one on the ship, meaning the criminal who stole the ship has escaped into Obelia" Jennette said.

"The imperial informants haven't given me any information about this"

"My point exactly. They aren't completely on your side yet. Anyways, I'm still not done. Two weeks ago I planted some people to watch my aunt.

The spies tell me that my aunt had been at the docks and come out of that stolen ship before it had been confirmed to be stolen"

Anthanasia listened to all Jennette had said then thought carefully.

'Jennette put spies on her aunt? No wonder. I knew something was up with their relationship lately. It's good that she isn't naive anymore'

"You've done a very good job Jetty"

"It's the little I can do"

"Little? You just helped me from preventing a coup" Anthanasia opened a hidden drawer in her desk with a key then brought out a little ornament.

"What's that?" Jennette looked at it curiously.

"It's the Emperor's seal"


Anthanasia wasted no time in getting a pen and paper and writing down on it.

All nobles in Obelia that rank higher than Count should gather in the throne room. Today the fate of the crown shall be decided. This is an official decree in the name of the Emperor.

After writing this down, Anthanasia stamped the paper with the seal.

"What do you mean that the fate of the crown will be decided?"

She smiled in response to Jennette's question then carefully explained her plan.

"It's very risky if you do that! There are so many implications. Nobody will even believe that"

"You think that way because it sounds ridiculous. Just follow my plan"

Eventually Jennette agreed reluctantly, as there was no better plan than this.

Per Anthanasia's orders, the letter was shared to all the nobles and by noon, all the important nobles were gathered in the throne room.

"Greetings everyone. The last time we met like this it was four months ago when Emperor Claude fainted"

Anthanasia addressed all the nobles generally. By her side stood Felix who was guarding her, Jennette and Lucas who people wondered about his identity.

Anthanasia's expression turned sad as she spoke her next words. "I'm going to cut straight to the point as there's no need to beat around the bush; Emperor Claude is dead"

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