Chapter 21: First Friends

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                                “I’m not his beloved daughter. I’m the unloved Princess.” –Anthanasia.

“Until the Emperor wakes up, I take over his duties as the Emperor Proxy”

The congress hall became rowdy as waves of displeasure was shown by every noble. A prime minister, with white hair and golden eyes raised his hand for permission to speak and it was granted so everyone quieted down. It was Duke Alpheus.

“Princess Anthanasia” He started, deliberately calling her ‘princess’ “We understand that you have been depressed by His Majesty’s unconscious state, but we appeal to you to think rationally” The nobles backed up his words and he sat back down expecting the timid Princess Anthanasia to step back down.

But his expectations were wrong.

“Roger Alpheus, I have started to doubt the white hair you have is because of inheriting it from your family. Are so old that you don’t understand what I am saying? Or do you just choose to ignore my words? For your own sake, I hope it is not the latter” Her jeweled blue eyes looked like an erupting volcano as it seemed to glow and penetrate the stomachs of all those who sat for the meeting. “I CLEARLY said I am NOW the Emperor Proxy so address me PROPERLY. And do you THINK you have any right to appeal for anything. Just a useless prime minister without me, who will sit on the throne till the Emperor wakes up. You even DARE to tell me to think RATIONALLY. Before making that statement did you think rationally”

A lady who sat fanning herself with her green hand fan spoke up with the fan covering her mouth. “Well if you are trying to be the Emperor proxy, should it not be someone who has respect. Or at least a daughter Emperor Claude CONSIDERED for the throne” The person who made this remark was none other than Countess Rosalina Margareta, Jennette’s aunt.

Always trying to put Anthanasia down by bringing up the relationship with the Emperor Claude and his daughters.

She stared coldly past the nobles and to the heir of Alpheus.

“The one who is seated for this meeting as Duke Alpheus should arise” Anthanasia commanded as Ijekiel stood up. “Present the document to these people. I do hope their eyes work better than their ears which have done a poor job thus far”

Ijekiel stood at the head of the table presenting a document. Roger Alpheus furrowed his eyebrows at the unexpected gesture of his son and his eyes shook heavily as he saw the content written on the paper, which was just a two lined sentence written in bold ink and clearly stamped with the two most powerful seals in Obelia.

<In any state of the Emperor’s absence may the willing princess take over the Emperor proxy’s duties>

This time Princess Jennette who had been quiet spoke up “And I am sure Princess Anthanasia is the one suited for the job. I begged her to take over the role before she finally agreed”

The document was stamped with the imperial seal and that of the Alpheus household.

“As the head of the most powerful family among the vassals of Emperor Claude de Alger Obelia, I agree to the ascension of Princess Anthanasia de Alger Obelia as the Emperor proxy till the Emperor wakes up” Ijekiel stated loudly for all to hear.

His fathers eyes shook as he felt his son had betrayed him.

“That will be all till tomorrow. I’ll give you time to realize who is now in control of the imperial palace” Anthanasia said finally before she stood up and Jennette followed along with the Emperors guard with crimson red hair.

The nobles sat in shock watching the exiting figure of the person who wore the crown of the emperor and had the emperors cape on which flowed with their movements.

Was this the once dull and meek princess, no, whether they liked it or not it seemed that she was now the Emperor proxy. The one who had power over the great Obelia Empire.

“Pri-, your Highness” A young man’s voice called out resonating in the halls of the emerald palace. He had white hair and golden eyes. He was Ijekiel Alpheus.

Anthanasia turned around and beckoned her entourage which was Jennette and Felix, to give her a few minutes to speak with Ijekiel.

“I express my sincere thanks to you sir. My words are not enough” Anthanasia said with a slight curtsy.

“It’s no problem. I look forward to being a closer friend with your Highness” Ijekiel said as he bowed.

‘Ah, a friend?’

Excluding Jennette, people at the palace and Lucas who scammed her into friendship, she had never had a friend outside the palace.

They had a brief talk and Anthanasia walked away feeling warm inside.

She walked in the halls of the ruby palace which once felt cold and lonely to her but now it didn’t seem that way.

She now had people who she could depend on.

Lily who had always stood by her side.
Jennette who was a good sister.
Felix who she had gotten closer to ever since the emperor became unconscious.
The maids who she had opened up to as she became clearer and stronger with her emotions.
Lucas who gave her a headache each day but still felt close to.
And the Ijekiel Alpheus who went against his father and supported her because he believed it was right.

She didn’t feel like the princess who was once thought that her future was ‘set in stone’ as a shadow which would forever be in the imperial castle.

Now she had a reason to be strong. Something to protect.

The nobles would surely retaliate because of her newly required position.

Even if the Emperor woke up next week, no, even if he woke up this very moment, she was ready to acquire power to protect everything dear to her.

She smiled as she quietly spoke to herself. “Now I am sure, that no future is set in stone. Look at my duty now.”


A big thanks to all those who have read this far. I’d like to thank all the readers who’ve stuck around this far. I love you all and hope you have a great day!

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