Chapter 52: Watching

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"Then I told the man that I'd kill his whole family and every single person that he had met. Immediately, he was silenced. I think he even peed on himself"


Anthanasia laughed at Claude's ridiculous story. Claude himself seemed to be in quite a joyous mood.

Throughout the week, Anthanasia had spent lots of time bonding with the usually cold Emperor and had seemed to have melted his icy exterior.

There was some kind of confidence that had began to grow within Anthanasia. Growing up, she had gained a low self esteem due to the hatred from Claude.

She had always wondered why he had always loathed her so much. In the past, she had considered that maybe it was partly her fault, but now she came to understand that it was his memories and view that made him abhor her.

So she had now brainwashed him into believing otherwise from the past. Frankly, she wasn't completely aware of what part of his memory, made him to hate her.

From the topaz palace, she had learnt that Claude's dark feelings had been ignited by the loss of Diana.

But why was Anthanasia herself to blame?

Thinking about this, left a sour feeling in her heart. Doing her best not to show an unpleasant expression, she excused herself from Claude, claiming that she had forgotten some of his medications in the ruby palace.

She came out of his room, and rested her back on the door, releasing a deep sigh.

"You should stop with the lies"

Surprise came across as her as she heard somebody speak. She turned to the right and saw Lucas leaning against the wall.

"In the end, you'll be the one to get hurt. I don't want to see you like that"

"Hahh. I know that. I know what I'm doing, lying an all, is wrong, but...."

He stepped closer and took her hand into his. Staring straight at her, he smiled.

"It has been four years, since I've met you. For some people it's a short time, but for me, it was long enough to get to know you"

Feeling affected my the sudden change of the atmosphere, Anthanasia blushed slightly looking at her hand that Lucas held.


"There's something I really want to tell you. I've always wanted to tell you. But now doesn't seem like the right time"


'Should I continue to pretend as if I don't know?'

Anthanasia wasn't dense enough to not understand all the hints Lucas had been dropping. She had only pretended to be unaware.

"Anyways" Lucas coughed and quickly changed the subject. Though not entirely. "It's enough of the whole Claude thing. Today needs to be a Lucathy day!"

What exactly was a lucathy day? Well it was a day were Anthanasia and Lucas would have fun wherever they wanted.


"I'm not listening to your excuse. You haven't given your best friend attention for a long time! Jennette is back. She can take care of Claude"

"Fine. Let's have a lucathy day!"

After Jennette's return to the palace, she wasted no time in first of all going to meet Anastacius, who was residing in a desolate area of the ruby palace.

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