Chapter 9: She's also a princess

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The sound of sobbing and hiccups woke up Anthanasia from her unconscious state.

“Hmm” Anthanasia observed her surroundings and she seemed to be in the emerald palace. In the room was someone who looked like a doctor.

The emperor and his guard. A crying Lily, a sobbing Jennette being comforted by her fiancée, and beside me was, the man in the bushes, except he looked younger, he looked around my age!

“She’s awake, your majesty” Lucas said with a bow.

“Throw him in the dungeon” The emperor said nodding towards the doctor. Two guards came and dragged him out of the room.

“Yo, your majesty, sh, she really was dead!” The doctor screamed before being taken out.
Jennette let go of her fiancée and brought Anthanasia into her embrace.

“Hic, th, the doctor, sa, said, y, you, w, we, were dead!” Jennette said with more tears.

Anthanasia glanced to Lily who was quietly sobbing and asked. “Dead?”

Then the memory of when she lost consciousness came to mind.

The emperor stood up and left the room with his guard, leaving Anthanasia a little dejected.
“Princess?”  Lily asked entering into Anthanasia’s room since there had been no response after four knocks.

There was no one in the room. A cold breeze was blowing into the room and the door to the balcony was slightly open.

“Princess!” On the ground was the blonde haired princess. Lily used all the strength she could muster to carry the princess to bed.

“Hnng, urgh” Were the only sounds the princess made. The princess’s body was ice cold and she seemed to be half unconscious. As Lily stood up to quickly call other maids and a doctor, a blue light came from the princess’s body and scattered around the room.

'This isn’t normal!'

Lily dashed out of the room to call all the maids.
“Something’s wrong with the princess!” Lily screamed in the hall way not caring about the etiquette of a head maid.

The maids woke up at this ruckus and all gathered in the princesses room. The princess’s room was in chaos.

The dressers were burnt. Her lamp had been shattered. The walls stained and a blue light bounced everywhere in the room.

Once the blue light touched someone it sent a shock into the person’s body. This ruckus was heard in all parts of the palace. The guards all rushed in, but only to be struck down by this strange light.

It was almost past midnight, but princess Jennette was wide awake writing down the day’s events in her diary.

Today I spent a really long time with sister, it was really fun. But today aunty suffered a serious accident, the doctor says she’ll be alright, but her face is looking really bad. And sister was also introduced to Ije-

Knock. Knock. “Come in” Jennette said before locking her diary.

Into the room came the maid her aunt had assigned, Rina.

“Your highness, the court ladies said I should inform you about the uproar in the ruby palace” Rina said with a bow.

“What happened?!”

“The princess is in a…unstable condition, it has nothing to do with medical health, rather magic”
Jennette quickly stood up and wore her slippers.

“Your Highness?!”

“Has daddy been informed?” Jennette asked opening the doors.

“I don’t think so, your highness”
“Please, quickly inform him” Jennette said before dashing towards the ruby palace.

“Princess?!” Her court ladies asked in surprise as she left the emerald palace.

She got to the ruby palace and barged into Anthanasia’s room.

The place was a mess and a strange blue light was scattering everywhere. Jennette made big strides towards Anthanasia’s body, but the guards blocked her since all attempts to get near her were in vain.

The wizards seemed to be barely trying which made Jennette mad.

“Why aren’t you people trying your best?! She’s also a princess of Obelia whether you don’t think of her as one or not!” Jennette fumed while squirming from the guards and coming up to Anthanasia’s body.

A magic circle was around Anthanasia but it didn’t seem to be doing anything. Jennette got into the magic circle and held Anthanasia’s glowing hand.


Too late, Jennette took Anthanasia’s hand, both of their hairs lit up and the blue light in the room stopped. And Jennette fell unconscious to the ground.

News reached the emperor about the state the two princesses were in. By that time they had been both moved to the emerald palace because of the ruby palace’s state.

The blue light had stopped, but the hairs of the two princesses were glowing.

The wizards had never seen a case like this. The emperor came up to the princesses and cast a spell.

Cough. Cough.” Princess Jennette woke up after the spell but Anthanasia was still unconscious.

The emperor was about to leave, but Princess Jennette pleaded with him to stay and order the wizards to try better.

So the emperor brought in all the best wizards, but none seemed to know what was going on.

Two weeks passed then a boy with black hair and red eyes claimed he could cure the princess.

“I swear on my life, your majesty, I can heal the princess”

“Who are you?”

“I am a nobody but a humble wizard, Lucas is my name” He said with a bow.

Since he claimed he could heal Anthanasia he was allowed into the emerald palace. A magic circle surrounded Anthanasia, her hair glowed then she coughed out some blood.

Jennette who hadn’t left Anthanasia’s side, pleaded for a doctor and he examined Anthanasia, then his face turned pallid.

“She’s d-dead y-your majesty” The doctor stuttered.

Jennette fell into her fiancée’s embrace who had come to visit her. While the head maid of the ruby palace wept out her heart not caring about her behavior.

Just as the emperor was about to give his command to execute the Lucas person, the Princess suddenly sat upright in bed.

“She’s awake, your majesty” Lucas said with a bow.

“Throw him in the dungeon” The emperor said nodding towards the doctor. Two guards came and dragged him out of the room.

“Yo-your majesty, sh-she really was dead!” The doctor screamed before being taken out.

Back to present time
Jennette and Lily wiped there tears after finishing their explanation.

'So that’s what happened'

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