Chapter 7

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Kuroos PoV:

After Yamaguchi left Tsukki still hadn't noticed us, so we just looked at him. I whispered ,,He's beautiful " The other agreed ,a few minutes later Tsukki finally  noticed us and was shocked and didn't looked at us. I was the first who spoke ,,Did you really meant what you said Yesterday?" He looked at me and then we saw that he has tears in his eyes. He answered ,,N-no!Please!I', sorry!!!It's not disgusting! I don't know why I said that! *sniff* I-i am just afraid of love!  See!Yesterday,that makes me love do! *sniff* A-and Bokugray,Akawhite and Kurocat heard ever*sniff*ything a-and left me too.I-I think it's really the b-best way if we just go different ways.S-sorry" Wow..........He really thinks that? I wanted to go to him,but suddenly Akaashi left the room.Why?! Bokuto and I followed him.When we were able to stop him,We saw that's Akaashi was crying,but why? Bokuto asked him worried ,,Hey,babe, what's wrong?Why are you crying?"

Akaashi answered ,,Well,I think he's right.It was all much easier when we didn't met Tsukishima.We had still some problems , but it was beautiful.But now we met Tsukishima and It changed,we should Just get over him.It's not worth it If at the end we all gonna end up hurt."Bokuto then spook ,,Mabye you're right,or Kuroo?"I nodded,,Yes,I guess" And so the rest of the day continued .

Tsukishima PoV:
I listened what they said.I still can't really believe that I found my soulmates. Is it really possible for me to love three Boys?The problem is not that they're Boys, it's that they are three. That was another reason why I didn't wanted to meet my soulmates ,I didn't wanted to hurt them.But I did........And I'm sorry and know I even lost the others.

Autor-Chan PoV: 

So the days went. Tsukishima ignored the other three and hide when they came to close to him and obviously the noticed that. Akawhite,Bokugrey and Kurocat were the whole time close to Tsukishima,but he didn't noticed it.

And so it was fast the last day of the Training Camp and they didn't spoke.They were right now eating meat and speaking witch everyone. But Tsukishima was kinda das,because her wanted to see them again ,not as Boyfriend or friends. He didn't knew why, because they were annoying.But still,just them being near from him. But he can't tell them,it would be to embarissing.

Bokuto said to Kuroo and Akaashi  ,, Should we speak with Tsukishima?He was avoiding us the last days" Akaashi answered,,Yes ,but If we do that I'm gonna have hopes and ...I don't know " Kuroo said ,,Yes,but I think just talk to him wouldn't be so bad,or?" Bokuto nodded.

They both looked at Akaashi,who still wasn't ready ,but then Bokuto talked ,,Hey,babe,please say what you feel. We are gonna do it together" Kuroo agreed Bokuto. Akaashi sighed and then told them ,,Well,I think we still should wait.  I wanted to meet that fourth of us too,but then we suddenly  met him and what if we gonna be friends with him he want more? Or one of us fall in love with him and choose to be with him and we all go then different ways? I don't want that! i don't want to lose any of you two! I can't without you!And what is then gonna happen with k? I don't want to lose him neither............I'm sorry." Akaashi had tears in his eyes so that Bokuto and Kuroo dicise to go to the bathroom.

When they were in the bathroom they hugged Akaashi with their strong arms and calmed I'm down. When Akaashi stopped crying Bokuto said ,,We can wait! i think if something like that happen,then we have to talk! When something is from we have to talk with each other.But what if we don't try it? We would have never now what would have happen and we would lose some beautiful moments with Glasses-kun. " Kuroo completly agreed with Bokuto and said ,,What if we wait a month? I can ask daichi for Tsukkis Number and in a month if you are ready we call or write him?"

Akaashi looked at them and answered ,,Ok,I think that's a good idea"The two third years smiled and then they went back to the others and so the last the came to an end and the Karasuno left Tokyo . The whole time in the bus tsukishima thought about his three soulmates .And that night akkashi,Bokuto and Kuroo tought about what happened that week. Bokugrey,Akawhite and Kurocat talked with Tsukishima and they are again togehter,what makes Tsukishima really happy.

The next week everything was normal ,just that they thought a lot about each other.Tsukishima every day had to do his food and clean everything and his brother wasn't home the whole week,but that was normal. But then the Monday of the next week when he went home he smelled food and his mother talking to someone .

Tsukishimas PoV:

What is going on? I went to the kitchen and saw a man in the same age of my mother cooking something and my mother talking to him with a smile,that I last saw when my father was still alive.Then they two noticed me and his mother explained me ,,This is Kinose,please be nice to him. He is now my lover and your stepfather ,and he is gonna live here now" What?! Kinose interrupted my thoughts ,,Nice to meet you,Kei. I'm Bokuto Kinose"

Bokuto?! Wtf?! ,,W-wait,Bokuto?! Can it be that you have a son in Tokyo?!" The Man sighed and answered,Well,yes,he was. But I don't see him anymore as a son,so you know him? It would be better if you don't become friends with him"....

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a great afternoon! Please no hate for my bad English, English is my third language .BYE

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