Chapter. 17

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Author-chans PoV:

Yamaguchi wrote a message to Yachi and she already answered after 3 minutes and was totally fine with the idea. Yamaguchi couldn't sleep first because he was really nervous but Yachi too. when she was home Yamacrow ( Yamaguchis pet that was on Yachis shoulder) told her that Yamaguchi was her soulmate and that made her even more nervous.

The next day Yamaguchi was really nervous . It was kinda funny for Tsukishima .He already thought to maybe write a book about them and just change the namesYamaguchi : Yamagucci Yachi : Yahhe . 

After training Yachi waited in front of the school until Yamaguchi and Tsukishima came out . On their way they didn't talked but then Yamaguchi and Yachi were talking .People could think that Tsukishima is just the parent who go with them to pay. After some time he said ,,You two are made for each other , i think I'm gonna go home and you go on a date maybeee~" Yamaguchi and Yachi blushed but didn't said no. ,,The jurasic park 3 is in the cinema ,why don't you two go at there and spend some time together. Have fun , but take protactio-" ,,Tsukki!!!" ,,Hahaahah , byeee~" So Tsukishima went to his house and left two person with blush on their faces in the store.

Tsukishima was kinda proud of himself for that what he did ,hehehe. When he came home he did his homeworks and video called with his soulmates. He wished that he could be with them ,seeing them made him happy and at the same time sad. He want to be with them! He can see the sadness in their faces when he has to end the call  and he didn't wanted that! But the most sadness he could see in Bokutos face. Kuroo told Tsukishima why. It's because of Kuroo that they first met Tsukishima and because of Akaashi they were able to be a couple . But Bokuto didn't helped . Kuroo first told that Tsukishima yesterday . Bokuto wanted to make some memories with Tsukishima too! 

And so was the rest of the week. He called every night with his soulmates and Yamaguchi and Yachi were dating . Not a couple but Tsukishima knew that it's not gonna take them more then a week. The day they went to the movie Yamaguchi told Tsukishima the day next that Yachi really liked the movie and that she watched already all the movies from jurassic park and she loved every single one and she was a dino fan too. Obviously not so much like Tsukishima but still! After the movie they even went to eat some fries . And Yachis and Yamaguchis favorite food are fries what made both really happy. The day Yamaguchi went with Yachi to a museum . Tsukishima was really happy that he found someone else to spend his time. And it was good for him because he were able to speak more time with Bokuto , Kuroo and Akaashi. 

That friday Julio called Tsukishima ,,Tsukishima-senpai!!! My teacher gave me an A+ ! And I found someone in my class who likes Dinosaures! I have a friend now! And I promised him that someday he's gonna meet you! I hope it's ok for yo-" In the background Tsukishima where able to hear Kuroo saying to Julio ,,Let him breath ,Julio. " ,,Sorry" Tsukishima cuckled ,,Don't worry. I'm happy for you. This weekend I'm not gonna be able to go to Tokyo , I'm gonna help my best friend get a girlfriend. He's a little bit like you when I now think about it" 

They kept talking about a video game that they both liked and some other things . After two hours Kuroo told him Julio to end the call because it was his phone and he already finished his homeworks and learning . 

But then Kuroo talked alone with Kuroo ,, I hope next weekend I'm gonna be able to go to Tokyo and see you three and maybe spend a day alone with Bokuto. " ,,Yes,that would be amazing! But why don't you just call him?" ,,It's because it's Bokuto. If it would be you or Akaashi i would , but I think if it's Bokuto it's better to speak personal. When he come in his emotional phase I would wish to be by his side and help him. " ,, Argh, you're so cuteee! You already know so much about him " Tsukishima blushed ,,But what are you two gonna do it you are gonna spend a whole day together?" ,,I don't think it would be thaaaat bad. Maybe I could go with him to eat something because he loves food and later maybe go to the zoo. I already looked and there are a really good one with some owls shows and later go home or an hotel and just talk and maybe I'm gonna bring on of my movies that I think he's gonna like. I already looked and have three in mind ." ,,I'm sure he's gonna like it!!! Not just like! He's gonna love it!!!" 

And so if was already weekend . Tsukishima helped Yamaguchi with Yachi , but Tsukishima decided to gave them more time. It was to early in just a week! So that he spen the weekend studying and he watched the three movies he thought would like Bokuto and decided for one. Kuroo told it Akaashi and they three decided to tell it Bokuto , because then he could prepare himself too. When they told that Bokuto he was really happy and exited ! He couldn't stop smile for that and the next day. Even Kuroo and Akaashi decided to go on a date that day. 

Bokuto already put the clothes he's gonna wear on his chear . He even bought a little present for Tsukishima and he cleaned his room. So it was finally friday , the day before the day Bokuto and Tsukishima had planed for a week. Tsukishima wanted to do begun doing his homeworks because he wouldn't be able to do them the weekend but then Kuroo called him and he could feel that something was wrong ,,Tsukki! Can you please come?!" Kuroo was crying ,,What? Why? What's wrong?" ,,Please,Kei!It's because of Bokuto......he's in the hospital"

Hey guys!!! I can smell DRAMAAAAAAA . Hahahaha , sorry. I hope you liked that chapter ,byeeeee!  

Wait, three soulmates?! ( Bokuakakurotsuki)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ