Chapter. 30

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Author-chans PoV~ 

Bokuto looked at him first suprised but then smiled ,,Omg ,yes!!! We have to! What costumes are we gonna wear? What day? ( It's Bokuto , so let's not be mean to him for saying that......for halloween) How many people? Wha-" Before he could say more Akaashi said ,, Let's first eat and we can talk about it later. We still have two months , so we don't have to hurry.And I'm sure you're hungry" Bokuto nodded and they went to the kitchen  to eat together . Tsukishima asked Bokuto ,,How was it?" Bokuto answered with food in his mouth ,,Ogey , fert mie tehar wes sopar fonne bet tho ather un not. Id war og " translate - Okay , first the teacher was super funny but the other one not.It was ok.

Tsukishima nodded , even if he didn't understood one word. After lunch Tsukishima and Akaashi cleaned the dishes , because Kuroo and Bokuto were to excited to plan the party. Then the other two joined and asked ,,So , what did you guys already planned?" Kuroo answered happily ,,We're gonna invite Nekoma , Fukurodani , karasuno Aoba josai and Shiratorizawa! And we already thought about costumes , but it's a secret~"

 Tsukishima could already thought what they planned and said ,,I think I'm not gonna come" Bokuto then said with a sad look and puppy eyes ,,Pleaseeee,kei...." Tsukishima sighed and said ,,Fine , but just because of you three" The three smiled.Then Bokuto said ,,And we already planned what day it's gonna be!" All three looked at him and began laughed until Tsukishima said ,,Halloween is always on the same day , on the 31 october" ,,Oh...." They started to laugh again,because of their stupied but CUTE lover. 

After that they stopped planning for a while and Kuroo helped Bokuto with his homeworks . The most help Bokuto needed with maths. He couldn't understand how Kuroo understands it. He already had problems when it were numbers and know even letters?! HOW?! 

Akaashi and Tsukishima heard them from the living room and felt kinda bad for Bokuto even if Kuroo isn't a bad teacher . If he wouldn't want to be a doctor he would choose to be a teacher . In that time Akaashi helped Tsukishima with english , even if he's already good , but he was thankful because Akaashi is one year older , so that he knows more.After a hour Bokuto finished with his homeworks and was exhausted and layed on the couch . Kuroo walked to him and said ,,Come on , it wasn't that hard" Bokuto gave him a ,, What did you just say?!" look and said ,,It was!" Kuroo sighed and said ,, I'm sorry for your teachers " Tsukishima said still looking in his book ,,We all do" Akaashi and Kuroo giggled and Bokuto replied sad ,,That was mean" ,,Sometimes the truth is mean" ,,Hmpf!" 

Akaashi joined the conversation saying ,,Sometimes the teacher talk to me saying thatv they're sorry for me that I have to handle him in and out of school , even some of our teams say that" Kuroo and Tsukishima laughed a bit and Bokuto came in his famous emo mood. Tsukishima then said ,,But we still love you , and we don't want that you change , never! " The other two agreed and then  Bokuto smiled at them.

The rest of the day the cuddles , played video games and watched TV together. The next days just went like that , until Wednesday evening when Tsukishima had to leave.He really didn't wanted , but had to. They bring him to the train station and when Tsukkis train came Tsukishima hugged them all and said goodbye. When Bokuto saw tears in Tsukishimas eyes he walked to him kissed his head and said ,,We're going to talk every nigh and in two weeks we're gonna see us again for the party. " Tsukishima smiled and then had to enter the train.

He was hearing music and talking a bit with Bokugrey , Akawhite and Kurocat and reading a book Akaashi gave him. Tsukishimas mom picked him up and when she saw his son caing out of the train she hugged him thight and asked ,,How was it,darling?" Tsukishima answered ,,Good. They decided to make on Halloween a party . Bokuto didn't even knew that it was every year on the same day,haha" She smiled when she sees his son so happy and she hopes he's gonna stay like that forever.

Home Tsukishima saw Akiteru watching TV with his boyfriend. He still was confused that he wasn't together with Tanakas sister. He could swear that they had soemthing,but how it looks he was wrong.He went to his room and thought about a way how to tell the team about the party. He couldn't say it in front ofthe caoches , they would say no , even i they aren't our parents they would find a way to stop us to go to the party.

He really don't wanted to tell the team about it , but at the same time he didn't wanted to make Kuroo and Bokuto sad.He ate dinner together and he hopes that Hinata won't annoy him because of Tenma Udai . After dinner he talked with Bokuto , Kuroo and Akaashi. After that he went to sleep , because he didn't wanted to be tired in the morning, even less when he has history , because the teacher could murder a student just for yawn

The next morniing Tsukishima met with Yamaguchi to walk together to school like always.On their way Tsukishima told Yamaguchi about the party and that Bokuto and Kuroo for sure plane something stupied for him to wear.But he told Yamaguchi that he will never wear something like a bunny costume or something like that.

When all were in the club roon to change he took the chance and said ,,Ehmm,Guys. Bokuto ,Kuroo and Akaashi from Fukurodani and Nekome want to make a halloween party and told me to invite the team....." 

HEY HEY HEY !!!! I'm going to bed now TmT . If there'ssomething wrong ,sorry but I'm to lazy and tired to correct it. I hope you liked this chapter,byeeeee my cutieeeeees~

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