Chapter 14

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Author-chans PoV:
When they ate Kuroos mother asked Tsukishima a lot of question.But when they finally finished they went to Julios room.Akaashi,Bokuto and Kuroo just sat on Julios bed and watched them two making the Presentation.After some time Kuroo asked  ,,How much longer is it gonna take you?" Tsukishima answered ,,Mhhh,a little More. There are still  some really interessant and important things about dinosaurs . Even if you don't think it, dinosaurs are really interessant" Julio just smiled and Akaashi, Kuroo and Bokuto shocked. Julios smile is really rare! And now even more when there just met.

Two hours later they finished and when they three wanted to go to Kuroos room ,Julio stopped them and said to Tsukishima ,,T-thank you , Tsukishima-senpai"  Tsukishima blushed because of the name and the put his hand on Julios head and said with a smile.,,Your welcome. You're a clever boy,not like your Brother. But you have to tell me how it went out,and now go to sleep  it's already late " Julio nodded with a smile and went back to his room.

When they were at Kuroos room Bokuto said,,Tsukki!Julio just called you Tsukishima-senpai!!!And he smiled!!! He never smiles!" Kuroo agreed Bokuto ,,Yes! He just smiled to me like that when...........well never!You didn't said that you was SO good with children" Tsukishima asked ,,Is that really a so big Thing?" Akaashi answered ,,Yes . We're really lucky to have you as our soulmate" Tsukishima just blushed and looked away.

Then someone knocked on the door and Kuroo said,,Come in" It was just Kuroos Mom and she asked ,,and,how was it with Julio?" Kuroo answered with a Smile ,,It went amazing!He smiled twice!And called him Tsukishima-senpai!" ,,Really? That's great!!Ok, I'm gonna let you guys sleep,good night" and so she left the room.

When Akaashi,Kuroo and Bokuto already went to sleep Tsukishima was just checking his Messages. Then when he wanted to go to bed to,he saw his three soulmates cuddleing waiting for Tsukishima.He asked ,, Should I sleep on the floor? "

Kuroo laughed and said ,,No! Come here" and he stretched out his hand to him. Tsukishima took his hand and Kuroo pulled him in the bed. Then he whispered ,,The first day you being our Boyfriend. Sleep well,moneshine " Tsukishima asked with blush,, Moneshine?" Kuroo nodded and explained ,, That's your Nickname!"

On the right of the bed slept Akaashi ,next to him Tsukishima,then Kuroo and on the left was Bokuto.

Tsukishima felt the warmth from the others and felt asleep and the others too. 

The next morning Kuroo was the first who woke up. He went to the kitchen and saw his mother and his brother eating something. Kuroo asked Julio ,,And, how is Tsukki?" Julio asked ,,Do you mean Tsukishima-senpai?" ,,Yes" ,,I thing he's really cool and soooo clever! I think he's my idol now!" Julio smiled saying that .Kuroo smiled and said,,But he's still ours. So don't touch him" Julio looked away ,,I can't promise that" Kuroo giggled and ate his breakfast.

After 15 minutes Bokuto and Akaashi woke up at the same time and went to the kitchen where still Kuroos mother , Julio and Kuroo were. Bokuto said ,,Tsukishima is still sleeping" Kuroos mother said ,,He must had been tired. Yesterday was probably an exciting day for him. " Akaashi ,Kuroo and Bokuto agreed with her. After some time Kuroos mother said ,, Tsukishima is so he alright?" Bokuto answered ,, He doesn't eat so much and the doctor told us that he Is underweight . But we promise that we're gonna take good care of him!" Kuroos mother smiled at him and then went to Work.

After they ate their breakfast Kuroo and Bokuto went to the living room to play video games and Akaashi went back to Kuroos room and sat next to Tsukishima reading a book. When a hour pasted Tsukishima begun to wake up slowly . Akaashi noticed it and asked still looking in his book ,,Did you sleep well?" Tsukishima yawned and answered ,,Hmmm,well ,I think" Akaashi closed his book and Tsukishima got up,so that he was sitting in the bed like Akaashi and said ,,I'm sorry that I woke up so late" 

Akaashi took his hand on Tsukishimas head and pet his hair and said ,,Don't worry , it's ok. You was tired ." Tsukishima blushed and said nothing. 

Akaashi took back his hand and said ,,There's something I already wanted to tell you yesterday.......You don't have to be our boyfriend just because of ....... the kiss" Tsukishima saw that Akaashi looked worried . Tsukishima took and hold Akaashis hand and looked Akaashi deep in his eyes ,,Already before the kiss I noticed that I feel more than normally for other people. Not even with Tadashi I feel like with you three. But then ,when you kissed me I finally accepted my feelings. I have to thank you for make me see it. See that I love you three more than anything else in this world. So please don't think so! "

Akaashi was surprised that Tsukishima said something like that.    Akaashi then asked ,,Then....can I do it again?" Tsukishima didn't expected that but just nodded with blush in his cheeks .

Hiiiii!!!I'm really sorry that I didn't updated for so looooong! 😞 My mental health wasn't doing so good......but I think I'm better now ,I hope!🥺 I wanted to say thank you all! Thanks for reading this story! I thought nobody was gonna read it because It's a rare and one of the most hated ships (Kurosuki) . I hope you guys liked that chapter!!! 💕

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