Chapter. 29

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Author-chan PoV: 

 After two days they were allowed to go home . In the car was a silent. Tsukishimas mom were driving them to Bokutos home. Becasue it's a half an hour away from the hospitla away. In the front next to Tsukishimas mom were Bokuto , who still feels guilty . In the back seats on the left was Kuroo , on the right Akaashi and in the middle Tsukishima. After 3 minutes that they were already in the car driving Tsukishimas head felt on Akaashis shoulder . Akaashi looked at him and noticed that he felt asleep. He smiled and then kissed Tsukishimas head. The radio was on , but Tsukishima could still sleep.In the news they said that ,,G smile" was finally found and in jail what he's going to be his whole life , if nothing bad happeneds .

 When they said that, Tsukishimas mom smiled because the man who killed her husband finally is where he belongs to. Tsukishimas mom entered with them in the house , but just to say to Tsukishima that he should be careful and he can be until wednesday in Bokutos house , what made him really happy. After Tsukishimas mom left the house.  Bokuto was in the kitchen cook to take care of his lovers.

In the time they ate lunch Bokuto said ,,I'm sorry , that was all my fault" Tsukishima asked ,,What? Wy should it be your fault?" ,,Well , it was my father that course that you all are hurt" Kuroo said ,,It's not! Nothing is your fault! You did nothing wrong, so don't think so!" Bokuto started to cry ,,But I'm the only one who isn't hurt " Akaashi said ,,Kouratou , that's good! Your father already hurted to when you was a child . You don't deserve to get more pain because of him!" Tsukishima nodded and got up and hug Bokuto . Kuroo and Akaashi got up too ,to hug their crying lover.

Bokuto calmed down when he felt the warmth of his lovers. After dinner the watched a movie cuddling.  It was monday so that tomorrow Bokuto is going to go to school , so that they went to bed early . But Tsukishima and Akaashi kept awake reading a book. 

Bokuto had to wake up at 6 Am in the morning to go to school. But when he saw his boyfriends faces sleeping he smiled and became motivation to go to school. The second who woke up was Kuroo , but then Bokuto was already gone. ( GoOoOOooOn ,haha , I will stop, gomen)

He went to the kitchen to make a coffee and took some medicine . He took some mangas and read them in the living room , until he felt something on his legs. It was Tsukishimas still tired face. Kuroo put the book aside and kissed his youngest boyfriend. And not after a long time Akaashi walked to them with two mugs and gave one Tsukishima who then got up from Kuroos lap to sit next to him. 

Akaashi drank his coffee and Tsukishima his hot chocolate  , because he don't like the taste of coffee ( I first wanted to make that Akaashi don't like coffee neither , but I'm sure he drinks coffee before going to school to be able to handle with Bokuto so early in the morning)

Kuroo looked at the calender in his to see if there's something but then he said ,,Hey , in two weeks is Halloween! Let's make a party again!" Akaashi and Tsukishima looked at him and Akaashi answere ,,Yeah , why not. But this time we shouldn't invit Julio" Kuroo laughed nervously .

Last year on halloween they made a big party in Akaashis house and Julio was there too. But they ended in the hospital because Julio drank two whole cups of Whisky , because he thought it was water. 

Tsukishima asked curious ,,Party?" Kuroo replied,,Yes! Every year we make a halloween party with costumes . The whole Fukurodani and Nekoma is there and some other friends ." ,,And what has that something to do with Julio?"

 Akaashi looked at Kuroo and said ,,Tell him what happened " Kuroo then replied to Tsukishima ,,Well ,least year I brought Julio to that party and in the party is of course alcohol and more. I think Julio was thirsty and he drunk some cups of whisky ,because he though it was water. Nobody stopped him because he had his Batman mask so that they didn't knew it was him. And Akaashi was the one who noticed and we brought him to the hospital.....and I was even drunk . I got in a lot of trouble with my parents because of it and Julio had to stay three whole days in the hospital." 

Then Tsukishima began to laughed hard ,when he calmed down he said ,,How stupied do you are to bring your little brother to a party,hahahah" Akaashi began to laughed a little bit with Tsukishima. After the two calmed down Akaashi asked ,, Where are we going to celebrate it? Again in my house?" Kuroo answered ,,Maybe this year we can make the party in Bos ( he means bokutos) house. His living room is even bigger then that in your house " Akaashi nodded .

Kuroo asked ,,Who are we going to invite? " Akaashis replied ,, I think Nekoma and Fukurodani and maybe Karasuno too. I think that would be enough" Kuroo nodded and tsukishima asked kinda annoyed ,,Does Karasuno have to come?" ,,Come on ,Tsukki! If Hinata comes Kenma will come without a fight. And your best friend! And Tanaka and Noya are good friends with Yamamoto! And Suga with Yaku! If Suag comes of course Daichi too and if Noya comes Asahi too! And if we say Kageyama that we're going to bring milk he sure come too!" Tsukishima rolled his eyes ,,Fine..... I'm going to make Lunch ,I'm sure Bokuto comes already in a hour or less" Akaashi replied ,,I'm gonna help too" 

While they were cooking in the kitchen Kuroo was thinking what costumes they're gonna dress . After twenty minutes Bokuto opened the front door with a bride smile . When he smell that someone was cooking he thought that he was the luckiest man in the world. He didn't went to training today , so that he could spend more time with his lovers. 

He first went to the living room to threw his bag on the couch. When he saw Kuroo on there he walked to him and kissed him. Kuroo then said ,,Bo! Let's make in two weeks a halloween party here!" 

HEY HEY HEY!!! How are my favorit reader doing ~? I hope that you liked the chaaaapter! But one question! Should one or two or more dress in a sexy costume? Just tell me who and if you want in what costume. Byeeee , my little  cuties!!!

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