Chapter 15

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Author-chans PoV:
Akaashi came closer to him and put his one Arm around Tsukishimas waist and the other hand on Tsukishimas cheek and put his lips on Tsukishimas. Akaashi closed his eyes . Tsukishima closed his eyes after a few seconds. It was a beautiful moment and both didn't wanted to separar them from each other. Tsukishima then put his arms around Akaashis neck and enjoyed it. Both had there eyes closed and after a few minutes they broke the kiss . They opened there eyes and looked deep in the Others one.

Tsukishima noticed that Akaashi had beautiful blue eyes.He could stare hours in them. The same was Akaashi. He thought that Keis eyes looked like a mix from honey and the sun.

After some minutes Akaashi said ,, We should get up. You can go to the living rooms where Bokuto and Kuroo are. I'm gonna bring you , your breakfast" Tsukishima just nodded and got up. He entered the living room and saw his two oldest soulmates sitting on the couch and playing a video game. They two didn't noticed that he sat next to them

Akaashi went to the kitchen to take Tsukishimas breakfast. So he went to the living room and the two oldest noticed Akaashi and Kuroo asked ,, Is Tsukki still sleeping?" Before Akaashi could answer him Tsukishima said ,,I told you to not call me that" Bokuto and Kuroo screamed because of the shook.  Bokuto said ,,Why didn't you told us that you were here?" 

Tsukishima answered ,, You were to concentrated playing that game" Akaashi gave Tsukishima his plate with two pieces of bread and some apple and with that a cacao . After a piece of bread and some apple Tsukishima was already full and took the plate to the kitchen where he met Julio who was trying to reach for some cookies .

Tsukishima saw that and helped him and took the cookies and gave him , because Julio was to short . When Julip saw that it was Tsukishima he smiled and said ,, Tsukishima-senpai! Thank you!" Tsukishima pet him and said ,, good morning. Don't worry , I'm not gonna tell your brother that " He looked at the cookies in Julios hands. Julio smiled even bigger and thanked him before he went to his room.

When Tsukishima was with his three soulmates he said ,,I still can't understand why Julio is such a cute a nice boy and his  brother is that" He looked at Kuroo. Bokuto and Akaashi laughed.,, Hey! That's mean! Hmpf!" 

Tsukishima just went to the couch and set next to them. Bokuto asked ,,What are we gonna do today?" Tsukishima answered ,,I have to go back to Miyagi today.Tomorrow we have school"  Bokuto looked sad and said ,,Right......." Tsukishima didn't liked to see his soulmate like that , but he couldn't change it.  ,,I have to take my train at 6 pm. " Kuroo said ,,That's good! Because my mom is gonna make her famouse casserole !" Bokuto looked at Kuroo,, The casserole?!" Kuroo nodded ,,It's the best casserole I ever have ate!!And I have ate a lot in my life!!"

 Tsukishima smiled a little bit. He was happy. He would do every thing for the three. He could be like he is. He doesn't have to be strong and act like he would be emotionless. He never want to leave them , even if he would lose every thing he has. 

,,Hey! Tsukki,is everything fine?"  Tsukishima looked at them and saw them with worried looks ,,Yes...I was just thinking about something" They three noddded and countined  talking about how good Kuroos mother could cook. That morning they didn't really made a lot, they just played video games. And Tsukishima won in the most of them , because he was clever enough to know how to play better then the other two idiots. Akaashi just watched how they played. He wasn't really in the mood to play and prefered watched his three soulmates smiling and laughing.

Akaashi never was  a guy who talked a lot. When he was in middle school he hadn't any friends. he was alone the whole years, but who would talk to a person who doesn't even talk or show any emotions? That was what he thought the whole years, but then he met Bokuto. He talked a lot and had more than enough energy . And they became friends. In the frist time in his live he had a friend. Someone who didn't care if he spooke or not. Bokuto could read Akaashi and know how he felt. First it wasn't easy , but he learned every single experation on Akaashis face.

 And then he even met Kuroo. He was like Bokuto , but at the same time he was different. Kuroo talked a lot like Bokuto , but at the same time he wasn't so childish like Bokuto and he was a little bit better in school and helped Akaashi when he had problems in school. Kuroo could read Akaashi too , but not on his face , more on his hands. He knew when he was angry that he made a fist and when he was nervous he played with his fingers . When he was cold he put his hands in his jacket . And much more. He still wonder how he know that , but he's happy. More than he ever was in his live . But they three knew that they were soulmates. But they didn't wanted to say anything. They were scared that every thing the had could break.  Not even one from then could handle it. But at the same time they knew that it couldn't keep like that. So that one day when the met at Akaashis house they talked.Kuroo was the first who talked about soulmates. It was a emotionful night . But at the end they had a happy end. So that ,that night the felt asleep together cuddling together. 

Hiiii!!!I hope you liked this chapter!!!!😗✌️At the end I wrote more about Akaashi . But it's gonna come more about Tsukishima......gomen! It's just that I love him soooo much . I hope you guys can understand....👉👈

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