Chapter 8

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Tsukishimas PoV:

I can't believe it,now my stepfather is my soulmates father.What should I do? Well,I don't think that it's gonna last long,so i just have to wait,even if my mother looks really happy . She even told me that she got a job,what made me really happy.

The next day I walked home and when I opened the door I smelled food cooking again. But then Kinose came to me with a really mad and angry face. What is he gonna do?!He then opened his hand and there was my lgtbq+ bracelet. Yes,I have one,Yamaguchi gave it to me. He then came near me and slepped me straight in my face. He then screamed ,,You are a homo?!Disgusting!!!" he then stepped me ,so then I felt down. He stept me more often and he boated me ,until I was crying and bleeding. Then I ran in my room and locked my door and cried.

He was Bokutos son,I don't want to imagine what he had to go through . I didn't came out of my room that day.

The next day I didn't went to practice ,because they would see my wounds,and that would be really annoying. But when I went home he already had his belt me and did the same as yesterday,but then Bokugrey,Akawhite and Kurocat came out of my room (yesterday they were still sleeping and didn't noticed something) and then they saw how he beat me.

When he saw them he was shocked and yelled ,,Three soulmates?!The same as Koutarou! Don't tell me he is your soulmate!!!" Akawhite,Bokugrey and Kurocat wanted to help me,but I said ,,N-no......p-please............go.."I didn't wanted that they get hurt by him to. But they didn't listened and attacked  him.When he wanted to slap them,I screamed ,,DON'T TOUCH THEM!!SLAP ME!BUT LET THEM GO! " He laughed and ignored them and beat me even stronger.

After 20 minutes he stopped and I ran in my room wit Akawhite,Bokugrey and Kurocat. I told them that the same happened yesterday and that he is Bokutos father. They were shocked and said ,,You have to do something against him?!?!" I just said ,, mother is so happy ,I can't do that to her after that because of me my father died,and I think I'm gonna sleep now." So I just went to my bed and slept.

Author-chans PoV:

In the time Tsukishima slept,Akawhite and Kurocat helped his wounds and Bokugrey thought how they may could help him,but he didn't knew anything,just to fly to Kuroo and ask him for help.So Bokugray said  when Tsukishima was still sleeping ,,I'm gonna fly to Tokyo and tell it Kuroo! Bokuto would be to shocked because it is his father.We need his help!" The other two nodded and then Akawhite said ,,Ok,but be careful! If you have luck tomorrow 3pm your gonna be at his house" Bokugrey nodded and start flying.

At the same time Akaashi ,Bokuto and Kuroo was at Akaashis home ,because Akaashi wanted to talk to them. Bokuto asked,,What's wrong Keiji?" Akaashi told them ,,Well,the last week I keep thinking about that,and i want to know more Tsukishima.It would be a pity if we would regret not to know him better,i want to him to be our friend,and mabye someday more....." Kuroo asked worried,,Are you sure? Don't to it because of us! " Akaashi shaked his had and answered ,,No,I really want it! so can we may call Daichi tomorrow?"Kuro and bokuto smiled and nodded and the rest the cuddled and watched a movie.

The next day tsukishima went to training,because he can't miss two time in a row.But when everyone already where dressed he began to change . but then when he didn't had a shirt on,suddenly Daichi came and saw his wounds and was shocked and asked ,,Tsukishima?!Are you ok?!What's that on your back?!" Tsukishima just answered,,N-nothing!"Then he took his shirt and ran of the club room . Daichi was confused but changed and so the training began.

Tsukishima was kinda weak,because his arms still hurt,but he tried his best.Daichi noticed is and decided to call Bokuto after the training,because they seemed close in the training camp.

So when the training ended he walked home and then called Bokuto. Bokuto in that time was walking with Akaashi at home,but he picked up and asked ,,hey,crow father,what's wrong?" Daichi told him worried ,,It's that yesterday Tsukishima didn't went to training and today he I was gonna change,I saw many wounds on his back,but It didn't looked like it was him or something like that,it looked more like that someone hit him really straong,because his wounds looked really bad! And in the training camp you looked really close to him so that I wanted to ask you if you may would know what it could be" Bokuto was shocked,,What?!Omg!No ,I don't know,but call Yamaguchi! mabye he knnows something! Please call me if ýou know something!" Daichi agreed and ended the call.

Akaashi asked,,What's wrong?" Bokuto told him what he was told from Daichi and Akaashi wanted to say something,but then Kuroo called Bokuto.

Two minutes ago Bokugrey knocked on Kuroos Door.Kuroo opened the door and asked ,,Bokugrey?What are you doing here?" Then Bokugrey told him ,,tsukishima!He is in huge trouble! His mother has a new lover,but it is Bokutos Father!Tuesday when Tsukki came from school Bokutos father found Tsukishimas gay bracelet and he slepped him and hit him! That day we were sleeping,but yesterday the same!But with his belt and then when he saw us he noticed that he has three soulmates and hit him for 20 Minutes!!!His wounds are really bad!Please,we need you help!" Kuroo was shocked,,What?! Tsukki!Come,I'm gonna call Bokuto .We're gonna take the train to Miyagi"Bokugrey just agreed. When he went out of his house he called Bokuto.

Bokuto picked up and said ,,Hey,I have to te-" But Kuroo interupt him ,,You and akaashi ,come now the the station! It's because about Tsukishima!Bokugrey is with me,come fast!" Bokuto didn't understood anything,but said yes .He said to Akaashi ,,We're going to the station! Tsukki needs our help! Kuro is gonna tell us what's up at there" Akaashi nodded and then they ran to the station.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!Have a great afternoon!Please no hate because of my bad english, English is my third language .BYE

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