Chapter. 32

454 14 32

Author-chans PoV~

Akaashi went to Kuroo and looked at the costumes ,, Cool. Are the two ears in the right colors?" Kuroo nodded and gave him the two. One was in black ,the same color of Akaashis hair and the others were in the blond of Tsukishimas hair. Akaashi put on the black ones and said ,,They're good and comfortable" Kuroo leaned to Akaashi and kissed him and then said ,,You're a cute cat" Akaashi blushed and but them then on Kuroo who had the same hair color as Akaashi and then Akaashi said ,, I can see why you're in Nekoma , you're the perfect cat that gave everyone unluck for the day" Kuroo put his hand where his heart is and said dramatical ,,Akaashi?! How can you say that?!" Akaashi chuckled and then kissed Kuroos cheek. Kuroo put his armes around Akaashis waist and kissed him.

After the kiss Akaashi took Bokutos costume and said ,,That's perfect for Bokuto." Kuroo nodded with a smile ,,I still can't believe he didn't had a owl costume earlier" Akaashi agreed ,,Yeah , me too" Then Akaashi took Tsukishimas costume and said ,,He's gonna kill us " ,,Yeah , but if his brother would see him like that we would be death. " Akaashi agreed .

After two hours Bokuto came home with a smile and saw the box in the living room . He looked excited in the box and saw the costumes and smiled.He went to search his boyfriends and find them in the kitchen cooking ,,The costumes arrived. Are they good" Kuroo turned around to see his lover and replied ,,Yes , they're perfect! The ears match perfect" Bokuto smiled happily. 

Bokuto already couldn't wait until the next week for the party.It's gonna be do funny!

In the morning practice at Karasuno Hinata asked Kageyama ,,Are you going to the party?" ,,If course , boke! I can finally wear my costume and Bokuto said that there's gonna be fresh milk for me" Hinata nodded and asked himself what Kageyama is gonna wear , but he didn't asked , because he forgot it while thinking about Kenma . He thought what he may gonna wear , but then he noticed that he still hadn't a costume for himself . What should he wear? Wait , he remebered the one outfit he had . Yes ! He's gonna cosplay her! But he had to ask suga if he woul help after training he went to Suga and asked ,, Suga! Do you already have a costume for the party?" He shaked his had ,,,No , I don't" ,,Do you then maybe could go as ******** because I'm going as **** ." ,, Yes , why not! I love that anime!" ,,Okk, thanks! Let's chat later" ,,Ok, bye Hinata.Have a great weekend" ,,Yeah , you too!"

The weekend Tsukishima was just home and went to the cinema to watch a movie together. After that they went together to a bar to drink something . The waiter walked to them and asked ,,What can I bring you two?" Yamaguchi answered ,, One chocolate smothie and one strawberry smothie . And please the douple plate churros." The waiter nodded and walked away . They already were so often there that Yamaguchi knows what Tsukishima wants without asking him  

(churros : churros are a spanish food. It's so good! The best are the ones in spain ,obviously . But the bar or café has that because the owner is from spain. )

Tsukishima asked Yamaguchi while they were waiting for their order,,What is Yachi gonna wear to the party?" ,,She told me that she's gonna wear something matching to Kyoko. I think Momo and jirou from bnha " ,,Oh ,that's cool. I wish I could go as Eren..." ,,I'm sure Bokuto and Kuroo picked something cool",,I don't think , for that they were way to excited" The order finally arrived and they ate together they food and talked about the new movie 'umibe no éstranger' They both already watched it . It's a Bl movie about two boys on a island . One is a author and the other first a student and then helps in a café. (It's good! I watched it and once I even cried TmT)

The next week Akaashi and Kuroo could finally go again to school . Both weren't still able to train with their teams but they still were there . Kuroo still had to helped them. All were happy to see Akaashi again , the most Bokuto , even if he saw him everyday. He said that it wasn't still the same. Not everyone was happy to see Kuroo , but Kuroo knows that they love him .....or that's what he thinks. 

The week went by really fast so that it was already halloween . After training Akaashi and Bokuto met with Kuroo to buy the food and drinks. They bought a lot of candy and even some alcohol, but not to much.....because Akaashi said so. The candy was some chocolate , some nuts (even if it's not candy) and some  gummy bear (haribo). And they bought a lot of monster the most the original , green,lila , red,mango loco and the white (I would die for monster energy drink TwT)

And of course some strawberry milk for their dear Tsukishima. And they bought some cake and pudding or how Kuroo calls it ' Kenma in food' .And of course the took some decoration. And for some of the Fukurodani members some redbull. It was a lot , but tey don't worry about the money because Akaashis parents has a lot! And Bokutos parents had a lot that now he has.

After that they had to bring everything to Bokutos house , what was kinda hard, but they did it. 

Akaashi put everything in the living room and cleaned it while Bokuto and Kuroo were dressing in there costumes. Bokuto looked like a really cute owl and Kuroo a hot vampire~. Then already the door rang , but it were Yamaguchi and Tsukishima. Akaashi said to Yamaguchi ,,Your cosplay is really good!",,T-thank you" Tsukishima asked Akaashi ,,Aren't you in the costume?" ,,I wanted to change now , but I cleaned the living room and prepared everything. " Tsukishima nodded and went to the living room and shocked when he saw it . In the sides were tables with food , in the middle a place to dance and the leds were on without light. It looked beautiful . Bokuto then gave Tsukishima excited a small bag and said ,,Here is your costume ,hehehe" Tsukishima sighed and went to the bathroom.

Then suddenly the door rang  again . It was 15 minutes before it starts (It starts at 9pm) Kuroo went to opened the door and when he saw Kageyama in his costume he asked trying to laugh ,,W-what the hell are you wearing?..." 

HEY HEY HEY !!!! I wish I would have friends to make a party on halloween TnT I hope you liked this chapter!!! How is Tsukishima gonna react to his costume? And what it Kageyama wearing?I'm not gonna tell youuuu~

 Bye my little cuties!

Wait, three soulmates?! ( Bokuakakurotsuki)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum