Chapter 4

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PoV Tsukki:
I ran out of the school, where we sleep. They probably want to get some fresh air, because they where a long time in my bag. . I began to become tears in my eyes. Fuck, where the fuck do they are!? But then I ran against someone. I was on the floor. I opened my eyes and saw three boys. I know them. The captain from Nekoma, the captain from Fukurdani and the setter from Fukurdani. The captain from Fukurdani went down next to me and held out his hand to me .I took his hand and got up. The setter asked,, Is everything alright? Why are you crying? "Fuck, what should I answer? I took of the tears with my hand and answer,, N-nothing. It don't matter to you, so leave me alone" And so I continued.

PoV Akaashi:
Wow, he's really cute, but I don't think that I'm the only one you think so. Bokuto asked from nowhere,, Should we follow him? He doesn't look that good and I think he isn't someone who cry often. "Kuroo and I nodded so we followed him.

PoV Tsukishima :
I continued my search. I wasn't able to stop crying. I really can't live without them. Suddenly I heard a familiar voice.,, Hey, Tsukki. We have a surprise "I looked at my right

They were at the rim from the camp and next to the forest. I run to them and took them in my arms. I said with tears in my eyes ,,I-I *sniff* was so w-worried. I thought I lost you fo-forever. *sniff* Why did you l-leave. I search you everywhere. Fuck"

Now I saw that Akawhite, Bokugrey and Kurocat had tears in his eyes. I never before saw Akawhite crying. Then Kurocat said,, W-we wanted to surprise you "I looked at him and asked,, With what? "Then he point at the floor. And just then I noticed a baby crowd with blonde hair and glasses like mine. Wait, is that my pet? I let them three at the floor again and asked the crowd ,, Are you my pet?" The crowd nodded then Kurocat asked,, Can we keep him, please?" The crowd said,, Yes, Bokuto and Kuroo are sooo loud. I know that they give me a lot of short cakes ,but I'm sure you're better"

PoV Kuroo:
Wait, I don't want to leave K. No, he doesn't should go. But then Tsukishima said something, that Bokuto, Akaashi and neither I thought would he say. ,, I know that a lot of soulmates take their pets and leave their soulmate alone. My Mother had that. I'm afraid to meet my soulmate, because of three reasons.

One of that is that they take Bokugrey, Akawhite and Kurocat away from me. I don't want that. I can't imagine a life without them anymore and I don't want to imagine it. I know that I'm not the nicest person and I often say that I hate them or they're annoying, but I don't mean it, or not every time. And I'm sure that my soulmates feel the same about you. So what if we just keep it going like it was? We can meet sometimes to watch dino movies or other thing. "I had tears in my eyes, that was so damn cute. But the K asked Tsukishima,, Which are the other two reasons?" Tsukishima answered after a little time,, Well, I already told you that my mother had a problem. Her soulmate loved her but it was fake.

After a year he took his pet and disappeared forever. What if they three just joke with me? I have a, special 'personality. I don't have a lot of friends, well just Yamaguchi. I'm sure they' re not gonna be able to spend a lot time with me and they live in Tokyo, TOKYO! With a bus that's 5 hours away from Miyagi. And there three. Three are enough. They don't need my. What if they don't want one more. Three are already weird, why the hell then four?! ''

Tsukishimas PoV :
A voice said,, Because people can love more than just two persons "I looked behind me and there were Bokuto, Akaashi and Kuroo. Wait, are they my soulmates? But I don't wanna meet them. I have a idea. I get up and asked.,, What are you talking about?" Kuroo answered,, Well ,that you're our soulmate "He showed me his wrist, but I said,, No, there is a K. But my name is Tsukishima Akiteru. See, no K. So, I'm sure we're gonna see us again. Bye. "And so I left, but before I said to Akawhite, Bokugrey and Kurocat,, Come back when you're finished"

Kuroos PoV:
We three looked at Akawhite, Bokugrey and Kurocat and Bokuto asked,, Did he lied? "The cat nodded and I asked,, But why?" Then the white owl answered,, He's afraid. We lived four years with him and we know him very well. He think you're gonna hate him .That's because he have a problem. He doesn't eat a lot .The doctor says that he have to eat more, and not just because he's so tall. When he was 10 everyone was scared of him, so he helped Yamaguchi.

At that time he doesn't really have a problem with food. But then he went to middle school. He begun  to not eat enough . And that's because his classmates begun to bully him. They said he was too skinny and a freak because if his glasses. Just Yamaguchi was his friend. But that all begun because of his brother. His brother was his idol. His brother played volleyball too and said that he was the ace, but he wasn't. One day Tsukishima went to watch a match, without telling it his brother. But his brother wasn't playing. He lied .That broke Tsukishimas heart. Since then he never saw his brother again. Tsukishimas Mother hate him. She says that it's Tsukishimas fault that his father died.

Yes, Tsukishimas Father died when he went at home with Tsukishima in the car. He picked up Tsukishima from volleyball. But then a drunk car crashed against his and so his father died. Tsukishima don't have any marks. It's rare if his mother is home. She sleep with other mem or are in clubs. Tsukishima just have us and Yamaguchi. He doesn't want to meet you, because he's scared if your gonna say the same thinks like his classmates in middle school.'"

I hope you enjoyed that chapter !Have a grate afternoon! Please no hate for my mad english ,it's my third language. BYE 

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