Chapter. 24

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Author-chans PoV:

In the next morning Tsukishima was the first one who woke up but he didn't wanted to wake up Julio so that he just watched a dino doku on his phone .Julio woke up just an half hour later because he's a kid that wakes up really early (Not like me TnT)

Julio asked Tsukishima to play a video game with him until the others wake up and of course he said yes. Most of the time Tsukishima won , but twice Julio.Well , Kei let him win. The next who woke was Kuroos mother and when she saw that they were playing he was really happy and made breakfast. She told them two that Breakfast was really and then left for work. 

Julio and Tsukishima ate breakfast together and after some time Kuroo , Akaashi and Bokuto entered the kitchen too and first there was a uncomfortable silence until Kuroo asked looking at Kei and Bokuto ,,When are you two gonna go?" Tsukishima answered ,,I don't care " Bokuto just agreed with Tsukishima . Then Akaashi said ,, I see that you two are not going to make a decision so I say that in the time Bokuto eat his breakfast Tsukishima go to change his clothes and wait in Kuroos room until Bokuto changed his clothes too and then you two go and we're going too see us tomorrow at 12 am in front of my house ,Ok?" Tsukishima and Bokuto just nodded . Nobody dares to say something against Akaashi when he is like that.

So that Tsukishima went to the bathroom and changed his clothes. Yamaguchi went to buy that clothes with him for that day .When he finished he could hear Kuroo and Bokuto talking in the kitchen so he decised to go to Kuroos room to see his other boyfriend sitting in Kuroos bed and reading a book. Tsukishima asked interested ,,What's the book about?" Akaashi answered ,,It's about a boy that goes with his friends to a adventour and they find Atlantis and then the boy fall in love with a boy from Atlantis because they're still alive but then someone attack Atlantis " first when he stopped talking he saw Tsukishima and stared at him . 

Akaashi told Tsukishima ,,You look beautiful" Tsukishima blushed and thanked him . Tsukishima was wearing a purple crop top with the moon at the top on the right ,just like when he was a kid and he was also wears some tight black jeans with a also black belt . 

( I tried my best 🤧)

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( I tried my best 🤧)

After some time Bokuto went to the bathroom and Kuroo joined them . And when he saw Tsukishima he just stared like 2 minutes at him without saying anything . But then he said ,,Y-you look good" Tsukishima blushed again and thanked him too. After that Kuroo asked worried ,,Are you guys really going to be fine?" Tsukishima answered while nodding ,,Yes , I'm going to protect him " Akaashi saw that there was no way to change his mind so he just said ,,Please call us when something happneds or something don't went like it should" Tsukishima nodded and smiled to them. 

Just a few minutes later Bokuto was ready . He was just wearing some normal grey jeans and and a hoodie with an owl and in his arm was his jacket. 

When he saw Tsukishima he thought that he looked like an angel but he was to shy to say it so that he just blushed a little bit. They said goodbye to Kuroo and Akaashi and then left the house . .They were on they way to the bus station to get a bus that bring them to the zoo. 

Bokuto tried to make a confersation and asked ,,What are our favorit animal?" Tsukishima answered ,,Well , I really like dinos , but because they are already death I think white tigers" Bokuto asked interested ,,White tigers?" ,,Yeah , I think the look really cool ,even more in the snow . " ,, That's really cool , and what do you think about owls?" Tsukishima just replied ,,I think they're ugly and really bornig" Bokuto looked sad at the floo , but then he heard Tsukishima laughing and then Tsukishima said ,,Hahhaha , that was just a joke. I think owls can be beautiful and I wish I could see like them in the night" ,,Yes! Me too! They are sooo cool how they fly and turn the face around! " And that was the moment Bokuto started to talk about his love to owls. 

First when they were in the bus he stopped talking about that.When they were in the bus the sat next to each other so that they were really close what made both kinda nervous . In the bus there was a silence that was kinda awkward but 15 minutes later they were finally in the zoo. They first went to see some flamingos and of course Bokuto made a lot of photos .

And after that they went too see pandas . They were just eating and some sleeping and they were super cute! Tsukishima said ,,They are like you. Eating and sleeping" ,,Hey , that's mean!" ,,But pandas are cute...." Tsukishima blushed saying that and when Bokuto realised what he meant he blushed too.

After that they went to see flamingos , then the bears and a lot ohter animals. But then it was finally time for the owl show! They got two seats in the first rew and Bokuto was really excited to see his famil- I mean the owls .After 5 Minutes of waiting it finally begun and even tsukishima had to say that the show was really amazing. After the show Bokuto was able to make a photo with one owl. Tsukishima sent the photo Akaashi and Kuroo.

They had a really good time and  for lunch they ate some dino nuggets with strawberry shortcake. It really shocked Tsukishima that they had dino nuggets but for him it was more than just fine. They made a lot of photos and Bokuto asked hiiself how he could forgot sucha beautiful person , even if Tsukishima told him that he was the elephants twin . That hurt Bokuto but made him laugh at the same time . At 6 pm they decided to leave the Zoo and went to a restaurant. 

Tsukishima got a pasta and Bokuto a hamburger with french fries. For desert Tsukishima got ice cream and Bokuto a bit of cake. They talked and laughed a lot . After two hours the went to Bokutos house ......

Heyyyyy, bros! Did I read the whole weekends fanfictions about haikyuu!! x reader and Kurotsukki? Yes.... Could I have write more than 3 chapter in that time ? Yeah... Did I wrote that chapters ? Nope..... TnT . I think when I finish this ff i'm gonna write a Kurotsukki Fanfiction . BYE MY CUTIEEEEEES 

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