Chapter. 25

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Auhto-chans PoV ( if you guys want again a other PoV just say it)   :

Bokuto took his keys and opened the front door and asked Tsukishima ,,Is it your first time in my house?" Tsukishima nodded entering the house and looking around . It was way cleaner than he thought. But the truth is that he cleaned it with Kuroo and Akaashi and even asked Kita and Sakusa to help him. That was the reason but obviously he's not gonna tell that Tsukishima. 

,, you want something to drink?" ,, you have strawberry tea?" Bokuto answered ,,Of course" And then went to the kitchen and prepared the tea ( uffff, sorry Shoto) 

In that time Tsukishima looked around the living room . He than noticed a picture with little Bokuto and his mother (Little Bokuto was for sure super cuteee TmT okkk,sorry)

He then saw some mangas and books and he was sure that the most of the books were from Akaashi because it were thing that Akaashi read normally . There were even some owl figure what Tsukishima found kinda cute.

Then Bokuto came back with two cups with tea. Tsukishima thanked him and they sat on the big couch in the living roo and than Bokuto said ,,Today was one of the best days on my life" ,,Yeah ,it was funny" Boktuo then asked Tsukishima ,,Can you tell me more about how we met? Kuroo and Akaashi don't want tell me that because the think it could make you angry" Tsukishima nodded ,,Of course , it began with the trainings camp. It was our teams first time in one since a lot of time . The first minutes went normal and the rest of the day too. But then I couldn't find Akawhite , Bokugrey and Kurocat and I was so worried that I even started to cry. At the end it was just that they searched for K. Then we knew we were soulmates , but I didn't wanted to accept that because of my mom. But you guys showed me that Love is a beautiful thing . First we just were friends because I was still scared , but I saw that I like you guys more than just friends and so it was. But then was the accident ....."

 ,,Wow , that could be a K-drama" ,,Yeah ,hahaha it could"Before someone could say anything Bokuto became a message from Akaashi. 



Bokuto , don't forget the give Tsukishima the present .

Have a nice day , ly



Ohhh! Yes! Thank you! Gonna give him the present now! Byeeee, lyt!!!❤

Then Bokuto remembered and got up and said ,,Wait a moment." He ran to his room and when he got back he gave Tsukishima with blush in his cheeks a little box and a bunch of roses. Tsukishima shocked and blushed and said ,,T-thank you , but you r-really didn't have to",,B-but i wanted , do take it!" Tsukishima took the roses and Bokuto went to the kitchen and took his biggest cup for the roses . Then Tsukishima opened the box and saw the chain.

He took the chain out of the box and said ,,Omg , it's beautiful! Thank you so much" Then suddelny he hugged Bokuto . Bokuto wishpered in his ear ,,I'm happy that you like it"   And then Bokuto could suddenly feel Tsukishimas lips on his. 

When Tsukishima noticed what he did he let go and said ,,I-i'm so sorry" Bokuto blushed  and said ,,N-no , it's ok." For a while there was a uncomfortable silence until Bokuto said ,,I really wish I could remember you " ,,Yeah...." Bokuto looked sad ,,I'm sorry....."  Tsukishima took Bokutos hand and said ,,It's not your fault! Yes , it kinda makes me sad but I'm sure it isn't easy for you neither . Waking up after a car accident and your boyfriends tell you that there is another one without remembering him is sure not easy"

Bokuto smiled at Tsukishima and was really grateful that he was his one soulmate and not anybody else. Then Bokuto asked kinda shy . (like this, not my picture , it's from a fanart UnU)

 (like this, not my picture , it's from a fanart UnU)

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,,Ehm...... C-could we kiss again?" Tsukishima smiled and just nodded . Bokuto leaned forward and put his arms around Tsukishimas waist and kissed him. Both closed there eyes and Tsukishima but his arms around Bokutos neck. It would be a lie it they say it wasn't  a magical moment that both for sure aren't gonna forget.  

After that Tsukishima showed Bokuto the movies he took with him and asked him if he wanted to watch it. Bokuto nodded and was really excited to watch the movies Tsukishima took.

The first movie made Bokuto laughed a lot when the movie ended he wanted to watch the other ine but then he noticed that Tsukishimas head was on his lap and that he felt asleep.

Bokuto smiled when he saw the cute boy sleeping on his lap then he made a photo and sent it to Kuroo and Akaashi.And after that he took him in bride styl and put him in Bokutos bed. Bokuto changed his clothes and then went to sleep next to the blond middle blocker . He had a feeling that something was going to happen that night but he decided to not put attention to it.

The next morning Tsukishima was the first who woke up . He frightened when he noticed that he was in Bokutos bed but then that he felt asleep while watching the movie .He kinda blushed when he remembered their kiss. 

Because Bokuto was so nice he went to th kitchen and prepared breakfast. He made bacon and eggs.  But then suddenly Bokuto ran intothe kitchen and was out of breath and when Tsukishima looked at him confused  Bokuto said ,,I can remember everything!!!"

Hi , my cuties! In the last chapter I forgot to put in the thing I paint ,sorryyy.But it's not really good, but I still hope you like it! Byeeeeeeee

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