Chapter. 27

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Author-chans PoV:

Tsukishima and Bokuto ran in the house and they screamed ,,Kuroo!Akaashi!" But there was no respond. Bokuto started to get breathless when Tsukishima saw it he hugged him and said ,,Shhhh, we're gonna find out what happend , but for that we have to be calm and use our brain" Bokuto started to calm down in the blonds arms and they started to search for imformation in the house . But then Tsukishima screamed from the kitchen ,,Bokuto! You have to see this!"

There was " G smile"'s trait on the wall wrotten with blood. Bokuto asked shocked ,,T-that's the famous serial killer in japan" Then Tsukishima remembered that Bokuto doesn't know that with the serial killer. After that the continued searching until Bokuto called Tsukishima from the living room. It was a letter:


how I can see you found out that I got you two dear boyfriends,or? Don't worry ,they aren't dead........yet. I think I'm just going to have some fun with them ,why not? ( :

See you soon

Bokuto asked Tsukishima ,,Should we call Kuroos mom and the police?" Tsukishima responed ,,First we should call my mom ,she knows more about that. " Bokuto was confused but didn't said anything. After two hours Tsukishimas Mom entered to house and Tsukishima showed him the things they found,,What are we gonna do ,mom? We have to found them!" Rose (Kei's mom) said ,,Yes , I'm gonna call the cops. But some that I know. " Tsukishima nodded .

Bokuto asked while they were waiting for the police ,,Kei .....something is going on that you don't want to tell me. Please , tell me" Bokuto gave him a sad look ,,Kotarou  , I know that you want to know what's goi-" Bokuto interruped him ,,Kei! I want to know what's going on!"

Tsukishima then sighed when he realized that he has to tell him the truth ,,You already know that my father died , well that serial killer "G smile" Killed him. My mother told me that just a week ago. The same thing was with your accident , it wasn't a normal accident , it was planed by him. And the person that attacked my at the hospital has something to do with him. We don't know a lot , just that he want us death I think. Well , we think just me and you,because he let Kuroo and Akaashi live. That serial killer knows us , but we don't know him.He murdered more , but the person he killed had nothing to say , I think that was just because of fun and know he has Akaashi and Kuroo"

Bokuto was shocked , he didn't knew about anything . Tsukishima than remembered something and said ,,Bokuto, show me your wrist" Bokuto nodded and showed it him. Then he called his mom and she asked Bokuto ,,Do you know someone who hates your soulmates or is against your relationship " Bokuto then said ,,My father!" He looked at Tsukishima and then he took a picture our of his wallet and said ,,When you were in the hospital your mother gave me this picture from your childhood

Flashback - Hospital :

Tsukishima was in his hospital room when he heard a knock ,,Come in" It was Bokutos mom who went to him and said ,,I know it's sure hard for you that my son can't remember you , but please don't hate him. He woudln't be able to handle that if someday he remembers you" She put out a picture and gave it him ,,How you can see Bokuto adored his father when he was a child. But someday he just go away. It was just some days before Bokutos eight birthday . " Tsukishima looked at the picture were Bokuto was with a smile and his father ,,I know how that feels.."

Bokutos mom smiled at him and then said ,,I have to go, I told Kotarou that I went to the toilet . Keep the picture." And so she was already out of the room.

End of Flashback

Tsukishima then looked at the man and then noticed and felt kinda stupied that he couldn't see that earlier. He showed Bokuto the picture and pointed at his fathers arm . On his arm was the trait from "G smile" . Tsukishima asked ,,Bokuto when is your birthday?" He answered ,,The 20 september " It was just 7 days before Tsukishimas birthday . ,,My father died ten years ago on the 18 september and your mom told my that your father dissappeared . That was two days before your eight birthday!"

Bokuto shocked ,,So my father is a serial killer?......" ,,I'm not sure , but there is a 75% of probability that it is him..." Bokuto then said ,, Wait ! It could maybe be that he has Akaashi and Kuroo in our old house! "Tsukishima got up and said ,,Let's go there,now!Mom , wait here for the cops" And just some seconds after they left running the house.

They have to find Akaashi and Kuroo before something bad happened.When they arrived they noticed that the door was open. They run but didn't found then . Bokuto said ,,The basement!" Tsukishima nodded and they run in it .

They saw Kuroo and Akaashi tied in chairs with something in their mouth so that they couldn't speak and tthey saw someone with a weapon in his hand . They run to Akaashi and Kuroo and took a knife on the floor and cut them free. Akaashi was hurt on his arm and leg and Kuroos head was bleeding. While Bokuto hugged them , Tsukishima tied up the man without that he noticed that.Then he wrote his mother the adress so that he can come with the police.

Then suddenly the man woke up and noticed that he was tied up. Bokuto took of the masked he was wearing and yes , it was Bokutos fathers face that was under the mask.Bokuto asked ,,Why did you do all that?!" He just laughed and asked ,,Do you really want to know the truth?" ,,Yes!!! After all you did of course !" ,,Ok, I'm gonna tell you why I hate you since the 4 januar when he was one year old. It all began when I was 20 years old in college , when i met soulmate...

HEY HEY HEY!!! I finished my homeworks earlier than I thought ,yayyy!!!I hope you liked this chapteeeer!Byeeee , my cutieeeees

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