Chapter. 18

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Author-chans PoV:

,,Please,Kei!It's because of Bokuto.......he's in the hospital!" 

Tsukishima shocked ,,What?! In the hospital ?! WHY?!" ,,He was on his way to buy some flowers and suddenly a car crashed in the bus he was...."When Kuroo said that Tsukishima was already outside running to the train station. ,,Ok,I'm coming" Then he ended the call and was running fatser then he away did in his live. He had 5 minutes to get to the station , because that's when the last train to tokyo goes that day. But he did it . When he was in the station he saw the train and was able to get in. In the train he bought the ticket and took a sit. It was really empty for a friday. But that's probably because it was late. 

Tsukishima couldn't relax not even a little bit . He was worried . And it was exacly the day before their date. Why?WHY?! But he couldn't answer that question. 

Every second that he was in the train felt like years for him . He just got his phone , money and keys with him, he even forgot his jacket. And even his headphones! And that was really bad for him , because if he would have taken his headphones with him he maybe would be able to relax , even if it would be just for some seconds.But  every moment he thinks about Bokuto he could feel more tears running over his cheeks. That he maybe was death! That he's never gonna be able to hear his hey hey hey again or him calling him Tsukki or Foureyes. But at the same time he knew that it was for Kuroo and Akaashi even harder . he just want to hug them and tell them that every thing was gonna be alright, but he can't because he doesn't know if it's really gonna be alright.

After two hours that felt like years he was finally in Tokyo. He was lucky that it was the fast train to tokyo. But when he ran out of the station he noticed that if was raining really hard, but he didn't cared. the most important thing was to go to the hospital the fastest way he could.After 20 minutes he was finally in front of the hospital Kuroo told him. He was wet and he already was trembling , but he didn't noticed that.  He enterted the hospital and could see a lot of poeple sitting and doctors and people crying. He looked for Kuroo and Akaashi but he couldn't find them so he went to the lady who was sitting in front of a computer. He said ,,Hello, could he tell me were is Bokuto Koutarou?" The lady shocked when he saw Tsukishima .He looked really bad but the woman said ,, He's on the second floor i think  . There are already other people so they can tell you more" Tsukishima nodded and went to the stairs .

 When he was in the second floor he was Akaashi and Kuroo sitting in front a operation room. But there was another person. A woman with beautiful white hair and golden eyes just like Bokutos. He took really small steps because he was scared, but he didn't knew why. Akaashi was the first who saw him. He got up ,,Kei! " Then Kuroo and the woman saw him too. Kuroo run to him with Akaashi and Kuroo put his jacket around Tsukishima and said ,,You're totally wet! You're gonna get sick! Where is your jacket?" ,,I forgot is Bokuto?"  Akaashi answered with a sad look and still some tears in his eyes ,,His right now in a operation. But he had luck!  Four people died , they were all in the front of th bus , but Bokuto was in the back so that he wasn't hurt that much."

Tsukishima nodded and asked ,,But why were he out that late? " Kuroo and Akaashi were silent. Tsukishima could see that they saw it ,, tell me! please" Nobody said something but then the woman said ,,He was on his way to get some flowers , but for his date. I thought that he was going out with Kuroo and Akaashi ." Tsukishima shocked because he then noticed it. he asked himself how he couldn't know that earlier . He looked at the floor and tears begun to run out of his eyes . Kuroo said ,,Kei, it's not your fault!" The woman looked confused ,,What are you talking about , tetsuro?"  Before Kuroo said something Tsukishma said ,, It was my fault.....because fo me he's like that.....BECAUSE I WAS SO STUPIED AND DIDN'T SPEND TIME WITH HIM!!!" 

Before someone could day something Bokutos mom (the woman) slapped Tsukishima ,,How you dare?! I never heard from Bokuto something about you! So you're not importan for him! And now he's there fighting for his live because of you!" Tsukishima shocked and then said ,,You're right.....sorry. But I'm still gonna look if he's ok ,but I'm going to the bathroom for a moment" And so he walked away.

Bokutos Mom asked them ,,You know him???" Kuroo was angry and Akaashi too. Kuroo said ,,Ok, you're Bokutos mom so I can understand that you're mad , but it's not his fault! He wanted to make tomorrow more memories with Bokuto so he don't feel bad anymore! And yes we know him!!! He's the K that we were searching and you just slapped him! ",,Wait! It was K! Your Soulmate?!" Akaashi and Kuroo nodded.,, I.... I didn't knew that!..... " Akaashi said,, We know that, but you should still aplogize." Bokutos mother nodded.

After a half hour some doctors came out of the operation room and one had on his Hand a bed where Bokuto was. A doctor told them,, He's alright. We're gonna bring him to his room. He's gonna wake up in a half an hour or a hour" They nodded and Akaashi went to the bathrooms. Because Tsukishima still wasn't back . He entered the bathroom and when he wanted to call Tsukishimas name he saw a man on the floor with an knife on his right chest and everywhere were blood. ,,KEI!!!".....

I did it again......sorry .......NOT SORRY,HAHAHA. My poor babyyyy T-T I still hope you liked the chapter TwT. Byeeee my cutieeeeees 

Wait, three soulmates?! ( Bokuakakurotsuki)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin