Chapter. 20

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Author-chans PoV: 

Akaashi shocked ,,Y-you don't remember him...." before they could say something Tsukishima entered the room in a wheelchair . When he saw his mom he said ,,Mom!" His mom ran to him and hugged her ,,I'm so happy that you're fine!"Tsukishima smiled but then Akaashi and Kuroo hugged him . Tsukishima looked to Bokuto ,,Bokuto! You're awake!I'm so sorry,it was all my fault!" Bokuto looked at him ,,Are you that Tsukishima Kei they were talking about?" ,,What?" He was confused ,Akaashi told him sad ,,He can't remember you......maybe he's gonna remember you someday or in a few hours!" 

Tsukishima shocked but then smiled said ,,That's good. Bokuto , yes I am Tsukishima kei but you don't have to remember me , I am from the volleyball team Karasuno so I am sure that we're gonna meet someday. " Kuroo said ,,Kei,what are you saying?!" Tsukishima looked at Kuroo and Akaashi ,,Please , don't tell him who I am. It's better that way ,please . If you guys really care about me don't tell him ,please" Akaashi said ,,What?! Bu-" ,,Please ,Kejij. I trust you guys that you don't tell him. it's much better that way" Then he left the room . Bokuto was really confused and asked ,,Why did he said that ? Was he important to me?" Kuroo said,,Ye-" But Akaashi interrupted him ,,No , he wasn't" 

Kuroo looked shocked at Akaashi and Akaashi just said ,, I know it's not the right thing , but Kei trust us" Kuroo noddded .Tsukishimas mother said ,,I'm gonna look at Kei , want someone to go with me?" Kuroo said ,,I go with you" ,,Me too" So the three left the room so that Bokuto was alone with his mom. Her mom go to him and asked ,,Are you ok? does something hurt?" Bokuto just answered ,,Not really , just my waist , but there is a tape over" His mom looked confused at him and asked ,,Tape?" Bokuto nodded ans showed him his waist. It was that waist where were his three soulmate marks . Her mother took of the tape , because she could feel that something was wrong.

But when she saw his wrist, she could not believe is eyes. She couldn't see the letters on his wrist. It looked like someone cut them of with a knife . But not just that, down there was "g slime"'s trait , but so tinny that it's hard to see it. Bokuto asked his mom ,,Mom, is was wrong?" She looked at him and hugged him ,, I'm so sorry , it's all my fault" ,,You're fault?What?" ,,That you are hurt , that you didn't had a two perfect parents. That that happened to your soulmate and that I didn't loved your father" ,,What do you mean ,mom?!" Her mother was alread crying , but she just put the tape back at Bokutos wrist and then she did something nobody thougt she would do.

She jumped out of the glas window from the hospital. Bokuto screamed ,,MOM!" He got up and doctort begun to enter the room. Everyone was shocked but then Kuroo , Akaashi and Tsukishimas mom entered and Kuroo asked ,,Bokuto , we heard you sc-" But when he noticed what happened he stopped . Bokuto was ccrying more than ever in his life . Kuroo and Akaashi ran to him and hugged him tight. ,,W-why?" Bokuto asked him that. Bokutos mom was death the second she crashed in the floor. It was just the second floor , but still to high to survive something like that. 

The doctors left the room when they noticed that her mother was already death.  Akaashi and Kuroo started to cry too , but not even a little bit so strong like Bokuto. Tsukishima was in his room sleeping , the operation made him really tired . 

After a few minutes Bokuto stopped crying  because he hadn't any tears anymore. Akaashi and Kuroo moved away and then Tsukishimas mom hugged Bokuto and said ,,even if you can't remember me or my son , you can always believe in us.If you need some day time away from Tokyo just call my and you are welcome in our home . " Bokuto smiled and thanked her. After that Akaashi said ,,Bokuto , why don't we go tomorrow to your house and look what you want to keep and what not . And maybe the next days you don't sleep alone at your house" Bokuto nodded and thought that it was a good idea.Suddenly a doctor came in and said ,,Mrs Tsukishima?"  Rose (the name of tsukishimas mom) looked at the doctor ,,Yes?That's me" A doctor sighed and said ,, Something happened to Tsukishima. Someone stopped the machine that gives tsukishima air , because after he went to sleep it was hard for him to breath." ,,What?! Who?!" ,,We don't know it , but this hospital is not save for you all." Rose nodded and said ,,Yes , that happened when Kei's Father died . I'm gonna bring Tsukishima to Myiagi at least there he maybe can be save." Rose turned around to Kuroo, Akaashi and Bokuto and asked ,,Do you want to come with?" Kuroo answered ,,I think it's better if we spend some time with Bokuto , but please tell us how it keep going!" Rose nodded and left the room. The doctor waited outside and helped her get Tsukishima and he gave her a little machine so that nothing happens to Tsukishima on their way. 

After an hour Bokuto  left the hospital too , because it wasn't safe for him neither. It was 3 am but it just happened to much for them to go sleep. When they entered Bokuto , he started to cry  again. Everywhere were things from his mom. Then they went to his room and there were a present on the table. Bokuto asked ,,What's that?" Kuroo and Akaashi knew what it was and said ,,It was a present for your date tomorrow (means that saturday , so today but because it's just 3 am he says tomorrow)" ,,Date?!With some else?!" Kuroo told him ,,Yes , but you don't remember him ." ,,Was it that Tsukishima?Who is that?" ,,We can't tell you that , but we are sure someday you're gonna remember " Bokuto was confused but than opened he opened the little box (the present TmT) In there was a chain with a beautiful daimond, but the daimond was a beautiful blue and it was a moon. In the back was something wroten =     our moonshine : bokuto

(that it how it looked,but the mom is a blue clear diamond,I know it's not so good🥺)

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(that it how it looked,but the mom is a blue clear diamond,I know it's not so good🥺)

Kuroo and Akaashi were impressed and Akaashi said ,, We knew that you bhought Tsukki something , but that! That's beautiful , he has to see it!" Kuroo just agreed him ,but Bokuto said ,,Why did I wrote our moonshine?!" Before someone could say something K said ,,Because he is your boyfriend ,dumbass" (supriseeeeeeeee, K still exist) ,,What?! Tsukishima is our boyfriend?!" 

Heyyyy!!!  I hope you liked this chapter TmT . I made it quiz it was about "what haikyuu charakter hates you" and it was Kuroo , because i laugh normal .I was like :

Haha! You never heard me laughing you stupied hyena! 


wait , I wanted to thank for over 2,5 ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I can't believe it!!!💕And thank for all the support , that makes me hopes that I maybe am gonna be able to be an author TwT.

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