Chapter 9

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Author-chans pov:

Bokuto and Akaashi ran to Kuroo and entered an train. when they sit,Kuroo explained ,,It's about your Father Bokuto.Bokugrey told me that he's Tsukishimas....." And so he told them everything and both were shocked and had tears in there eyes.Bokuto cursed ,,Fuck,man!" it took 4 hours until they were in Miyagi.They ran to Tsukishimas home and knocked . Bokutos father opened the door,when the wanted to say something,Kuroo just pushed him away and they yelled ,,Tsukishima! Please,come out,we don't know where your room is,please! " tsukishima shocked when he heard the voices,but opened the door and limp to them. They three ran to them and Akaashi took him in his arms,but when Bokutos father came he slaped Bokuto and yelled ,,how you dare to show up in front of me again?!?!Didn't I told you that i don't want to see your disgusting face again?!" he wanted to slepped him again,but Tukishima yelled ,,Stop!" He limped to him and stand protective in front of Bokuto. ,,Don't you dare to slap him again!

Bokutos Father took Tsukishimas hair and pushed him to him and said ,,hahaha,you homo try to protect his soulmate.Disgusting! "He kicked Tsukishima again,but the Kuro pushed him on the floor and hit him a few times until he was unconscious .Then Tsukishima looked to Bokuto and asked ,,Are you ok?"But he just hugged Tsukishima .

When he the let go the hug he said ,,I'm happy your okay!"Then the other two hugged them two ,but they saw that he limp,the bring his to his bed and then Kuroo said ,We're gonna heal your wounds and stay by your side!"Tsukishima blushed and asked them ,,B-ut school"Akaashi answered him ,,No,we're gonna stay here with you! So just accept it"

They all were nervous ,but didn't let it noticed.After a hour Tsukishima felt asleep and Bokutoo said ,,I hope he is gonna be fine without us ." Akaashi nodded and looked at tsukishima and made his hand on Tsukishimas cheek and said ,,He doesn't deserve that all.I hope he's gonna accept to be our friend and one day maybe our lover" Kuroo agreed and sighed.

When his mother came home Kuroo,Akaashi and Bokuto told her everything and at the end Akaashi said ,,Please,keep care of Tsukishima,he needs you as his mother" She nodded and thanked her . The next day tsukishima woke up and thought that that all was just a dream,but then when they three entered his room with breakfast his heart hit fast and he felt butterflies in his stomach and was really happy to see them.

When he finished his breakfast Kuroo asked him ,,hey,we wanted to say that we want get to know you more.We know that you aren't ready for a relationship,so we just ask you to be our friend. maybe we could speak with each other trough the phone and text ,would that be ok?" Tsukishima was kinda shocked ,but then blushed a little bit and answered ,,Yes,i would like to" ,,Yay" Bokuto and Kuroo smiled bride and Akaashi had a little smile on his face.

Tsukishima already knew that he felt more then just to a friend,but he's still afraid of love.He would love to be with them,but he can't .he don't want them to hate him or ruin their relatonship,so he kept quiet about his truth feelings.

That evening they went back to Tokyo and Tsukishimas mother cared about him.A week passed and he chatted everyday with Bokuto, Akaashi and Kuroo. The Sunday they even called each other what was kinda fun.Kuroo and Bokuto where annoying and dumb, Akaashi Just quiet and beautiful and Tsukishima were mean and laughed about the third years boys.

Tsukishima was just kinda jealous because they spoke with him, but there sat together on Akaashi Couch and Tsukishima would like to be with them.

After the call Kuroo sighed and said ,, Arghhh, I can't wait! I want to hug him! "Bokuto laughed and said ,, Same, bro" Akaashi then spoke ,, Yes, but we had to wait too a long time "Kuroo nodded ,, Yes, but his smile was sooooo cute!" Akaashi meant "You have the same smile." Bokuto agreed Akaashi and giggled. Kuroo disagreed, "But he is cute!" Akaashi said, "You're cute too, Tetsuro"

Kuroo looked shocked at Akaashi ,, You never said that "Akaashi just said ,, But it's true. Let's go to bed, It's really late" They two agreed and so they went to bed.

Tsukishima couldn't sleep well, because he had the whole night butterflies in his stomach and thought about his three soulmates.

And so another week past and the four spoke through the phone every second day.

in two day was a training match Karasuno against Nekoma in Tokyo. Tsukishima is gonna sleep at Akaashi's house that night, because it was a Friday and he hadn't school the next day because the captains are gonna meet that night.

They two were really nervous and Akaashi cleaned the house ,like if he would be Levi Ackerman. And Tsukishima thought a lot what he should bring with him and what he shouldn't or would be to embarrassing.

So the day came and they had to wake up early to take the bus to Tokyo. Kageyama and Hinata couldn't ,because they had to repeat the exam .Tsukishima sat next to Yamaguchi because he was his best friend and he knows that Bokugrey,Akawhite and Kurocat are in Tsukkis pocket.

Tsukishima just heard music and relaxed until they were in Tokyo.When they were there the Nekoma team was already at there .They went out of the bus and already Lev asked where Hinata was,but Daichi answered his question.

Tsukishima already noticed Kuroos look ,but he tried to ignore it .Akaashi and Bokuto were nervous to,they couldn't wait to see Tsukishima .

The Match begun and every time Tsukishima looked at Kuroo he felt Butterflies in his stomach.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter ! Have a great afternoon! Please no hate because of my bad English, English it my third language. BYE

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