Chapter. 28

529 16 4

TW: Suicide!!! 

Auhtor-chans poV:

,,It all began when I was 20 years old in college , when I met soulmate, I loved him more than anything else in this supied world. I never cared that he was a man and after 2 years he moved together in one house. But he had deep depression and it was hard. Bbut everytime I was there for him. Everytime he cried I hugged him , when he felt bad we cuddled and I lost a lot of jobs because of that. But that never stopped me. HIs biggest dream was to have a child , of couse we couldn't because we both were men. But I had a childhood friend and she helped us. I gave her my sperm , that woman was you mother. 

And after 9 months you were in this world. I was happy, more then I could ever be.I decided to show him you when I already were a year old when it was his birthday. That day was the 4 januar .I woke up early to take you. BUt you didn't wanted to leave your cried and it took my a hour to bring you with me. But then when I was home I thought he was sleeping so we entered to living room. You were sleeping in my arms but then when I went to the kitchen because I wanted to prepare the breakfats he was there on the floor and he was bleeding strong. He tried to kill himself .I noticed that there was a cup with still warm coffee so I still had hopes that he would make him. And already since then I hated you. Wouldn't you have cried and already would have come with me I would have been able to save him! To be by his side!

I called the ambulance and they took him. He was a whole year in coma . And when they told me that he didn't made it I hated you even more. But then someone told me that the doctors didn't even tried because we were gay.Your mother asked me if I could act like I love her so that you have a happy family , and I tried but I just hated both of you too much.I tried to kill myself ,but all three times in didn't worked . I gave up and then I started to kill people , first my lovers parents . Then his friends , hid bullys it took along time to find them all. "

Suddenly he got up and said ,,You really think you are able to stop me with stupied tabe?" He was able to cut the tabe. He went to Tsukishiam and put his hand on his shoulder and squished it so that it hard Tsukishima and then said ,,I hate you too. Do you wanna know why? Your father was his brother . But he disappeared . He left his little brother alone withi his parents. His father was always he went home drunk and it was dangerous to be around him. His mother never or just once in the month was home but just screamed at him for being gay. But no , his brother was to scared and left him. It took my really long to find him .It took me 7 years but then i found him. I was sad when I found out that you wasn't dead. But I want your death. You have his blood in your veins"

He squished Tsukishima so hard that he lost his balance in his legs. When Kuroo wanted to help him Bokutos father kicked him in his stomach so that he spat blood . Akaashi ran to him.

Then Bokutos Father took Tsukishima and put his hands around Tsukishimas neck. He strangled him so that he coudln't breath good a. He said ,,First I'm gonna kill you , then your stupied Brother and at the end  I'm gonna to kill Bokuto , because everything was his fault! It was his fault that I couldn't live with the person I love!" When tsukishia was close to faint Bokutos father was kicked on the floor. It was Tsukishimas Mom (Women power!!!) 

Tsukishimas mom had by her policemen that took  Bokutos father.Rose (Tsukishimas Mom) ran to her son that tried to get better air and hugged him ,,Shhhhhh, breath ,In ....and out" Tsukishima had tears in his eyes and it was able to see on his neck were Bokutos fathers hands were. 

And some second after that the ambulance came and took them to the hospital. They gave tsukishima soethiing so that he was able to breath better.In the hospital they found out that Akaashis arm was broken and his leg so that he won't be able to pla volleyball in two weeks . Three from Kuroos ribs are broken and his arm is sprained. He won't be able to play volleyball for a week and a half. Tsukishima just have to recover but it's better if he takes two days break from school. The same with Kuroo and Akaashi.

Bokuto was the whole time in the hospital waitning that his lovers can go home again. Tsukishimas Mom tried to change his mind , but that didn't helped. He felt bad for that what happened to them , he thought that it was his fault . He just wanted to be a good boyfriend.....

HEY HEY HEY ,WHAT'S UP?!  I hope you liked this chapteeeeer!!!bye bye 


Wait, three soulmates?! ( Bokuakakurotsuki)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora