- Chapter 13 -

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"Do you believe we'll win?"

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"Do you believe we'll win?"

You were currently studying, and you were way too bored for your own good. You pushed out your chair, and laid your bed, feeling unmotivated to work. Yet, you didn't really know what else to do.

Your team just beat Date Tech, also known as the Iron Wall, and now the only thing left was beating Aoba Johsai. Which concerned you a bit, this could possibly leave a mark on your relationship with Oikawa, no matter who wins or looses.

You sighed, readjusting your position and closing your eyes. Until, you heard your phone ringing, you pouted in annoyance, but got up to check your phone anyway, incase it really was important. To your surprise, Sugawara was calling, so you of course accepted it.

"Hey (N/N)- I'm glad you accepted the call... I was afraid you wouldn't for a second there." Sugawara started, adding a nervous laugh at the end, you raised an eyebrow wondering what he meant.

"What are you talking about? Of course I'd answer, it's you after all." You confirmed, you heard a faint sigh of relief.

"Yeah, well you'd usually answer straight away- NOT THAT I'M COMPLAINING! IT'S FINE, IT'S NOT LIKE IT REALLY TOOK THAT L-" You cut him off with a laugh, he stayed silent admiring your laugh, something that he hasn't heard in a long time.

"Sorry, sorry, I cut you off. So, you need to tell me something?" You asked, sitting back down your bed after getting up for your phone.

"Yeah, I wanted to- well- I- I'LL SEE YOU TOMORROW FOR AOBA JOHSAI'S MATCH" Sugawara yelled into the phone before hanging up, you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, you've never been around to see, or hear Sugawara act this way. Just as you were about to lay down again, you got a video call request from Oikawa. Knowing that he'd keep calling even if you continued to deny the request, you accepted.

"(N/N)-CHAN! I'M GOING TO SEE YOU TOMORROW!" Oikawa squealed, as if he were a little girl meeting a teen idle. You hesitated to turn on your camera, but did in the end.

"Yup, and one of us is going to loose." You reminded him, Oikawa closed his eyes, stroking his chin as if he had a beard.

"That's right, I hope you don't get too sad when I beat you at Interhigh." he said, opening his eyes to flash you a wink. You deadpanned at the fact that he said that attempting to flirt.

"If you really want me to fall for you, I'd suggest not insulting my team. Plus, we both know we're going to beat you. We beat your team in the practice match." You said, resting your chin on your hand, letting it play as a stand for your head.

"Don't get cocky (N/N)! It'll end wrong for you! Also, if you have any more suggestions onto how to make you fall for me, don't be afraid to share!" He said, giving you a big smile, you gave him a small smirk in return.

"I honestly Oikawa, I don't understand." You said, lifting your head from your hand, letting it drop on your desk

"Don't understand what?" He asked, actually curious to know what you meant.

Do You Believe? - Sugawara Kōshi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now