- Author Note -

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Hey, It's Mellow Here! :]

So, to start off, the book is finished!!
I'm sad to end it here, but I'm also very thankful.
Thank you for all your wonderful support with my very first book,
I'm excited to continue to improve my writing over time!

I applaud you for being able to read all of that,
I'm very tempted to re-write this whole book,
but I'm afraid I may not have the time to.
But maybe, I'll see you again in the future!

If you're still interested in my writing,
I'd recommend one of my other books,
"My First, My Last, My Only"
Which is a Kita X Reader!

Again, thank you so much
for reading and supporting
"Do You Believe"


Do You Believe? - Sugawara Kōshi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now