- Chapter 24 -

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"Do you believe that? It's so pretty

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"Do you believe that? It's so pretty...!"

"YOU KISSED HIM?!" Hitoka had yelled loudly through out the gym, her cheeks were covered in a deep blush, as Shimizu had her jaw dropped as you stood there with both embarrassment and pride. You were ever so thankful that no one else was in the gym at the time besides your teams' managers and coaches.

"That's right!" You said, sending him a grin and a thumbs up. Shimizu's mind returned when you responded, yet she was still shocked at the news.

"W-wow, congrat's (Y/N)-senpai!" Yachi congratulated you, still having that blush on her cheeks. You patted her head thanking her.

"What's all this about a kiss?" Coach Ukai asked heading over towards us, with Takeda following behind him, wanting to get in with the girl talk.

"(Y/N) got her first kiss." Shimizu said nonchalantly, yet wide eyed. Their reactions were priceless. Ukai patted your back, congratulating you, while your uncle Takeda fainted on the floor. You quickly rushed over to his side, helping him up as he readjusted his glasses.

"Oh, wow (N/N), who was it? Please tell me it wasn't some gangster kid-" He hoped, making you laugh. The thought of Sugawara being a gangster, the two words just didn't fit in any shape or form.

"No! No, I'm not stupid, it was-" You were about to speak, until the doors were opened and the gym was invaded with the members of your volleyball team. Ukai went over to announce what he had to say, while Takeda just stood right next to you.

Everything was going fine, until both Tanaka and Nishinoya came running through the door towards you, frightening you a bit, yet they looked quite excited.

"(Y/N)-san, is it true, is it?" Noya asked first, not being clear with his question. You opened your mouth to speak, but Tanaka beat you to it.

"You two did it, didn't you?" Tanaka added, also not being quite specific. You grew slightly annoyed, but pushed it off, ready to respond, but once again, you were beat.

"I'm so jealous, if only I could had the guts too!" Nishinoya added, before the pair could continue with their non-sense. Ennoshita grabbed them both by the back of their collars.

"Sorry about them (Y/N)-san." Ennoshita apologised for the three of them, you nodded, accepting his apology. Ennoshita dragged the two to the middle of court, scolding them. Sugawara made his way to you, but you didn't notice until he tapped your shoulder.

"Huh- oh, hey, what is it?" You asked simply turning to him. He had a look of embarrassment and guilt plastered on his face, making you raise a brow.

"So... I may have told Asahi and Daichi about our kiss last night, and I only planned on telling them, I swear! I don't know how- but Noya found out- and he spread it to everyone else, so now everyone on the team knows... yay...!" Sugawara explained, thinking about it, you now knew why Tanaka and Noya were all over you, which quickly got you flustered.

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