drivers license - daniel ricciardo

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a/n: for britishnarry so sorry i've been falling behind with requests! Based off the song obvs...

Word count: 866



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Even getting into your car reminded you of him. You literally could not escape him. I guess that's what you got for dating a famous F1 driver. The most loud and annoying one.

You rolled your eyes thinking about Daniel. You wouldn't have said it ended badly; in fact it was just one of those things. It wasn't working anymore, he spent too much time away and when you were together it just felt completely different. He had ended it but if he hadn't you were going to. You were almost glad he had ended it, gave you more pity points.

Now however, with three months of no contact and lack of distractions whilst F1 went on winter break. You found him in everything you did. He was all over your twitter feed and Instagram promoting his move to McLaren, reminding you of how happy he was to tell you he had signed and how proud you had been of him. He was in the wine your parents drank because of course they had to buy his wine, they always supported Daniel. He was the clothes your brother wore, because yes his merch was amazing and beyond comfortable and yes Daniel had given it to him for free. You don't date someone for four years without some perks for your family but after you had broken up? really?

The worst of it all, was your car. He had bought you your dream car. An Aston Martin, a super car, one he was terrified of you driving despite his entire career being about driving fast cars dangerously. So he had taught you how to drive it, the two of you had spent hours in the car. Play arguing about how reckless you were being and you arguing back that it didn't go anywhere near the speed of his precious Renault or Red Bull and so he couldn't talk, or complain. You had practiced driving it over and over until he was happy letting you out on the road in it, confident you weren't going to hurt yourself, or someone else.

Now however, every time you looked at the grey car parked on your drive it made your heart ache and your throat hurt thinking about how everything about it reminded you of Daniel.

You decided to conquer your fear of your car and went for a drive. Once you had been driving around for 10 minutes, hoping to catch a glimpse of Daniel now he was home from racing you began to itch for more speed. He wasn't here to stop you from pushing the limits with the car and so you slowly but surely increased your speed. The rush it gave you only gave you more confidence and you were annoyed at yourself that you had never asked Daniel to take you karting or something similar.

Your mind wandered and you were brought crashing back to earth when you had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting someone. "what the fuck do you think you're doing?" you shouted at them, they couldn't just walk out into the middle of the road. Your face was flushed and adrenaline was coursing through your brain so you didn't register who it was until a few seconds later "Daniel?" You said incredulously and stepped out of the car.

"what are you trying to hit me for? I thought it ended well?" he smiled and your heart panged with hurt as it was clear he was over you already.

"Get in idiot, I'll give you a lift" you replied, ignoring the tears that were threatening your eyes.

"yes sir" he laughed but you just got back into the car and watched him jog over to the passenger side.

"where are you going?" you turned and asked him once he had sat down.

"just home" he said and your breath caught in your throat when he looked up at you. God you had missed him.

You cleared your throat awkwardly and set off. The silence was deadly. It was so unlike him to not say anything and yet you couldn't think of anything to say either. The 5 minute drive to his house took far too little time and you were desperate to think of something that would make him stay in the car just a little bit longer. You had missed him sitting in the passenger seat, his aftershave unchanged and so familiar it made you want to be sick with nerves.

You pulled up gently. "I'm glad there were no further racing incidents" he laughed "it was nice to see you" he continued and smiled his award-winning smile before turning to open the door.

You watched him, your mouth dry and your brain scrambling to think of something to get him to stay.

Before you had a chance to think of anything his lips were against yours. You kissed him back passionately, trying to convey everything you wanted to say to him without having to say it.

He pulled away but kept his face close to yours and his hand on your cheek gently. "I missed you" he whispered and you pressed your lips against his again in reply.

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