8&9 - Carlos Sainz

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A/N: This is for @laraF1lover hopefully it is ok ! especially important after his first f1 podium on Sunday !! big up Carlos, actually super proud of him ngl

word count:808


I 've been falling in love with you since the first day we metSorry

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I 've been falling in love with you since the first day we met
Sorry... your hair was in your face... thought I should move it so I could see you better.

You had been friends with Carlos Sainz for a couple of years now. You had watched him go from Red Bull to Renault and now to McLaren where you felt he was enjoying himself the most and being valued for how amazing he truly was.

The whole time you had had the biggest crush on him. He was the only one for you and he couldn't even see it.

You didn't know if it was because he was just that stupid or if he truly didn't see how much you clearly meant to him. Even his team mate, Lando, could tell how much you liked him and he constantly made subtle jokes about it, making you want to kill him for potentially giving it away.

You could honestly say you were in love with Carlos and yet you had to watch whilst girls fell over to try and talk to him and you knew it would be before long that he would fall for one of them and leave you behind.

You just watched him get his first ever podium in formula 1 in Brazil and you couldn't have been prouder. Although it came late and it was missed on the tv it was still something incredible that he had achieved and you were speechless at how amazing he was.

You watched and Carlos noticed you in the corner of the celebrations, you didn't want to get too involved, you weren't officially part of the team, even if they didn't mind having you around, but you didn't want to over step.

He stumbled slightly as he got closer to you and you laughed, knowing that he was beyond drunk having mixed beer and champagne all evening. You let him off though, you only had 1 first time podium. You were worried though, you were unsure as to why he wasn't celebrating with the rest of the team.

"Hi mi amour" he slurred as he got to you, which made you laugh again as it seemed he had forgotten which language he was meant to be speaking but your cheeks flushed bright red at the nickname regardless and particularly when he lent over and gently tucked some of your hair behind your ear before looking at you with his chocolate brown eyes. A sure way to make your knees weak. "Sorry... your hair was in your face... thought I should move it so I could see you better." He said and smiled, uncertainty at first before recovering and being the casanova you knew him to be at the end. Although you weren't used to him using his charms on you. Not that you minded.

"Hey Carlos, congrats again" you smiled at him, choosing to ignore the moment that you thought might have occurred between the two of you. You looked over his shoulder, his hand still resting on your flushed cheek and you made eye contact with Lando who winked at you before walking away and before you have time to roll your eyes back at him. Now was not the time for his silly jokes.

"Thanks, mi vida" he smiled at you, using a familiar nickname, and language this time. He'd told you once what it meant and it still made your heart soar when he called you it, friend or otherwise. You smiled back at him, unsure of where this was going or what to say next.

Before you had a chance to respond Carlos leaned in and kissed you. It was fleeting and gentle and yet it was everything you had ever wanted. When he pulled away he looked just as surprised as you were but he was smiling widely anyway.

"Carlos.. I-" you still didn't know what to say. You couldn't believe he had kissed you, or if it was some game he was playing.

"I've been falling in love with you since the first day we met" He said confidently now, the alcohol coursing through him had given him the motivation to kiss you so suddenly, that and Lando constantly making fun of him for it, he'd had enough of that. You smiled at him and you saw the nervousness evaporate from his eyes.

"I have been in love with you since then too...mi vida" you added at the end, making him break out into a smile that made you melt inside. He kissed you again, more passionately this time and you knew that this is who you wanted to be with.

When you pulled away he put his arm protectively around you and as you turned you both made eye contact with Lando who was happy but beyond surprised at the development. You both laughed as he winked at the two of you and walked away. It was the happiest weekend you had ever had and they continued to be happy forever.

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