own it - Daniel Ricciardo

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A/N: ok finally a happy one! big up, only Dan could be in this one ngl

Word Count:697



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You were out at a club. You hated clubbing. It was honestly the worst thing you could think of doing on a Friday night. Your friends absolutely loved it though and so you agreed to go with them because you didn't want to feel left out.

You were dancing with them trying to get involved with the music and to be honest you were actually enjoying it for once. You continued dancing and laughing with your friends until you felt a hand on your waist. You spun around super quickly not enjoying the fact that some guy was probably trying to get with one of your friends and ruin the night.

You were met with the most gorgeous pair of brown eyes in the entire world, he took you turning around as his cue to put his other hand on your waist and pull you closer to him. You blushed furiously but the alcohol coursing through your veins and his reassuring smile made you let go of your insecurity and you began dancing with him

Something about him made it seem like he was safe and before long you had been pulled even closer by him and he had wrapped his arms around you while you both continued to dance. You were breathless, he made you feel ways you hadn't felt ever before and the amount of dancing you were doing. You kept glancing at your friends who were all busy with their own boys but there were a few winks of approval exchanged between you all. You didn't even know his name and you felt protected in his arms and you were having the best time ever dancing with him you never wanted it to end.

You pushed yourself into him more and lent up so that your face was closer to his. The tone changed instantly, there was now a considerable spark between the two of you and the tension you both felt was electric. You brushed your lips against his lightly in the bravest thing you had done to day and then you pulled away quickly laughing as you did so because you could tell it was teasing him and you enjoyed watching him come apart in front of your eyes.

His cool demeanour had disappeared after you had done that and before you could make fun of him, he had placed his hand on the back of your neck and brought your face closer to his again. He was barely audible over the music and yet you were transfixed and understood everything he said. "you find that funny do you?" he asked, you were surprised by the strength of his Australian accent. You nodded confidence surging through your veins. He surprised you again by continuing "you're owning it mi amour" he wiggled his eyebrows and although he had made you blush his French was not good and it made you giggle nervously. "I'm in awe of you" he said and then he pulled you down to him and connected your lips.

If you thought you were breathless before this didn't even compare. You hadn't even had a chance to comprehend what he had said before and then he was kissing you better than you had ever been kissed before and you still didn't know his name.

When you pulled away you both had the biggest smile on your face and you took his hand and took him to one side. "I'm going to go" you said and his face fell "but I've had a great time" you smiled at him and he smiled back at you. You took his phone and put your number in it and then kissed him goodbye before going to find your friends who were ready to leave too.

By the time you had walked outside your phone had buzzed. 'You're an angel. Hope to see you soon. Daniel' You smiled and said his name over and over in your head. You knew you had to see him again even if he continued to send you cheesy messages the whole way home. You went to sleep with a promise of a date and the biggest smile on your face.

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