favourite t-shirt - Lando Norris

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A/N: Thank you so much for 3k reads!! honestly means the world to me. Hope you guys enjoy this! If you have any requests don't forget to comment on the prompts page!

Word count:705


Lando had liked you for as long as he could remember

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Lando had liked you for as long as he could remember. He just couldn't figure you out, did you like him back? Or were you destined to just be friends for the rest of his life? He wasn't sure if he wanted that if he was being honest with himself.

All of your friends knew that he liked you and they teased him constantly about it. You were all hanging out together one evening near the beach with the perfect view from the cliff you were sitting on out across the bay. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath whilst he was standing near the edge, although he got all the thrills from racing, he still enjoyed the danger of standing near the edge of a cliff with nothing to stop him. And, he knew that you did too.

He opened his eyes when he heard footsteps behind him and smiled when he turned around and saw that it was you. He frowned when he realised how cold you looked though and quickly took his spare top off and handed it to you. You smiled gratefully at him and put it on quickly.

The two of you stood looking out over the water for a few moments. Nothing needed to be said, you were comfortable together. Courage suddenly filled Lando and he gently put his arm around you and pulled you closer to him, holding his breath to see if you would resist or not. You allowed it and looked up at him and smiled. He knew he loved you then, you looked so good in his top even though it was far too big for you and as he turned back to the water with his arm around you, he imagined coming back and standing here once you two had grown old together.

You shivered and Lando instinctively wrapped both of his arms around you and pulled you closer to him so that your head was nestled into his neck. His stomach fell through to the floor when you kissed his neck gently, almost as if to say thank you, but he couldn't believe the butterflies you were giving him. He knew your friends would never let you live this down.

To make it worse you then lifted up his t-shirt slightly and rested your hands on his stomach, Lando pulled back slightly and his breath hitched in his throat, what was happening? You just laughed at him and ran your hand across his stomach before removing them. Lando tried to catch his breath, he didn't understand how you could tease him so easily. He was an absolute mess already.

You wrapped your arms around him and lent back slightly so you could lean up to look up at him "do you like it here?" you asked innocently and he wanted nothing more than to lean down and kiss you. He nodded and hummed.

"I like the danger of standing near the edge" He wiggled his eyebrows at you and lent closer to the edge with you acting as if he was going to throw you over.

"Don't you dare Norris" you laughed at him and he just stared at you, amazed at how incredible you were before pretending to throw you over again.

"Make me stop then" Lando said bravely, laughing slightly at your reaction. He pulled you closer again and he lent close to your face so that your lips were barely touching. His heart was pounding and he could hear it in his ears. Maybe he hadn't been wrong about your feelings?

You lent up so your lips touched, but only just, it was almost as if it hadn't happened at all and it was so brief. Lando's eyes closed instantly and he wanted to savour the moment forever. Before he could react, your friend had called you back over so you untangled yourself from him and waved goodbye "See you around Lando" you said sweetly and smiled at him. He could only wave back still speechless from your kind of kiss.

He thought to himself, as he watched you walk away, that he knew he'd have to see you soon because you were still wearing his favourite top.

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