12. Lewis Hamilton

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A/N: Promise I will stop annoying you with one shots eventually. Hope people are still enjoying them at least...

This one is for flickerxstar hope its what you wanted :)

Word Count:798


Did you at least think of me, when you were having sex with her?

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Did you at least think of me, when you were having sex with her?

You didn't even know how to feel. Angry. Frustrated. Devastated. They all swirled around your head and the tears swam in front of your eyes but you forced them back. You knew Lewis would be home soon and you didn't want him to know the effect he had on you.

You'd had your suspicions. He suddenly had extra late night sessions with his trainer or supposedly stayed late at the garage even though it was summer break. You couldn't understand what you had done to push him away but all of a sudden he retreated from your relationship. He wasn't as happy to see you when he got home, often heading straight to bed with only a hello and he always seemed fast asleep by the time you came up to bed yourself. Once you had finished crying on the sofa downstairs wondering what was happening to the two of you.

You knew he was under a lot of pressure from work and to win the world championship but it seemed like he basically had a clear run to win his fifth world championship so you knew he couldn't really use that as an excuse anymore. ANyway, he always used to talk to you about it and you'd work it out together but for the past couple of weeks he had continuously iced you out and you frequently found out updates about his life from his instagram or articles online. You hadn't confronted him about it because yoy didn't want to push him into something he didn't want to do but it was getting a bit ridiculous now.

It was earlier this morning when your friend had sent you an article from a popular magazine showing photos of Lewis kissing a girl and heading back to a hotel with her. You could only guess what had happened in that hotel room and you could feel the heat rising on your cheeks as you got progressively angrier about what had happened. You couldn't believe he would do something like that to you, you would have expected him to at least respect you and break up with you before he did anything but hoenstly you didn't even recognise who he had become anymore. You knew it was the end of your relationship, and once the anger subsided you kenw you would be upset about it. You'd made so many friends whilst following Lewis around the world, supporting him at every step, and you were sad you had to give up the love of your life and your life just because he couldn't be honest with you.

The door opened and Lewis walked in. He was completely oblivious that you knew because he walked straight past you in the living room and up the stairs. Not this time you thought.

"Did you at least think of me, when you were having sex with her?" you asked him as you stood at the bottom of the stairs. You watched him freeze and stand there with his back to you for a few seconds before turning round.

"I-" He started but you interrupted.

"No Lewis. I don't care about why you did it. I bet you've been doing it for weeks. I was just wondering if you were ever going to tell me or just leave me in the dark looking like an idiot?" You hated that your cheeks had flushed red when confronting him, it made you feel like a child. It didn't help that you could hear the tears in your voice and you just hoped that he couldn't either.

He looked down at the floor and honestly that was all you needed to know. He was never going to tell you. He was going to leave it so that the whole world knew but you, you couldn't believe he was supposed to love you and was treating you like that. You just scoffed and rolled your eyes.

"Nice. Thank you. Goodbye Lewis" with that you turned and left your shared apartment. You knew he had a race in two weeks and you'd come back and move your stuff out then. You shook your head as you walked out onto the street. He hadn't even followed you, unbelievable that you could go from meaning that much to him to meaning so little.

Two weeks later and you had moved all your stuff out. You'd found a new place and you could tell Lewis had moved his new girlfriend in. He'd been struggling with races though and you could tell his head was no longer completely in it. That made you feel slightly better, that you could still effect him slightly even when he had done so much to forget about you.

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