29&38. Daniel Ricciardo

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A/N: thank you so much for 113k, I appreciate it all more than u know lol lame, anyway!

This is for mishkatakava so sorry it took so long, hope its ok!

Word count: 760



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"so it's a date?" "nope. not a date"

if you wanna kiss just grab me and kiss me it's not that hard

You had agreed to meet your friend, Daniel Ricciardo, at the bottom of the path that wound its way around Monaco. He had said that a few of your friends would also be joining for a picnic once you had found a good place to stop.

This disappointed you slightly because you had always liked him. You'd been friends with him for three years and for those three years you had realised that he was more than just a friend for you. You knew he would never see you that way and when he had approached you at your friend's house a couple of days ago to ask if you were free for this picnic, you couldn't help that your heart soared thinking he was asking you on a date.

You had even asked him "so a date?" being braver than you thought you could be and surprising both yourself and Daniel when you had been so forward about it.

Your heart had dropped when he had laughed and replied "nope. not a date" with his signature smile and you couldn't help but notice the small blush that had crept across his cheeks now you were recalling it in your memory. You shook the embarrassing memory away and got ready to meet everyone.

You wandered the streets of Monaco, your brain whirring with thoughts of Daniel. You knew his job was busy and required him to be away for the majority of the year but you thought it was something that you could work out, if he liked you at all that is. You shook your head again and carried on walking.

You smiled as you rounded the corner to the beginning of the path and Daniel was standing there already waiting for you.

"Alright?" He beamed at you and you nodded in response and returned his smile.

"Where is everyone else?" You queried, your heart beat increasing slightly in your chest.

"Ah, I'm sure they'll make it later, shall we start walking?" Daneil said suspiciously but you only shrugged and started walking up the path.

It was steep and you were nowhere near as fit as Daniel and so he had jogged ahead and watched you struggle from his vantage point at the top. He laughed at you almost the whole way and your cheeks were flushed bright red not only from the embarrassment from being left behind but also the walk itself.

The view at the top was worth it though. Once you reached the top you had the most perfect view of Monte Carlo down below you.

You stood as close to the edge of the cliff as you possibly could and closed your eyes, taking in the wind that was swirling around you and the sound of Daniel talking behind you. It hit you then that this is what you wanted.

You turned slightly when you felt Daniel had come to stand next to you.

"It's nice right?" He smiled and you met his eyes when you turned properly to face him

"Yeah, it's amazing" You smiled nervously, you could see the picnic blanket from over his shoulder and yet there were no signs of your friends.

"So," you started, before clearing your throat and feeling a surge of bravery in your chest "it's a date?" you raised and eyebrow at him, seeing Daniel go pink and look down. You didn't think he knew how to be nervous and yet here he was

"So," he mimicked you and it broke the tension slightly. He wrapped his arm around your waist then and pulled you close to his chest so you had to look up at him through the surprise "maybe, it is a date" and he flashed his signature smile. There he was, you thought and it was your turn this time to go pink

"I didn't think you would come if I asked" Daniel said quietly and you had to fight to hide you scoff. He clearly had no idea how you felt about him.

You shook your head. "Of course I would have said yes'' you replied, looking more intently up at him. He had lent in slightly closer and it caused you to lean in too. "you know" you started and you felt his arms tense beneath you in nervousness. "If you wanna kiss me just grab me and kiss me it's not that hard, you're already halfway there" you smiled mischievously at him referencing that he had still not let you go.

Daniel laughed then and finally connected his lips to yours.

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